View Full Version : Mafia 2 - looks pretty damn cool to me...

20-Jul-2009, 10:27 AM

I never played the original Mafia, but I was aware of it - it just slipped me by I guess.

However, I've just been to ActionTrip and seen this 15 minutes of gameplay shown at E3, and damn ... me likey. :)

Cool to see a GTA-like game set in the 40s/50s too. I don't think GTA itself could pull off such an era (although a 70s set GTA would be awesome I think), but yeah man, I'm quite looking forward to more Mafia 2 videos and then it's release. I think I'll get myself a copy, looks like fun - although you can easily see the influence of GTA IV on it (in this video mainly in the cover system) - but I've read that they're going for a "gritter, more real" style in Mafia 2, so apparently that means less "mass destruction" ... which is a bit of a shame, unless they give you more breathing room for fun than what you got with GTA IV.

Regardless - looks like a lot of fun, anyone else been looking at it, or indeed played the first game?

As for the stiff animation - that's apparently getting fixed right now (good).

20-Jul-2009, 03:19 PM
I just came in my pants so hard I even peed a little bit.

Loved, loved, LOVED Mafia. I know it's a bit of a controversial statement but I preferred it over GTA. While it was really basic and a lot easier to complete (you can tell by the shootouts in the above YouTube video that Mafia is quite simple to get to grips with), I got more out of the story and the whole authentic-ness of it all. The missions were really exciting, the characters were likeable and there was no having to f**k about doing a mission twenty times because the developers are utter bastards. It was fun, you progressed well (gamewise and storywise) and it was still a fair challenge.

After watching that video I am most definitely gonna get Mafia II, and now I feel like getting the original Mafia again for my Xbox. Good news! :cool:

20-Jul-2009, 05:30 PM
I'll have to check out some gameplay of the first one on YouTube to get a taste for it (I don't think I could be bothered playing a 7 year old game all the way through right now :)) - but hell yeah, I'm really liking that video for Mafia 2 (and a couple of other 'pre-rendered' ones on the official website that provide background/flavours of the game itself) - I have to say I'm quite excited about it now.

Providing they sort out the animations (the stiffness was the only thing that put a smudge on an otherwise spiffing presentation), then I think Mafia 2 is gonna kick ass.

21-Jul-2009, 02:10 PM
Damn...you guys are sellin' this game hardcore. I may have to give it a shot, as I always wanted a GTA style game that got deeper into to the Mafia politics/culture etc.

21-Jul-2009, 04:17 PM
Damn...you guys are sellin' this game hardcore. I may have to give it a shot, as I always wanted a GTA style game that got deeper into to the Mafia politics/culture etc.
Well then I think this game is for you.

I must say, that 15 minutes of Mafia 2 has been swirling around my head these last couple of days, and well that's a good sign surely.

I'm getting silly excited about it now just thinking about it - looks hella fun. :cool:

21-Jul-2009, 08:54 PM
It's weird, I've seen some gameplay vids of this and it does look very cool yet it's one of those upcoming games I keep forgetting about. Like every game I've bought on 360 it looks like something I'll no doubt enjoy a lot but can't get truly excited about.

Mr. Clean
08-Aug-2009, 12:11 AM
It was an ok game but 4 years later....The Godfather video game came out for the 360 and blew it the hell out of the water...

I have to agree....Not too many games I'd be playing on a 2nd generation consoles right now....So many good games lined up to come out soon...

08-Aug-2009, 12:22 AM
It was an ok game but 4 years later....The Godfather video game came out for the 360 and blew it the hell out of the water...
Disagree wholeheartedly.

Mr. Clean
08-Aug-2009, 12:25 AM
Disagree wholeheartedly.

Just curious but I'd love to see your reasoning on disagreeing...

08-Aug-2009, 12:25 AM
I played the original Mafia game, and it was nice and cozy somehow. Good game. Got stuck on the damn racing level, tho.

Mr. Clean
08-Aug-2009, 12:31 AM
Targeting system blew..Pretty decent Storyline....but not so much of a replay value...

10-Aug-2010, 11:10 AM
The demo just hit xbl...Downloading now. Should be on psn tomorrow.

10-Aug-2010, 12:08 PM
The demo just hit xbl...Downloading now. Should be on psn tomorrow.
I was hoping to DL if for PC, but you can only do it via Steam apparently ... and the PC I game on from time-to-time isn't anywhere near my connection (it has Steam on it) ... but I also really dislike Steam. It's slow-as-fuck, awkward and buggy and you know, whatever happened to just downloading a fucking .exe file and transferring it to whatever computer you wanted via USB memory stick?!

