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View Full Version : Challenge - Make Your Own Collectibles

19-May-2006, 04:00 AM

I created a mug for myself on Zazzle, because I love the interview with Dr. Rausch that opens DOtD. (http://www.zazzle.com/product/168391769705308296) I had a thought:

1 - I'd love to see the stuff the rest of you Dead Heads come up with. Why don't we all try our hands at making zombie stuff on either Cafe Press (http://www.cafepress.com) or Zazzle (http://www.zazzle.com/product/168391769705308296) and share the results in this thread?

2 - Administrator -- maybe HPOTD could make an affiliate link and alter links posted in this thread, so if someone clicks through HPOTD gets a little scratch back for all the love you give?

What do you guys think? It's a great way to get fun collectibles. Of course, you're supposed to avoid copywritten material, so you'll have to be clever. Read each site's rules for more info.

(Also, note that HPOTD sells logo'd merchandise at Cafe Press already. Check the shop links from the main page.)

Holly in ATL

19-May-2006, 10:15 AM
While back made a cafepress shop for DWID merchandise


19-May-2006, 10:26 AM
It seems like a cool IDEA but you can't really do it and advertise it on this site. The material you would be using is under copyright and per US law it would be illegal to use any images from the DEAD films.

If you do your own creative stuff you're set, but using images from the movies then promoting it is illegal and could get Neil sued.

19-May-2006, 01:00 PM
DJFunkmasterG is right. We can only do this if we use non-copywritten material. That means, you'll have to create your own artwork, etc.

No screengrabs or material from the movies themselves.

...I like Eyebiter's stuff. I'm assuming it's his movie, so it's kosher for him to make promotional materials for Dead Walk in Dakota.

That's a cool way to promote your films, your webpage, and to give us rare Dead stuff to collect.

This is a funny one:

"I Heart Zombies" (http://www.cafepress.com/cp/prod.aspx?p=lezombieiheart.43836079) -- looks like the heart has been ripped through the shirt...