View Full Version : The Best Doorbell Ditch Ever

15-Jul-2009, 04:13 PM
Who didn't do some stupid stuff when they were teenagers? Doorbell ditching is usually one of those pranks.

Everyone knows the dog poop bag on fire trick, but this one takes the cake, imo. All you need is a garbage can and some water.....


It's not like I would do anything like this now, but this video has the kid in me pissing himself with laughter.

15-Jul-2009, 04:20 PM
He better be glad to have a hard surface floor, instead of carpet.

15-Jul-2009, 05:46 PM
It's not like I would do anything like this now, but this video has the kid in me pissing himself with laughter.

:lol::lol: me too, man, me too.

that's a classic for sure. was that dude pissed or what?

on the subject of practical jokes, this about killed me the first time i watched it.YJBcilcp5_M

15-Jul-2009, 05:48 PM
I'm not the sort of person who enjoys practical jokes when the receiving party is just some stranger, or not in on the joke or what have you.

I just wanted that guy to spot the camera dude and kick his ass - now that would have been funny. :D

This reminds me of a clip someone posted a while ago, it was a UK clip I think, of some chavs all gathered around some dude's house and they were heckling him etc, and one guy was right up at his front door all up in his grill or what have you, and then the home owner (who was standing there all calm the entire time) just goes ape shit on this 'big tough guy' chav, and utterly kicks his all all over the garden in front of his chav friends - that was freaking hilarious. :D

In the UK we call it "cherry knocking" mostly, although I never did it - I don't understand why it's supposed to be funny, it's just lame and annoying. The only time it was remotely mildly amusing was when I was at university in the first year when we were in halls, and we were all good mates, so we'd prank each other a little now and then - all in good fun, and if anyone wasn't taking kindly to it we'd stop immediately and make it up to them.

Speaking of which, I remember this one time a halls-mate tried to get my attention by throwing a stone at my window (like a little pebble), but it was much bigger than his drunken mind could comprehend, and he smashed the fucking window - unfortunately I was in a really foul mood at the time, so I was absolutely sodding ballistic (putting that 'bin load of water' guy to shame) - I scared the bejesus out of the girls in the halls (apparently they were properly scared, which I was surprised by), but funniest of all (now that I look back) the dude who threw the stone in the first place was terrified (and he had the room next door to me, lol) - he thought he was gonna get thrown out of uni or something, haha ... so I must have really gone mental ... so mental I lost my voice with all the shouting - it just cut-out mid swear. :p

15-Jul-2009, 06:17 PM
I'm 27 & i'd still do that :evil:
usually when ive been out drinking & im wandering home with mates in the early hours, i end up moving peoples gnomes,dustbins & potted plants out of their gardens,making roadblocks out of roadworks signs & cones that i find & lifting all the windscreen wipers up on rows of parked cars!nothing that could be considered genuine vandalism,just highly amusing to a bunch of immature drunk lads :elol:
Last month my mate who's a policeman ended up playing 3am knock & run after a night out, and he was hiding behind some wheeliebins in someones garden while his colleagues were searching the streets for the culprits :lol:

15-Jul-2009, 06:34 PM
:lol: That video is great. They're lucky that guy didn't catch them because he seemed a little ballistic/psycho. I grew up in an apartment complex, so doorbell ditching was a major part of my childhood life; it was just so easy to do here, with there being such a huge number of living spaces in such a small area... a lot of which had big fields in front of them, so at night I could ring, then just go sit in the middle of the field and watch the reactions.

Tricky - I've done that roadblock shit before! :lol:

When I was much younger we did something that could be considered bad, to some. There's an El station a couple blocks from me. At night, we'd go to the station and put very thin pieces of wood on the outside of the double-door handles. So, when the people getting off the El went to walk out the door, the wood would prevent it from opening. The station was primarily giant glass windows so we could see everyone's reaction. There'd be about 20 people in the station at a time like "What do we do?" - of course, we'd use thin wood so that if they really needed to get out, they could with very little effort - it usually took about 4-5 minutes for someone to realize they just had to push the doors a little harder. That was always the best prank when there'd be a cop jut getting off duty (still in uniform) in the station!

15-Jul-2009, 08:01 PM
Haha, that water prank was pretty fun. But calling the cops? That was just overdoing it. It's just water, man. He should be thankful. It could have been lava!

15-Jul-2009, 08:04 PM
Haha, that water prank was pretty fun. But calling the cops? That was just overdoing it. It's just water, man. He should be thankful. It could have been lava!

And the cop says it was a good one.:lol:

It really doesn't make any sense to call the cops. Unless the homeowner just wanted to file a report. That way if he ever catches anyone else trying to pull a prank he can try to pin the water can on them too...