I'll be getting the game for Xbox, but wanted to have a quick go on the PC demo ... not to be it seems ... ... fucking Steam. :mad:

10-Aug-2010, 06:03 PM
The demo is really rough on 360. Lots of screen tearing and about 25fps to boot. Hopefully the PS3 and PC versions will run better.

darth los
10-Aug-2010, 06:05 PM
After the bar Red dead redemption set this game is going to have to be pretty fookin' awesome to impress me.


11-Aug-2010, 07:38 AM
WTF is up with the 10 minute time limit on the demo?! :mad: This time limit shit on demos is getting really annoying.

Other than that, I thought it was pretty awesome. Very realistic and A LOT of attention to detail.

-Being able to open your fridge and grab some food to eat or something to drink is something I've never seen before.
-Getting in a real bad car accident will result in death, which is cool.
-Collecting/looking at the old Playboys is definitely a plus!

I haven't done it yet, but I heard if you get into a minor car accident and a cop sees it, he'll pull you over and write you a ticket. That's so awesome - it always annoyed me in Saints Row and GTA games that no matter how minor your offense the cops would go berzerk and either kill you or arrest you.

11-Aug-2010, 07:49 AM
I played it for a couple of hours last night and I have to say I think the campaign missions and story will make the game... While Rockstar gets alot of hype around there games I will say the make environments that really seem to be alive. Since GTA IV other sandbox games just seem stagnant... At least in regards to pedestrians... There AI programing and use of euphoria is really 2nd to none.

That said I dig the voice acting,story telling and gunplay mechanics. I look forward to the full game.

11-Aug-2010, 09:37 AM
10 minute time limit? How strange ... I'd have thought they'd just take a chunk of the game world and block it off so you can only play in a certain area ... a time limit doesn't make much sense really.

And yeah, I've played demos in the past with time limits, it always annoyed me (such as the time limited demo for the original GTA - I never played the full game, just the demo, lol)

As for being written a ticket - does that mean getting into an accident with a cop car, or in the vicinity of a cop car? And while the 'death if getting into a bad accident' sounds like a nifty idea in the game world, I can't help but wonder if it'll stifle some of the reckless fun that sandbox games represent - I've also seen on a preview video that they've put in a system whereby the cops can recognise you - so you have to change your clothes and/or switch car to avoid being detected ... kind of like in RDR where you have to pay off your bounty, I suppose.

I'm really looking forward to Mafia 2.

11-Aug-2010, 04:25 PM
Just get in an accident within sight of them. Or with them. A ticket, either way. I don't think this will take away the reckless fun at all. I feel like it'll increase it.

Just think: you know the cop wants to pull you over to write you a ticket. Do you do it or do you start up a high-speed chase, which will certainly not end in a ticket?

11-Aug-2010, 05:41 PM
Just get in an accident within sight of them. Or with them. A ticket, either way. I don't think this will take away the reckless fun at all. I feel like it'll increase it.

Just think: you know the cop wants to pull you over to write you a ticket. Do you do it or do you start up a high-speed chase, which will certainly not end in a ticket?
Interesting ... ... and seeing footage from the demo, I'm digging the collectible issues of vintage Playboy. ;)

11-Aug-2010, 07:10 PM
Just about finished downloading the demo off steam, looking forward to a blast at this! is the demo a one play deal for 10 mins, or can you play those 10 mins repeatedly? Demos arent half tight these days! When the L4D2 one came out last year it uninstalled itself from my PC after 2 weeks!

11-Aug-2010, 07:15 PM
Just about finished downloading the demo off steam, looking forward to a blast at this! is the demo a one play deal for 10 mins, or can you play those 10 mins repeatedly? Demos arent half tight these days! When the L4D2 one came out last year it uninstalled itself from my PC after 2 weeks!

It's got a timer once you pick up the phone and start the mission...Which you have to do to leave the house you spawn in. But you can do what ever you like in those ten minutes...

After I did the mission I just kept playing ten minutes at a time to check out the world... Also if you die and you are not were the mission sends you to and you die you will just respawn back at the beginning with another 10 minutes.

11-Aug-2010, 08:05 PM
It's got a timer once you pick up the phone and start the mission...Which you have to do to leave the house you spawn in. But you can do what ever you like in those ten minutes...

After I did the mission I just kept playing ten minutes at a time to check out the world... Also if you die and you are not were the mission sends you to and you die you will just respawn back at the beginning with another 10 minutes.

