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06-Jul-2009, 01:45 AM
http://tweetingtoohard.com/ - a collection of posts from twitter that are the most pretentious and self important crap on there. and i dont mean "really think my upcoming work is great" stuff, the current number 1 is "Leaving one party and heading to another one. Its sooo hard being popular!"

this is the best thing to read during a break at work, a quick five minute burst of "lol, retards"

06-Jul-2009, 03:34 PM
Cool link. Hilarious shit man!

Like a lot of blogs I have read, many tweets that I have read seem way self-important. As if I give a shit about some fool's random thoughts on how great they think they are!

06-Jul-2009, 03:37 PM
WTF? Can't afford to fuel up Daddy's jet??? Seriously?:confused:

06-Jul-2009, 05:08 PM
Do people like that really exist? I know of a few moderately well off people locally who are flash with their cash & like everybody to know it,& i think they are complete tools! So these going online & thinking us "little people" are actually interested in how privileged their lives are can fuck right off! :rant:

06-Jul-2009, 05:23 PM
Do people like that really exist? I know of a few moderately well off people locally who are flash with their cash & like everybody to know it,& i think they are complete tools! So these going online & thinking us "little people" are actually interested in how privileged their lives are can fuck right off! :rant:
Tricky, these kind of trust fund kids with an inflated sense of self-entitlement are all over an every increasingly gentrified Los Angeles to the extent that when living here you are surprised when you come across someone who is not tweeting about how great they think they are or how their money makes them a better human being than those without. They really do think this way, and worse than that, they are proud of their elitist ways and trumpet their membership in the club of "elites" whenever they can.

06-Jul-2009, 06:25 PM
:lol: ah, that's great.

this is probably my fav of the bunch so far:

228 this morning. Rock-hard abs. Looking good. I'd fuck myself if I were flexible enough.

07-Jul-2009, 05:08 PM
It was me guys, I posted all those tweets. I can't help being the mother fucking Adonis.

07-Jul-2009, 07:53 PM
The fact is that my money DOES make me more important than the rest of you. So anyone out there with less than... let me check... 5 dollars and 37 cents... screw you losers. :moon: :p