View Full Version : Moon (film) - Can't see it :(

24-Jul-2009, 11:10 AM
So we have two cinemas here, with 18 screens between them... And one of them showed it for one week, and now it's gone... and I missed it :(

24-Jul-2009, 11:43 AM
That's a shame. I haven't seen it either, but i've heard good things.

24-Jul-2009, 02:58 PM
didnt even know it was released over here.

i too am a sad panda.

24-Jul-2009, 06:38 PM
Well I guess that's me stuffed for seeing it in the cinema then...

I've not been well enough to go on a cinema trip since the opening weekend (here) of Transformers 2 ... so I also missed out on Public Enemies (which I quite want to see ... unless we can catch an end-of-run showing or something).

I'll be damned if I'm missing Inglourious Basterds though.

24-Jul-2009, 06:42 PM
I love how you added "film" in brackets, just in case we saw it and panicked thinking that the Moon itself had been stolen by nefarious aliens. :D

25-Jul-2009, 09:41 AM
I love how you added "film" in brackets, just in case we saw it and panicked thinking that the Moon itself had been stolen by nefarious aliens. :D

01-Aug-2009, 09:10 PM
Just back from seeing this at Cineworld in Glasgow (PACKED theatre!). I just wanted to give my two cents on here, cos I remembered you guys were discussing it:

It was brilliant! This film is a total revival of the kind of realistic, gritty near-future sci-fi movie we all remember from the 1970s and 80s - you remember Alien, Blade Runner, Soylent Green, etc. - even the special effects were nearly all model work (it seems this art has been advancing even though it's rarely used these days as the effects in this little $5 million movie looked better than anything in Transformers or Terminator Salvation). The plot is great, perhaps a little easy to figure out early on but that doesn't matter as it's really not supposed to be the head-scratching mystery thriller the trailer suggests, it's really a sci-fi drama about one (or two) guys coming to terms with some really profound shit, figuring it all out, and deciding what the hell to do about it. The movie makes some very serious statements about the world we live in as all good sci-fi should, and the personal story of the movie is very moving. The ending is both deeply sad and incredibly uplifting.

In today's market of mass-produced, mind-numbing, regurgitated, alienating, heartless celluloid packed with cardboard characters, plots produced by committee decision and impossible action sequences, Moon is that rare breath of fresh air - a real film. You remember those, right? Go out and see Moon and remind yourself.

01-Aug-2009, 11:09 PM
Just back from seeing this at Cineworld in Glasgow (PACKED theatre!). I just wanted to give my two cents on here, cos I remembered you guys were discussing it:

It was brilliant! This film is a total revival of the kind of realistic, gritty near-future sci-fi movie we all remember from the 1970s and 80s - you remember Alien, Blade Runner, Soylent Green, etc. - even the special effects were nearly all model work (it seems this art has been advancing even though it's rarely used these days as the effects in this little $5 million movie looked better than anything in Transformers or Terminator Salvation). The plot is great, perhaps a little easy to figure out early on but that doesn't matter as it's really not supposed to be the head-scratching mystery thriller the trailer suggests, it's really a sci-fi drama about one (or two) guys coming to terms with some really profound shit, figuring it all out, and deciding what the hell to do about it. The movie makes some very serious statements about the world we live in as all good sci-fi should, and the personal story of the movie is very moving. The ending is both deeply sad and incredibly uplifting.

In today's market of mass-produced, mind-numbing, regurgitated, alienating, heartless celluloid packed with cardboard characters, plots produced by committee decision and impossible action sequences, Moon is that rare breath of fresh air - a real film. You remember those, right? Go out and see Moon and remind yourself.

Thanks for spoiling the end for me... I've been steering clear of all reviews and comments so you can imagine how chuffed I was when I flicked through your text and my eyes straight onto 'the end'... Cheers! :(

I've SPOILER tagged it now...

