View Full Version : Invent a game...

30-Jul-2009, 07:11 AM
What's your idea for the perfect game? What would you go crazy for if it was released?

still waiting for an open world zombie game like L4D crossed with GTA, where your aim is to reach the other side of the city - but no cars or anything, basically take the map of Prototype, stick the characters for L4D in it with no super powers, etc...each "level" would be a section of road or part of the game that you have to cross or tackle in some way...

my other is the game version of Knightriders - bonus levels of knocking the hells angels off their bikes and retrieving weapons, I can see it now!

30-Jul-2009, 04:55 PM
my dream game would be a zombie epic with a world as large, expansive, and detailed as the world of fallout 3, with all kinds of areas to explore, fortify, and defend...with all sorts of random encounters with survivors, raiders, and tons of shambling dead fucks to waste with a large variety of weapons....and all sorts of vehicles (buses for transporting survivors, forklifts and whatnot for building barricades, helicopters for aerial scouting and reconnaissance, tanks for making zombie pancakes, and cars to just ride around in for sunday driving) with ipod hook-ups so you could tune the radio in to something other than emergency broadcasts.

so basically,

1 part "dead rising"
1 part "fallout 3"
1 part "GTA"

online co-op with buddies would be an added bonus, but even a single player experience would be fine with me if it was done right...

now, some game developer get to work on this right away...me and my wallet are waiting.:D

30-Jul-2009, 05:26 PM
Shenmue III :(

30-Jul-2009, 05:46 PM
my dream game would be a zombie epic with a world as large, expansive, and detailed as the world of fallout 3, with all kinds of areas to explore, fortify, and defend...with all sorts of random encounters with survivors, raiders, and tons of shambling dead fucks to waste with a large variety of weapons....and all sorts of vehicles (buses for transporting survivors, forklifts and whatnot for building barricades, helicopters for aerial scouting and reconnaissance, tanks for making zombie pancakes, and cars to just ride around in for sunday driving) with ipod hook-ups so you could tune the radio in to something other than emergency broadcasts.

so basically,

1 part "dead rising"
1 part "fallout 3"
1 part "GTA"

online co-op with buddies would be an added bonus, but even a single player experience would be fine with me if it was done right...

now, some game developer get to work on this right away...me and my wallet are waiting.:D

I've been dreaming this game for years.

30-Jul-2009, 06:02 PM
I don't have an idea for a game, per se, but a feature I'd like to see added to a shooter game.

What I'd like to see (in a Multiplayer Deathmatch/Free-for-All mode) is the 'corpse' of a recently killed player get up and enter combat. Slow moving, to be sure, but only killable by headshot. Then they're down for good.

30-Jul-2009, 06:15 PM
ive always thought a nice addition to the survival horror genre would be a sandbox one set at a live in college in the some forest/mountainy area and theres a serial killer on the loose like left 4 dead theres 4 movies, each has a different slasher and you and 5 friends have to survive 7 days, you can set traps, try and get out or hide. and each "movie" is either trying to get out of the college during a big football game finale', or hanging our with friends at the local lake when a storm comes on and a killer lurks in the woods. Or maybe even something like in the neighboring town in a blizzard and you can try and hide somewhere but visibility is limited so you might just achieve freezing to death.

basically clock tower meets left 4 dead meets the inventory system from alone in the dark 5.

31-Jul-2009, 12:01 AM
my dream game would be a zombie epic with a world as large, expansive, and detailed as the world of fallout 3, with all kinds of areas to explore, fortify, and defend...with all sorts of random encounters with survivors, raiders, and tons of shambling dead fucks to waste with a large variety of weapons....and all sorts of vehicles (buses for transporting survivors, forklifts and whatnot for building barricades, helicopters for aerial scouting and reconnaissance, tanks for making zombie pancakes, and cars to just ride around in for sunday driving) with ipod hook-ups so you could tune the radio in to something other than emergency broadcasts.

so basically,

1 part "dead rising"
1 part "fallout 3"
1 part "GTA"

online co-op with buddies would be an added bonus, but even a single player experience would be fine with me if it was done right...

now, some game developer get to work on this right away...me and my wallet are waiting.:D

Awesome! I would spend good money to buy that game!

darth los
31-Jul-2009, 01:20 PM
ive always thought a nice addition to the survival horror genre would be a sandbox one set at a live in college in the some forest/mountainy area and theres a serial killer on the loose like left 4 dead theres 4 movies, each has a different slasher and you and 5 friends have to survive 7 days, you can set traps, try and get out or hide. and each "movie" is either trying to get out of the college during a big football game finale', or hanging our with friends at the local lake when a storm comes on and a killer lurks in the woods. Or maybe even something like in the neighboring town in a blizzard and you can try and hide somewhere but visibility is limited so you might just achieve freezing to death.

basically clock tower meets left 4 dead meets the inventory system from alone in the dark 5.

