View Full Version : So i just got back from bruno....

23-Jul-2009, 10:22 PM
-and im gonna say this, if people dont leave in the first few minutes they wont, im quite sure these stories of audiences leaving early are just fabrications to garner attention to the film as viral marketing.

So basically i whent to see it with a friend who saw it yesterday and raved about it, i loved borat, watched it twice in a row, but this just doesnt have the same punch form the get go. borat was a pleasant simpleton that got into situations because of his lack of understanding of a foreign culture. bruno on the other hand is too in your face in an "oh god, how wasted am i?!?" attention whore kind of way and that grates against the comedy of the film.
Though this is a film that cohen doesnt appear to know what it is, at one point he gets people to sit on his "mexican chair people" whilst talking about human rights, the next hes doing a meat spin performance for a focus group in l.a.
I t opens great, its a documentary by bruno chronicling his career, though this idea gets lost along the way till the end wich is slightly disconcerting, like a film going from noir to comedy and back for no reason. Though im going off, but the opening is funny, he gets a phillipino boy to run away from him on a chair with a rubber band and assless pants and gets snapped back to be impaled on brunos dong. the whole audience was cackling at first almost constantly. but by the end it was a solid 3 to 5 minutes between even the midlist laugh.
This flick blows its load from the get go, by the end its like cohen was running out of ideas and was just thinking "what would be a wierd place to send a german gay man?" and its kind fo sad to see him go from the clever satire fo ali g and borat to a one trick pony whos only joke is he is homosexual, and possibly a nazi.
Dont get me wrong its got funny portions, when reviewing celebrities to interview he points at mel gibson and merely states "the fuhrer?" and i couldnt stop laughing for a good two minutes at that. but its biggest problem is that theres no real story to this movie, its like they brainstormed some funny imgery to make skits of and had to make a flimsy story to build around it.
Honestly i think this could have been severly cut to be a funny as hell 45 minute tv special, but did this need to be a movie? not at all.

Cohen just doesnt seem to be able to get into character in this movie, in borat you could barely believe this simple misinformed guy in a bad suit was the same guy as ali-g, in this is like a little britain character, yeah thats a fat chav girl, but its still matt lucas. This was a failed experiment on a character, bruno is not as believable comedy character as the likes of borat, dennis pennis, or even pee wee herman. In this movie your aware constantly that this is a guy playing dress up and when you in on a joke youve seen before its not nearly as funny.

We get it, americans have problems, did we need a second movie pointing this out?, and a less effective one at that?

no, no we did not.

I laughed, but as it went on these laughs became scarcer as it neared a thoroughly unsatisfying conclusion.

Cohen is quite a brilliant comedian, but i think he expected the social satire to be a second home run but this is boring, a little homophobic and on the whole a pointless piece of cinema. It wasnt even shocking ive seen worst stuff on the tv show dirty sanchez, hell ive seen worse stuff on jackass.

Overall i cant recommend shelling the price of admission for this, id wait for a rental, this isnt a film you will want to watch more than once and i think overadvertising and hype as tried to make this appear as a constant shock fest when ive seen more shocking stuff on little britain and i know if i want to watch a funnier film i have many to choose. ive seen it, laughed but on reflection its not a good movie and i dont think ill ever go out of my way to watch it again, not a dvd purchase for me.

24-Jul-2009, 10:03 AM
Figured as much.

I had briefly thought about seeing it in the cinema, but fortunately I've not been physically capable of late (fortunate in that I won't have wasted money on seeing it in the cinema, I mean :p)

I wasn't all that interested anyway, I was "so-so" with Borat ... it was more fun to spoof Borat with your mates, than actually see the movie to be honest, and I always found Bruno to just be annoying...plus it looks identical to Borat, just not as "good" and with a different title character.

24-Jul-2009, 10:58 AM
The problem is, is that these characters just don't transfer to a 90 minute film.

Never that keen on Ali G, but Borat and Bruno worked in sketch format superbly. It's the quick burst of taking the piss out of some unfortunate and exposing peoples utter nonsense (especially in the case of the despicable fashion world with Bruno) that makes these characters so funny.

But when they're on screen for 90 minutes, they just become repulsive.

At the end of the 'Borat' film, I was so glad it was over. It was just getting boring. I've no doubt that the 'Bruno' film will have the same effect.