View Full Version : dead set

09-Jul-2009, 01:59 AM
just watched it and thought it was real good. liked the ending too. hate big brother, but loved this version of it.

09-Jul-2009, 10:12 AM
Yeah, it's good. I'm not a fan of the ending tho, think it's pretty crap.

And the zombies? I fucking hate them. They're very annoying. They're hissing, yelling, twitching (what the fuck? Why does every fast zombie have to twitch these days?) and running? All around annoying. But a good plot.

09-Jul-2009, 11:31 AM
Everyone keeps talking about how great the show was, but I just can't bring myself to shell out and watch it. I suppose I just can't get over the one-two punch of Big Brother plus twitching, screaming zombies. I know in advance that I won't give a flying shit for the characters, if they are anything like real BB sleb-wannabies, and...


...I know they all bite it anyway.

09-Jul-2009, 12:45 PM
I just wish there was a region 1 release!

09-Jul-2009, 01:24 PM
it is on i-tunes folks.

just sayin'

09-Jul-2009, 01:28 PM
it is on i-tunes folks.

just sayin'

You kids and your trendy portable devices....

09-Jul-2009, 03:05 PM
Still not got around to watching it :o

09-Jul-2009, 03:31 PM
You kids and your trendy portable devices....

you luddites and your fear of modern technology.....

09-Jul-2009, 03:39 PM
you luddites and your fear of modern technology.....

Just for reference...I was joshing around. I love my ipod.:cool:

Still haven't seen this show....

darth los
09-Jul-2009, 03:46 PM
you luddites .

Okay dude, you just made me google a word to see what it meant....no fair. :( :lol:


09-Jul-2009, 04:21 PM
Okay dude, you just made me google a word to see what it meant....no fair. :( :lol:


teh maor joo no.

09-Jul-2009, 10:39 PM
Everyone keeps talking about how great the show was, but I just can't bring myself to shell out and watch it. I suppose I just can't get over the one-two punch of Big Brother plus twitching, screaming zombies. I know in advance that I won't give a flying shit for the characters, if they are anything like real BB sleb-wannabies

I've never watched BB, have about zero interest in reality shows & figured I'd feel the same way about the characters that you did, & ended up LOVING it. TOTALLY different than what I expected.

They did a good job w/ characterization, the BB back drop is really just that: a back drop to set the story against (a la the mall in Dawn). The whole reality thing also acts a bit as a vehicle to explore the fascination w/ reality shows, instant celebrity, & TV culture in general. As far as the look & production values it could have been a feature film. Did not skip on the gore, violence or profanity either.

Unlike Ned, I dug the ending. The last 1/2 hour was tense, unrelenting, & had me on the edge of my seat. I was shocked & quite surprised they didn't cop out. It haunted me for days afterward & left me thinking about the show over & over.

The runners didn't bother me as much as they normally would. For being runners I thought they were pretty well done. They ran like a human would run & sounded like a human would sound at least, so they were at least tolerable & somewhat believable.

Hopefully I'm not hyping it too much to the point that anyone who watches it ends up disappointed, but it was the most impressive zombie flick I've seen in a good long while.

10-Jul-2009, 12:06 AM
much as i abhor that brain rotting excuse for television it is a good hook in the sense that the housemates are isolated with no input from the outside world. They dont know about the zombie plague till its right on there doorstep, and banging on the window to get in.

10-Jul-2009, 01:25 AM
it was the most impressive zombie flick I've seen in a good long while.
Yojimbo agrees with Moon: better zombie flick than the majority of the shit I've seen recently. Yeah, there are assorted issues (like running, shrieking zombies) but overall better than most, and I thought a really fun and good time with some pretty decent bits.

Also like Moon, I too detest Big Brother. Have only seen bits of the shows, and from what little I have seen it appears that they tend to be filled with the same reality-show type of self-obsessed morons with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement, which makes Dead Set work all the better for me since I get to watch those pathetic reality show pseudo celebrities get terrorized by zombies, even if they are stupid running zombies.

12-Jul-2009, 12:50 AM
I rewatched this in HD the other day and it's much better the 2nd time around.
I'd forgotten how brutal and disgusting the gore was. Some seriously sick stuff going on in this and hats off to CH4 for broadcasting it.