02-Aug-2009, 10:18 AM
Thanks for spoiling the end for me... I've been steering clear of all reviews and comments so you can imagine how chuffed I was when I flicked through your text and my eyes straight onto 'the end'... Cheers! :(

I've SPOILER tagged it now...

Honestly mate, I have spoiled nothing and given away no plot information other than the basic premise of the movie. Regarding the ending, I mentioned only how it made me feel and in a way that would probably be misleading if you were to try to figure it out from my comments. ;)

Like I said though, the mystery element of the film is really minimal anyway. Actually, it's a character-driven drama film, not a plot-driven thriller, and even if I told you the whole plot it probably wouldn't hurt the effectiveness of the movie one jot.

02-Aug-2009, 05:04 PM
Honestly mate, I have spoiled nothing and given away no plot information other than the basic premise of the movie. Regarding the ending, I mentioned only how it made me feel and in a way that would probably be misleading if you were to try to figure it out from my comments. ;)

Like I said though, the mystery element of the film is really minimal anyway. Actually, it's a character-driven drama film, not a plot-driven thriller, and even if I told you the whole plot it probably wouldn't hurt the effectiveness of the movie one jot.

OK... Skipped thru your response, incase anything else in there... Maybe I read too much into your previous post. The difficulty of course was, once I'd read that one sentence, I dared not read any more for fear of more spoilering...

Anyway, from what you say your comment wasn't such a spoiler, so thanks...

Now, where/how do I bloody see this film :annoyed:

02-Aug-2009, 05:36 PM
Now, where/how do I bloody see this film

Innit just, I've not seen it either, but I want to.

My nearest cineplex ... duno if they showed it, but if they did, it wasn't for very long at all - plus at the time I wasn't physically capable of going.

I really wanna check it out though.

02-Aug-2009, 06:13 PM
Innit just, I've not seen it either, but I want to.

My nearest cineplex ... duno if they showed it, but if they did, it wasn't for very long at all - plus at the time I wasn't physically capable of going.

I really wanna check it out though.

Weird. Like I said, when I saw it last night (at the huge Cineworld near me), it played to a pretty much full-house. From the number of people there, I'd expect them to keep showing it for at least another week or two, so I wonder why cinemas in other areas have already dropped it from the marquee? Maybe it wasn't too successful in its first week but the places that are still showing it are experiencing an upturn in ticket sales as word-of-mouth gets around? In which case, those that ditched it early might bring it back for another run.

07-Aug-2009, 04:48 AM
just found out this is showing at nottinghams cineworld, bit out the way but i might have to stay in notts longer when im going to pick up my standing order of comics this weekend.

07-Aug-2009, 12:20 PM
Might see it tomorrow. Just counted and it's showing at no less than fifteen cinemas in the London area this weekend.

07-Aug-2009, 01:53 PM
Just went to see it at the local art house last night - I wholeheartedly reccomend this film. It's quiet, thoughtful and smart.

It's the opposite of the "Transformers". :lol:

20-Aug-2009, 11:18 PM
M O O N that's spells Moon.

20-Aug-2009, 11:24 PM
M O O N that's spells Moon.

been waiting ages for someone to say it, laws yes.

21-Aug-2009, 12:32 AM
M O O N that's spells Moon.

Everybody knows that! ;)

21-Aug-2009, 01:14 AM
Everybody knows that! ;)

dont spring the trap achbar!

now weve missed a prime chance to haze anyone not down with the stand with the good old "m-o-o-n, that spells retard", god knows that is a once a year mandatory from someone on here in my experience:lol:

21-Aug-2009, 04:21 AM
dont spring the trap achbar!

now weve missed a prime chance to haze anyone not down with the stand with the good old "m-o-o-n, that spells retard", god knows that is a once a year mandatory from someone on here in my experience:lol:

Yes, but the real question is baby can you dig your man? :D

21-Aug-2009, 04:35 AM
Yes, but the real question is baby can you dig your man? :D

nope, not gonna say it.:D

21-Aug-2009, 04:40 AM
nope, not gonna say it.:D

Cibola, Bumpity Bumpity Bump?