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View Full Version : Racism and Homophobia in Video Games?

darth los
16-Jul-2009, 06:58 PM




Both articles are gross exagerations, imo. People really need to get a life.

A gay gaming panel? Are these people serious!?! This p.c. shit is really getting out of control.

I work in Downtown Brooklyn and they just had a "little people" convention and one of the main topics was to petition the FCC and other agencies to ban the word "midget".

WTF is going on here!?! We have speech police now!?! I don't have any problem with any particular group of people, I have many flaws myself, but don't tell what i can and can't say or what I can and can't call somebody, it's my mouth.

O.K. rant ova. :rant:


16-Jul-2009, 07:04 PM
yeah ive done a double take on the gay gamer thing before, ive yet to hear anybody go "well you must be recognized as playing games differently because of your sexual preference" its like being uber pc for no reaosn, homosexuality has no impact on how good you are at halo or final fantasy, whats the deal?

16-Jul-2009, 07:32 PM
this part of that article really drives home this sad, sad fucking state of affairs:

The Chronicle's blogger suggests Ubisoft might have allowed players to have a choice between the union or the Confederate, so you wouldn't be "forced" into killing other characters for the crime of being a member of the army that freed the slaves. Here's how it was put:

"Shooting Union soldiers really just made me pause the game and walk away for a few minutes. As a minority, had the South won, I wouldn't be in this position I am today. They were content to keep things the way they were -- no need to free their slave labor, no need to give minorities the right to vote. It wasn't until the 1960s -- and the threat of military force -- that the Old South buckled and let blacks vote -- a hundred years after the end of the Civil War."

it's a focking game!!!!!!!!! period. it isn't real.

that quote is a fabulous example of a person who takes themselves WAY too seriously.

darth los
16-Jul-2009, 07:39 PM
this part of that article really drives home this sad, sad fucking state of affairs:

it's a focking game!!!!!!!!! period. it isn't real.

that quote is a fabulous example of a person who takes themselves WAY too seriously.

Or, that wants to force his views on everyone else and have them act accordingly. The FACT is, it is history, it did happen. If someone doesn't want to be exposed to it, and he was on to something here, put the controller down and walk away.


16-Jul-2009, 07:44 PM
that quote is a fabulous example of a person who takes themselves WAY too seriously.

Also, if that guy thinks the civil war was only about slavery, he's seriously shitting himself.

As for this quote:

It's easy to think something like, "Hey, lighten up! It's just a game!" but imagine for a moment, a video game that had players to take on the role of a Nazi tank commander blitzing through Poland in 1939. Obviously, that game wouldn't ever be made -- Nazis are for shooting, not being heroes -- so why is it okay to lionize the Confederate army during the American Civil war?

For the record, if there was ever a Call of Duty game where you got to play the Nazis, I'd be the first one in line. Why? Because I've played as an american or british nine million times now. I want a new perspective. Duh. It's not that hard to get through your skull.

Okay, here's another issue that's quite prevalent in video games, but from which I see no objection from your part, Stephen Johnsson:

Murder. That's right. Murder. The worst crime of all. Worse than racism, worse than homophobia. You commit it all the time in video games. Yet you never "pause" to think about that, do you? Idiot.

16-Jul-2009, 07:46 PM

People just love to bitch, I guess.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game is pretty racist and I'll admit that. No joke. They pick on Zeddemore(The black one) throughout the entire game. They bust some civil war ghosts in a museum and make jokes about it the entire time because Zeddemore is there.

A conversaion near the end of the game goes something like:

Character(wont say name for spoiler reasons): "And everyone says you're the slow one!(speaking to Zeddemore)
Zeddemore: "Me? Wait....who says that?!?"
Venkman(while patting him on the back): Everyone....

Poor ol' Ernie Hudson.:p

darth los
16-Jul-2009, 07:50 PM

People just love to bitch, I guess.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game is pretty racist and I'll admit that. No joke. They pick on Zeddemore(The black one) throughout the entire game. They bust some civil war ghosts in a museum and make jokes about it the entire time because Zeddemore is there.

A conversaion near the end goes something like:

Character(wont say name for spoiler reasons): "And everyone says you're the slow one!(speaking to Zeddemore)
Zeddemore: "Me? Wait....who says that?!?"
Venkman(while patting him on the back): Everyone....

Poor ol' Ernie Hudson.:p

Lol. I recall that comment. But to be fair winston came up with a few good deduction throughout the game. But, yeah 3 white guys picking on the lone black guy doesn seem racist. But maybe it was true and it just so happens that he was black.


16-Jul-2009, 08:13 PM
just read through the homophobia article and it makes me wonder if i am having an acid flashback.

"how to provide safe spaces for LGBT people online, how to ensure the best policies are in place to prevent virtual attacks against LGBT people and how to educate the users of online communities about the effects of homophobia."

exsqueeze me??? why in the fock is it necessary to wear your sexuality on your sleeve when you're playing video games? just go into the room and play. if there are assholes in the session most consoles have ways to block them out and never play with them again.

on the same tip: has anyone else seen these idiotic commericals trying to get people to stop saying "that's so gay" or things along those lines. i think i'd smack a bitch if someone came up to me like that chick in the commercial and started preaching at me.

16-Jul-2009, 08:55 PM
Just had to tube that commercial. Haha, lame public announcement stuff. While I understand what they're trying to get at, and respect them for it, don't they realize that IF we should stop saying "That's so gay.", shouldn't we also stop referring to homosexuals as gay? Because Gay means joyous and happy. It has nothing to do with homosexuals.

But you know why we can't do that? Because languages evolve. Gay no longer means happy and joyous. Now it means something else. Get over it.

16-Jul-2009, 09:05 PM
i think that this whole PC push about not saying "that's so gay" is just the latest in a long list of these idiotic diversions. remember "just say no" or the teen pregnancy ads in the 80s or the bullying commericals of a few years ago.

16-Jul-2009, 09:41 PM
"Nazis are for shooting, not being heroes."
What the fuck is that? Is that what one of these people said? They've instantly lost my respect with that, if the whole idea of this discussion wasn't enough to put me off.

For the record, if there was ever a Call of Duty game where you got to play the Nazis, I'd be the first one in line. Why? Because I've played as an american or british nine million times now. I want a new perspective.
I've played a fair few RTS's where you play as the Germans/Nazis, whatever you want to call them. A game in development, Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad, is going to have a campaign where you play as a German I believe, the first FPS to do so if I'm correct. Can't wait for it, partly because of that and partly due to the fact that the first Red Orchestra was such a great game.

darth los
17-Jul-2009, 01:28 PM
Murder. That's right. Murder. The worst crime of all. Worse than racism, worse than homophobia. You commit it all the time in video games. Yet you never "pause" to think about that, do you? Idiot.

That's the best point so far and a "checkmate", if you will, against his arguement.

That shows right there that morality is a very subjective thing and thus one person's or groups morality shouldn't be forced on anyone.


19-Jul-2009, 04:03 PM
As a member of a minority group myself, this is all too hilarious. There are far better things in this world to be pissed off about than equality and fair portrayal in video games.

As to those PSAs pushing a saccharine morality agenda - please. What a fucking waste of government funds!