View Full Version : Bad day for British troops..

10-Jul-2009, 11:36 PM
http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Afghanistan-Five-More-British-Soldiers-Killed-Just-Hours-After-Three-Other-Troops-Confirmed-Dead/Article/200907215335584?lpos=UK_News_Carousel_Region_0&lid=ARTICLE_15335584_Afghanistan%3A_Five_More_Brit ish_Soldiers_Killed_Just_Hours_After_Three_Other_T roops_Confirmed_Dead

:( I might be out there with A coy 4 Yorks next year as im taking part in recruit selection training next month, but to be honest this whole Afghan thing is putting me off joining with the sharp increase in casualties! It wouldnt be so bad if we were fighting a just cause with clear objectives & in the defence of Britain, but Afghanistan is just turning into a mess & I dont think that country is worth any of the 184 young british lads who have died there, not to mention the hundreds crippled for life. The normal Afghans may not like the taliban,but they sure as hell dont like us either! This whole thing is made even worse by the fact the government has blown untold billions propping up dodgy banks & building societies, while pleading poverty to the armed forces,slashing defence budgets & sending lads into major battles in soft skin or lightly armoured vehicles with no body armour & not enough ammunition :mad: I think the death toll among British forces in Afghanistan & Iraq would have been at least halved if the government actually gave a shit about the young lads they send off to war & gave them the tools they desperately need to do the job. Of course Gordon Clown & all the other parties & MP's are far more concerned about winning votes & political points back home than paying attention to the clusterfuck they've caused on the other side of the world...
Also why is it only american & british troops doing all the heavy fighting & dying out there? I thought it was a combined NATO campaign, so why are no other NATO countries sending their troops into the battles ours are fighting? I know they have staff there,but the vast majority of european countries only send chefs,admin staff etc...
I support our troops 100% and may end up one myself soon, but im seriously beginning to wonder why we are still out there being picked off in increasing numbers by guerrillas so long after the original invasion (which i did support 100% in the wake of 9/11) & wonder what everyone elses opinions on the Afghan campaign are?

RIP to these lads killed today anyway :(

11-Jul-2009, 01:17 AM
Also why is it only american & british troops doing all the heavy fighting & dying out there? I thought it was a combined NATO campaign, so why are no other NATO countries sending their troops into the battles ours are fighting? I know they have staff there,but the vast majority of european countries only send chefs,admin staff etc...

Well. . . I hate to say it, but most of the other NATO countries are pussies. Pompous, self righteous, pascifistic pussies at that.

11-Jul-2009, 05:33 AM
It's not just a US/UK fight-the Canadians are mixing it up with AQ/Taliban, along with a few other countries. It just seems like most of the NATO continginents there, if they have a fighting role, are in calm areas, or aren't of much use in a fight. The fa christsakes Germans were asked to take a bigger combat role I read once. Germans. The people who twice took over much of Europe, chunks of Africa, and parts of the Mid East, defeating armies as good and as large as them now have to be asked to be more aggressive against rebel rabble.

I'm really wondering how this situation in Afghanistan has gotten to this point. Did the AQ/Taliban the Green Berets, SAS and CIA not kill through air power or Afghan allies slip into Pakistan, find their balls again, rebuild and come back while we were all busy in Iraq? I think so.

I hope Iraq's situation improves so the draw downs can continue, because I really think we're going to need all the troops there we can get if we want to keep it from being Vietnam 2.