View Full Version : Star Trek fans name child after Kirk...

19-May-2006, 07:23 PM
from netscape.net news:
A Bizarre (Or Is It Inspired?) Baby Name
It takes guts to do this to your sweet, innocent newborn baby boy. Guts is what "Star Trek" fans Marcus Weldy and Rebecca McInnes Weldy must have. They named their fifth child James Tiberius Kirk Weldy. If you're a "Star Trek" fan you're rolling on the floor laughing. Or standing and saluting in awe. And if you're not a fan, you're saying, "Huh?" That is the full name of Captain James T. Kirk played by William Shatner, commander of the Starship Enterprise, in the 1960s sci-fi TV series.
weird but not exactly the strangest name ever. i once worked with a guy named lasseter. ouch! now there is a name guaranteed to get you harassed at school.

i don't think some people take into account that the name is going to remain with the person for their entire life. what is cute on a little baby is not going to be appropriate on a 30yr old adult.

19-May-2006, 08:47 PM
Those are some hard core fans.

I'm naming my kid "Bub":shifty:

Either that or "Peter Venkman". I haven't decided which.:lol:

19-May-2006, 10:50 PM
Those are some hard core fans.

I'm naming my kid "Bub":shifty:

Either that or "Peter Venkman". I haven't decided which.:lol:
I named one of my dogs Bub. :D

Oh? you want to see him? SURE!!!!!
This is Bub riding in the car on the way to the lake -

19-May-2006, 11:38 PM
That's rouigh tag to throw on your kid! A bit too rough for my tastes.

I named one of my dogs Bub. :D[/IMG]

Awesome name for a dog, and he looks pretty cool too.

20-May-2006, 12:40 AM
Funny thing about the original post, tho....
I went to highschool with a gal named Arwen (yes, named after the Tolkein charachter {not the Peter Jackoff character}) She named her first born Tiberius. (after Kirk, of course). We all call him Ty. I always kid around with him, telling him he's going to marry a blue alien chika that is a great dancer. :D
Then his damned mom had to pull a fast one on me and tell the little fart he was named after Tiberius Caesar Augustus.....that whore!!!!! ( I was there when she named him!!!) I spent billions of draktharions to get a blue alien chicka shipped to MY address!!!!! MY ADDRESS!!!!!!

(you guys should see what she can do with a dozen ping pong balls... A DOZEN, I SAY!!!!)

20-May-2006, 04:17 AM
huh? a blue what?

20-May-2006, 05:01 AM
huh? a blue what?
there was an old star trek ep where this blue alien chicka danced around and caught Kirk's eye. Not sure which ep......but, she was a hotti blue alien chicka!;) ;) ;) ;) reaoooower!!!!!!!

20-May-2006, 05:23 AM
there was an old star trek ep where this blue alien chicka danced around and caught Kirk's eye. Not sure which ep......but, she was a hotti blue alien chicka!;) ;) ;) ;) reaoooower!!!!!!!

I thought she was green... The spanish looking chick with the long curly black hair?

20-May-2006, 05:33 AM
I thought she was green... The spanish looking chick with the long curly black hair?
Ya....that's her....maybe she was green........she did the "come here" thing with her finger, I believe......Damn, I'm getting mixed up.....is that the same ep where Kirk was almost stabbed by the "little person" (midget for those of us that can't say "little person") Or was that the ep he kisses Uhura?
Damn, this old brain is a'flutterin'

20-May-2006, 05:42 AM
Ya....that's her....maybe she was green........she did the "come here" thing with her finger, I believe......Damn, I'm getting mixed up.....is that the same ep where Kirk was almost stabbed by the "little person" (midget for those of us that can't say "little person") Or was that the ep he kisses Uhura?
Damn, this old brain is a'flutterin'

I bought all three seasons... and all the Voyager eps... and all the Babylon 5 series...

And I am not really a big sci fi fan. Mostly for my partner who loves the stuff. Thrust "Alien" in his face, and sci fi isn't so nice anymore.

I also love the BSG series. The newer one, not the one from the 70's (though that has its moments) I am dying to see what happens next!

20-May-2006, 05:50 AM
I bought all three seasons... and all the Voyager eps... and all the Babylon 5 series...

And I am not really a big sci fi fan. Mostly for my partner who loves the stuff. Thrust "Alien" in his face, and sci fi isn't so nice anymore.

I also love the BSG series. The newer one, not the one from the 70's (though that has its moments) I am dying to see what happens next!
Dude, slap a little Space 1999 in my face (starring the wonderful and immortal Martin Landau) and I melt like butter.
There was a show WAY back in the 70's called UFO ( I think that's the name) I can remember seeing it as a youngin....women with purple/white hair and a huge 6 wheeled space tank driving out of a flying saucer......well,...that's the way I remeber it.....damn.....those were the days.

uh oh.....SING ALONG!!!!......

Boy, the way Glenn Miller played. Songs that made the Hit Parade.

Guys like us, we had it made. Those were the days.

Didn't need no welfare state. Everybody pulled his weight.

Gee, our old LaSalle ran great. Those were the days.

And you know who you were then. Girls were girls and men were men.

Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

People seemed to be content. Fifty dollars paid the rent.

Freaks were in a circus tent. Those were the days.

Take a little Sunday spin, go to watch the Dodgers win.

Have yourself a dandy day that cost you under a fin.

Hair was short and skirts were long. Kate Smith really sold a song.

I don't know just what went wrong. Those Were The Days.

20-May-2006, 06:06 AM
Dude, slap a little Space 1999 in my face (starring the wonderful and immortal Martin Landau) and I melt like butter.
There was a show WAY back in the 70's called UFO ( I think that's the name) I can remember seeing it as a youngin....women with purple/white hair and a huge 6 wheeled space tank driving out of a flying saucer......well,...that's the way I remeber it.....damn.....those were the days.

Remember Ark2000? Or Space 1999? How about Battle of the Planets?

Weird... when I sang that song in my head, I heard it in the voice of Edith and Archie...

20-May-2006, 08:18 PM
Remember Ark2000? Or Space 1999? How about Battle of the Planets?

Weird... when I sang that song in my head, I heard it in the voice of Edith and Archie...
Battle of the Planets sounds familiar.......What was the name of the spoof sci fi show about the Space Garbage Collector? -- -Quark? with Richard Benjamin???? It lasted a half an ep I think LOL

21-May-2006, 01:23 PM
Battle of the Planets sounds familiar.......What was the name of the spoof sci fi show about the Space Garbage Collector? -- -Quark? with Richard Benjamin???? It lasted a half an ep I think LOL

Remember the short lived Space Nuts with Bob Denver? Classic cheese...


Even Denver realized how much this series smelled. :lol:

21-May-2006, 01:55 PM
Remember the short lived Space Nuts with Bob Denver? Classic cheese...


Even Denver realized how much this series smelled. :lol:
LOL!!!! I remember that...
How about the genius of the comedic duo Jim Nabors and Ruth Buzzi in The Lost Saucer!!!