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View Full Version : Iran hasn't got many friends...

03-Jul-2009, 09:51 PM
...and now even little old Britain is deemed to be the "most evil" of its enemies...


Serously, why are so many Islamic countries seemingly so mad?

03-Jul-2009, 10:08 PM
...and now even little old Britain is deemed to be the "most evil" of its enemies...


Seriously, why are so many Islamic countries seemingly so mad?

I think a lot of Middle-East countries (or at least their rulers) are at roughly the same stage of political, religious and social development as Britain was in the Medieval era. If you took Henry VIII's England, and transported it into 2009 alongside the modern superpowers, gave it some nuclear weapons, then you'd basically have another Iran.

04-Jul-2009, 11:12 AM
Oh, you evil bastards.

07-Jul-2009, 02:39 AM
the iranian govt. is a total affront to planet earth. period.

there is something i would bet a huge amount of ducats on: the next person who decides to use a nuclear device won't be sitting in Washington, D.C, London, Paris or Moscow.

Serously, why are so many Islamic countries seemingly so mad?

i'll sum the reason up in one sentence: they completely fail to respect the fact that humans are individuals and ought to be respected as such.

07-Jul-2009, 12:38 PM
Let's not all tarr them with the same brush, let's not forget the protests against "I'm a dinner jacket's" regime...these countries are ruled by power mad dictators living in the 12th century, but the reality is far more complicated than just labelling them all as barbarians.

However I agree with mike70 here, the chances of a nuclear attack coming from a western country is much smaller than the middle or far east (n.korea etc)

07-Jul-2009, 02:33 PM
Yikes. Does M.A.D. still apply when there are so many players in the game?