View Full Version : new gamespot video about left 4 dead 2

05-Jul-2009, 01:56 PM

So it's interesting that there after more content for left 4 dead 1, i know online trolls have been bitching but i dont think its gonna be the last we'll see of bill, zoey, francis and louis.
Honestly id like to see them do something like rock band, youve got both games then they update the 2nd so you have the campaigns and characters form each like the songs transfer in rock band.

plus - good news everyone! http://www.joystiq.com/2009/07/04/valve-left-4-dead-2-multiplayer-demo-on-its-way/ online demo might be coming soon, hopefully this time round we'll get more people on here playing it.

05-Jul-2009, 03:12 PM
Interesting clip there. I'm liking the way this is progressing and it's definitely shaping up to be a bigger and bolder game than the first. I think the level designs look ace!

Did anyone catch the Freeman comment at the end?

darth los
10-Jul-2009, 05:35 PM
Interesting clip there. I'm liking the way this is progressing and it's definitely shaping up to be a bigger and bolder game than the first. I think the level designs look ace!

Did anyone catch the Freeman comment at the end?

Wouldn't it be cool to have gordon in l4d as well?

Side note: perhaps the similarities between the two games can be put to good use. Any chance the cast from the original can show up in the sequel and vice versa?


23-Jul-2009, 04:26 PM
new poster and infected revealed, the spitter, who stands back and lobs sticky poisonous crap at the party to try and separate them or stick them too one spot. from a design standpoint this isn't bad, its kind of like a mandatory boomer. wheres with a boomer you can be a dick and leave your friend, if your both stuck AND puked on?

bloody hell....

needs maor portal gun.



-and uncle phil will be the bill for me in this game, the character i love playing as to make up random backstories about living with his wife and his nephew in bell air.....

23-Jul-2009, 04:28 PM
I like her Depeche Mode t-shirt. :D

darth los
23-Jul-2009, 05:53 PM
new poster and infected revealed, the spitter, who stands back and lobs sticky poisonous crap at the party to try and separate them or stick them too one spot. from a design standpoint this isn't bad, its kind of like a mandatory boomer. wheres with a boomer you can be a dick and leave your friend, if your both stuck AND puked on?

bloody hell....

needs maor portal gun.



-and uncle phil will be the bill for me in this game, the character i love playing as to make up random backstories about living with his wife and his nephew in bell air.....

From that pic, she looks alot like Dr. Toungue. It wouldn't be the first time A zombie project ripped an idea/scene from a GAr flick.

But yeah, I fully expect a number of tweak and addition to be made in several areas before the release of the game.

One good thing about all this early advertising is that it gives the developers a chance to get feedback from the gaming community and, in the end, make a better game.


23-Jul-2009, 05:55 PM
"Swamp Fever" gameplay:


The ambient lighting looks really good, and the zombie's faces are way more detailed too. Absolutely can't wait till November!

darth los
24-Jul-2009, 05:39 PM
"Swamp Fever" gameplay:


The ambient lighting looks really good, and the zombie's faces are way more detailed too. Absolutely can't wait till November!

Me either. I just hope they don't screw with it too much and ruin what made the first game great. Honestly, I would have been happy with a few new campaigns for the first game.


24-Jul-2009, 06:16 PM
god damn, the mroe i see the more excited i am, plus its gotten me into another big kick of the original.

26-Jul-2009, 06:30 PM
A couple more videos, both are MUST WATCH material:

"What's new" interview, shows new zombies, weapons, AI director improvements:

"Stay out!" gameplay:

26-Jul-2009, 07:48 PM
loving what i see each time, coach, nick and rochelle seem like great characters, but ellis is like the new francis, like valves gone "okay weve got tough verteran, confident college girl and sarcastic tough guy and..token black guy with no emotion, time for a sequel, tough veteran couch guy, confident reporter woman, sarcastic tough guy conman....and, lets mix this up, token expendable annoying teenager, poi-fek!"
maybe its the trucker hat bt combo that reminds me of those annoying scouts in tf2, but i just cant seem to like that guy.

darth los
27-Jul-2009, 01:27 PM
loving what i see each time, coach, nick and rochelle seem like great characters, but ellis is like the new francis, like valves gone "okay weve got tough verteran, confident college girl and sarcastic tough guy and..token black guy with no emotion, time for a sequel, tough veteran couch guy, confident reporter woman, sarcastic tough guy conman....and, lets mix this up, token expendable annoying teenager, poi-fek!"
maybe its the trucker hat bt combo that reminds me of those annoying scouts in tf2, but i just cant seem to like that guy.

I was fine with the original cast. It'll definitely get some warming up to these guys or me but I'm sure it'll happen.

When ever a group of people go through a life and death struggle together it tends to bring them closer. :rolleyes: (yes i Realize it is but a game).

I'm sure that'll happen here.


27-Jul-2009, 03:02 PM
I like the new guys too. There's something a bit more genuine about them. Great vids btw. :cool:

darth los
28-Jul-2009, 05:09 PM
I like the new guys too. There's something a bit more genuine about them. Great vids btw. :cool:

A riverboat gambler? Genuine? Not without a tophat, monacle and handlebar moustache sir!!!

And a reporter? Are these guys serious?

In regards to your statement, imo, the first cast is more believable to me.