Yeah I see what you mean, played it now! Very promising game, I love the soundtrack when you get in cars! game world feels pretty realistic, plenty of cool detail & physics, and the story line looks like it will be awesome, just like playing goodfellas or something! :cool:

darth los
13-Aug-2010, 07:46 AM
Yeah I see what you mean, played it now! Very promising game, I love the soundtrack when you get in cars! game world feels pretty realistic, plenty of cool detail & physics, and the story line looks like it will be awesome, just like playing goodfellas or something! :cool:

Yeah, me thinks this gta style gameplay is hitting it's stride with this, RDR, etc.

The ironic thing is those games are much better than the classic gta gameplay (3, san adreas, 4, liberty city), imo, where you're just basically going on an entended crimespree.


13-Aug-2010, 09:10 PM
Just been playing the demo again, I pulled a gun out in the street, a guy stood near me pulled a gun on me, I put mine away quickly & a cop saw him still stood there holding his gun, so they surrounded him, then he tried to run away & they shot him! :eek: the cops who shot him got back in their car & drove off, then another cop car came along & they started checking out the scene of the shooting! love details like that :cool:

14-Aug-2010, 11:17 AM
Just been playing the demo again, I pulled a gun out in the street, a guy stood near me pulled a gun on me, I put mine away quickly & a cop saw him still stood there holding his gun, so they surrounded him, then he tried to run away & they shot him! :eek: the cops who shot him got back in their car & drove off, then another cop car came along & they started checking out the scene of the shooting! love details like that :cool:
I'm so going to try that out when I get the game. :elol:

darth los
16-Aug-2010, 03:31 PM
One week bitches ! :elol:

I'll be very interested to see how this stacks up to RDR.

Me thinks any game of this type will be compared to it for some time to call.


29-Aug-2010, 11:46 AM
Well today is release day! I havent got it yet but was wondering if any of you guys have & what your first impressions of the full game are!

29-Aug-2010, 12:16 PM
I played it for a couple of hours last night and I have to say I think the campaign missions and story will make the game... While Rockstar gets alot of hype around there games I will say the make environments that really seem to be alive. Since GTA IV other sandbox games just seem stagnant... At least in regards to pedestrians... There AI programing and use of euphoria is really 2nd to none.

That said I dig the voice acting,story telling and gunplay mechanics. I look forward to the full game.

^^This.... Beat the game and as a sandbox game its no good. The campaign was worthy. Fun story.

29-Aug-2010, 02:48 PM
^^This.... Beat the game and as a sandbox game its no good. The campaign was worthy. Fun story.

No good? How so?

30-Aug-2010, 02:28 AM
No good? How so?

It there is not really much to do aside from the campaign.

It felt like a linear game inside of a sandbox game. imagine gta with no minigames.. No side missions and no multiplayer... and no euphoria.. All of the ai pedestrians just seem like bots. Dont get me wrong.. The campaign is good but thats about it.

30-Aug-2010, 12:11 PM
I played it all the way through in a day, more or less (did the last bit the following morning which took about 30 mins) and like the first one the storyline is excellent.

About 12 hours in total, quite disappointed in the linear gameplay as Copper has mentioned. But the controls were a big improvement over the first one as well as graphics.

Loved the little tie in to the first Mafia game, will not spoil it but if you see it your go 'awwwww hell yeah' :)

Also, got to love the little Playboy Magazines you can pick up that give you a nudy lady photo, looks like modern ladies but posing as they would in that era so only breasts and bums, still look good though. ;)

I see they already have an option for Downloadable content and in the Steam acheivements there is mention of a 'Jimmies revenge' (I think) chapter that has some big goals (like kill 1000 people or something) so it's not over yet. :hyper:

darth los
30-Aug-2010, 05:50 PM
I played it all the way through in a day, more or less (did the last bit the following morning which took about 30 mins) and like the first one the storyline is excellent.

About 12 hours in total, quite disappointed in the linear gameplay as Copper has mentioned. But the controls were a big improvement over the first one as well as graphics.

Loved the little tie in to the first Mafia game, will not spoil it but if you see it your go 'awwwww hell yeah' :)

Also, got to love the little Playboy Magazines you can pick up that give you a nudy lady photo, looks like modern ladies but posing as they would in that era so only breasts and bums, still look good though. ;)

I see they already have an option for Downloadable content and in the Steam acheivements there is mention of a 'Jimmies revenge' (I think) chapter that has some big goals (like kill 1000 people or something) so it's not over yet. :hyper:

Upcoming dlc:



30-Aug-2010, 08:21 PM
Well today is release day! I havent got it yet but was wondering if any of you guys have & what your first impressions of the full game are!
Got the game the day before release and played through 23% of the game in two gaming sessions - so you won't get the length of play you'd get out of GTA IV or Red Dead Redemption - plus, as has been said, it's like a linear story inside a sandbox environment, which feels a bit odd, but I can also understand why they did it like that - so you get this entire city to move around in.

