View Full Version : Night of the Living Dead graphic adventure

25-Jun-2009, 08:15 PM
Today I was playing around with the Internet Archive's "Wayback Machine", which lets you view web pages as they appeared at various points in the past. Looking at HPotD's front page in early 2000 (here (http://web.archive.org/web/19990125090118/http://homepageofthedead.com/)) I was intrigued to notice a brief mention, on the right hand side of the page, of a freeware Night of the Living Dead "graphic adventure" game. From there, there is a link to this (http://web.archive.org/web/20000226103237/www.infinet.com/~dbpattsn/notlddes.htm) page, which give a little more info but no sign of a download link (the page might appear with text the same colour as the background, just highlight over the page to read it).

Searching the modern-day internet via Google brings up precisely zilch on this. Does anyone (Neil maybe) remember this game, or remember linking to the designers page, or have any info on the game or where I can find a copy?

25-Jun-2009, 08:49 PM
Ahhhh, the internet "Wayback Machine", saver of many a good piece of e-porn!

PS--Good luck on your quest, sir.

27-Jun-2009, 10:54 PM
Kraken, I remember this from the old days as a lurker here on the boards, but I could never seem to get the game. If I remember correctly, I once was able to access the page but it had a dead link, and later was unable to access the page at all.

If you find this, could you please hip me to it with a PM?

30-Jun-2009, 11:30 PM
Pretty much unrelated but does anybody remember when georgeromero.com was launched he talked of continuing the dead series via short stories that could be purchased via the site?... waybackmachine doesnt work on that site during the time frame im speaking of and thats what reminded me.