View Full Version : anyone else sick of the da vinci code hubub?

19-May-2006, 01:50 PM
jesus h. christ in a chariot driven side car am i sick of hearing about this tripe. last night i was flipping channels and it seemed like every single frigging channel had some da vinci code crap on.

do people not realize that the book is a complete and total work of fiction? it is totally mind distorting that it is being treated in many ways as if it were some important work of scholarly reasearch. unfrickinbelievable.

19-May-2006, 02:21 PM
Makes you wonder though, even though we all know its fiction people are still compaining about it's anti christian ways. Makes me think they have somethinng to hide after all on a bigger scale (that there is no fecking God!).:elol:

19-May-2006, 06:49 PM
It's an interesting idea, but Brown's writing style is "blah" at best. Great concept, poorly delivered. I just hope Ron Howard's movie delivers the concept in a more interesting way.

19-May-2006, 06:51 PM
People will flock to anything. I have no desire to sit through the tripe known as The Opie Load (well, know that way to me)

19-May-2006, 08:02 PM
People will flock to anything. I have no desire to sit through the tripe known as The Opie Load (well, know that way to me)

Although "The Da Vinci Code" has all this controversy and the reviews have been negative...."Opie" is one hell of a director.

But yeah, I have no desire to see this film. At least not by paying, anyway. I'll wait for cable.

It's funny that Scipio mentioned the 20,000 shows on last night about this. Me and a few buddies noticed the same thing and decided to count them all. Within the same hour there was eight shows on about it.:eek:

19-May-2006, 10:54 PM
"Opie" is one hell of a director.

Yes, he is....but, now he's jumped on the wagon.
In fact, He's one of my favorite directors.
But what's with the Opie Code? When a director uses controversy (instead of art) to sell a flick, I say f*ck 'em!

21-May-2006, 12:27 AM
you should see the movie first.
saw it last night and it wasn't nearly as bad as the reviews made it out to be...like you said, the controversy immediately forces people to trash it just to be different...i think the critics just hopped on this bandwagon...

22-May-2006, 12:14 AM
you should see the movie first.
saw it last night and it wasn't nearly as bad as the reviews made it out to be...like you said, the controversy immediately forces people to trash it just to be different...i think the critics just hopped on this bandwagon...

I do not go by the critic's. And sometimes you can find some good in even the worst of movies. I will be seeing it soon.

22-May-2006, 01:46 AM
do people not realize that the book is a complete and total work of fiction?

Fiction based upon supposedly real people.
Pretty much like the bible. :elol:

22-May-2006, 10:07 AM
It was like all the fuss over Dogma, I thought it was great that Smith joined the protests in Jersey for fun with "Dogma is Dogsh*t" on his placard. The protesters hadn't seen the movie (as per usual) and had no idea who Smith was! He was even on the news protesting his own movie, lol.

Anyway, they're protesting a movie about Catholicism ... written and directed by a Catholic.

It beggars belief, sometimes you think these whingers have nothing better to do. The funniest protest I've seen this year was a recent Stephen Green (Christian Voice - British nutters) run protest outside a showing of the Jerry Springer Opera. There were maybe two dozen protesters singing prayers with candles achieving nothing because none of the public - who were FLOODING into the theatre - were taking notice.

Speaking of protests, I read about a movie called "Hard Candy" in Total Film the other day, and the makers said they hoped they got controversy and protests - why? Because it'd do them the world of good and get their film seen by many more people than it would have done otherwise, lol. These protesters don't get it do they? The only way to make something go away is to ignore it.

24-May-2006, 03:36 PM
I do not go by the critic's. And sometimes you can find some good in even the worst of movies. I will be seeing it soon.

Well I saw it monday and I was very unimpressed. It was somewhat boring. I am sure the book is better as usual. I thought this would be a better movie than MI3 but MI3 I actually enjoyed dispite my annoyance with Tom Cruise. he pulled off a good movie.