It's not as polished as a GTA IV, for example, but I have enjoyed the amount I've played so far. Not incredible by any means (it looked better from the dev diaries and trailers), but when you get into the vibe of it, it's still good and worth getting into.

I'm on holiday at the moment, so I only got to play that first 23%, but will get back into the game next week and resume. I've been enjoying the plot and the characters and the setting, but yeah there's not much else to do on the side. There is something to do with cars, and working at the docks, but I'm not sure if those missions are still there once you get into the 1950s - they appear in the 1940s portion of the game, but I don't know if they'll still be around in the 1950s.

I am currently up to the bit where you're in prison and you're about to go and make a phone call, but haven't got beyond that point - and won't until next week - so hopefully the apparent side missions **cars, and dock work - as found on the map ... and another thing, possibly** will still be there in the 1950s portion of the game.

Otherwise I'll have to replay the game at some point and do them before getting jailed ... I'll find out in due course I guess.

One thing that is well random though is that the save game file, according to the back of the box, requires something like 32mb of space ... yet the actual file space used on my console is something like 52mb!!! FIFTY-TWO?!?! WTF?! Most games use like 200kb or 1mb at most, but FIFTY-TWO MEGABYTES?!

And, of course, only one save slot - so if you ever get a freeze or power cut when saving, you'll be royally screwed. I really hate the one save slot nonsense. I would back it up to my other memory unit but the sheer size totally negates that possibility.

Still, looking forward to getting back into the game next week.

darth los
31-Aug-2010, 01:32 PM
You can pretty much go and sell cars to those guys at anytime but that's about it in the way of side missions which sucks.

It makes the game feel dated when every other game of this type gives you so much to do.

Oh well, there's still RDR. :D


31-Aug-2010, 01:38 PM
Hmmm, you guys are making up my mind for me. Sounds like a pass, at least till the price drops and some expansive DLC comes out, then I'll reconsider.

darth los
31-Aug-2010, 01:44 PM
Hmmm, you guys are making up my mind for me. Sounds like a pass, at least till the price drops and some expansive DLC comes out, then I'll reconsider.

And the campaign is short as hell to boot. If you wanted to you could finish it on the hardest difficulty setting in a weekend.

Well buddy, all I can say is that's why God made gamefly.


31-Aug-2010, 03:30 PM
Pass for me too, I think.

darth los
31-Aug-2010, 04:57 PM
Again, that's what gamefly is for.

I can't tell you how many $60 retail games I've played that after I got them from gamefly and played them were definitely not worth it.


darth los
17-Sep-2010, 08:43 PM

Man are these dlc's coming out fast or what!?!



18-Sep-2010, 10:37 AM
These DLCs should have been on the ruddy disc. I can't be doing with the DLC bullshit - release a full game, you know? :rolleyes:

Maybe they'll do an "Episodes from Liberty City" and release them on a disc - that I would buy (although it still should have been on the main disc to give us people more game time) - but who knows, probably not as all these devs are so obsessed with DLC. It seems like "nevermind the single player, we've got all this fucking multiplayer and DLC nonsense to jack off over" ... how about "fuck off and concentrate on an excellent single player campaign"? :rockbrow:

darth los
20-Sep-2010, 05:05 PM
Well, I'm old school buddy. I agree that most dlc content nowdays could easily beon the original disc.

Just imagine when you beat RE and RE 2 that you had to pay for the infinite lancher or for extra scenarios!

But you don't have to imagine because that's exactly what RE 5 did with "Lost in Nightmarea" and "desperate escape."

If RE 4 had come out today we would have had to pay for the "Seperate ways" mission which, imo, blows the RE 5 content out of the water.

That's proof right there that they could easily include most content. :mad:


05-Dec-2010, 03:32 PM
Gamefly is sending it to me. I should have it in hand by Friday.

---------- Post added 05-Dec-2010 at 10:32 AM ---------- Previous post was 01-Dec-2010 at 05:48 PM ----------

They should have called this game, Mafia Driver, because that is what it feels like. What makes this game worth playing? I has potential, but so far, it has let me down. Is more than half the game about driving?