That actually sounds very intruiging.

my dream game would be a zombie epic with a world as large, expansive, and detailed as the world of fallout 3, with all kinds of areas to explore, fortify, and defend...with all sorts of random encounters with survivors, raiders, and tons of shambling dead fucks to waste with a large variety of weapons....and all sorts of vehicles (buses for transporting survivors, forklifts and whatnot for building barricades, helicopters for aerial scouting and reconnaissance, tanks for making zombie pancakes, and cars to just ride around in for sunday driving) with ipod hook-ups so you could tune the radio in to something other than emergency broadcasts.

so basically,

1 part "dead rising"
1 part "fallout 3"
1 part "GTA"

online co-op with buddies would be an added bonus, but even a single player experience would be fine with me if it was done right...

now, some game developer get to work on this right away...me and my wallet are waiting.:D

Another angle of the game could be the internal political struggle between the survivors trying to fill the power vacuum. The possibilities are endless....


01-Aug-2009, 12:03 AM
A Sicilian Mafia inspired online game. I probably wouldn't play it, because I don't play online games like that, but I'd imagine it'd be pretty popular. Basicly, as I envisioned it:

The game is like any other online game. WoW for instance. You've got this one big world, in this case a huge city, and there are two rival gangs. Say an irish gang and an italian gang or whatever. And the point of the game is too own as many streets and business as possible. And how do you do that?

Well, you place bombs on the other gangs turf if you want to destroy a building. Or you take it by force if you want to own it yourself. Say, for instance, that your gang teams up to take a brewery, then you probably wouldn't want to bomb it because it can generate revenue for you. But if you know you're outnumbered and just want to deliver a fatal blow, then maybe bombing it would be better.

There are advantages to each type. Holding a brewery generates cash, but can be tricky to defend. But blowing it up denies your opponent of that cash, but you won't get any part of it either. And you buy weapons, bombs and cars for cash, so having it is good.

I imagine that when one gang owns 80% of the town or something like that, a big showdown is scheduled where the opposing gang gets one shot at defending their turf, but if they loose the game is over and the other gang wins. If this is the case, then the game "restarts". No characters are lost, but the city itself reverts to where it was with the city split 50/50 and you can start over. So a game like this can last for maybe a week or so, but you still get to keep your character.

Anyway, just a thought. I think it'd sell.

01-Aug-2009, 08:53 AM
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 4
Expansive open environments of space battles like the battle of Hoth, battle of Endor, battle of Yavin and a few others all playing out in real time and are available for mulitplayer.
The player can run around on foot or sieze vehicles and take command of nearby units (Rogue Leader style) for missions they choose.
For example playing in the battle of Endor you start out in the rebel fleet and grab a X wing go down to Endor and give the rebels some aerial support in taking down the shield generator or even taking affairs into your own hands by going into the bunker yourself and then go straight to the death star. Alternatively you may participate in the space battle and do stuff on foot like invade Imperial star destroyers to plant charges in the engine cores or fend off invasions on rebel ships.
Rebel Strikes arcade style gameplay could work well in multiplayer where say two players are the rebels and two others are Imperials.

01-Aug-2009, 10:58 AM
man i'm loving these ideas....some awesome stuff there and I'm annoyed that none of this shit exists...seems the general theme of things is choices and a broad horizon....

10-Aug-2009, 07:25 AM
A zombie MMO where survivors battle to win cities back all while going on supply runs and things like that. If the players improperly defend an area it can be lost to the zombies and vise versa.

Players can choose to start as a zombie or a survivor and as they level they gain more abilities such as a zombie gaining a more stealthy attack or a survivor being able to find supplies better, better use weapons and so on. Of course there would be normal NPC zombies and survivors, but the players would be the "Special" zombies that gain abilities and same with survivors.

10-Aug-2009, 08:59 AM
You play as a cyborg Baker named Ched Snedly programmed to execute Russian spies. You get involved in a firefight with Vladimir Putin and his Half T-rex, Half Vulture hybrid while in Morocco, and he shoots you with a wind wipe array, which leaves you unconscious and amnesiac. You later wake up in Lincoln Nebraska, just as the Ruskies proceed to bomb the town into a pulp. Russian soldiers and vehicles also start entering the town via parachute. You are unaware of what you are, and it is up to you to find clues as to your true nature. You fight your way through Russian spy lizards, battle Badgers, Radioactive Dinosaurs, and the elite Russian soldiers sent to capture the Town of Lincoln.

Why are they In Nebraska? It turns out that a large quantity of alien technology is buried deep beneath the earth here, and if the Russians get it, they will be able to outfit themselves in hyper advanced technology, and possibly, conquer the Earth.

Your goals are unclear, you are afraid, yet for some inexplicable reason, you hear a voice in the back of your head say "head to melonbrook drive". You grab what you can, and leave the hospital, and step out into your ultimate destiny.

14-Aug-2009, 12:41 PM
Planet of the Apes turn based strategy game. Ape City is becoming over populated and needs new territory to expand. Drive back invading humanoids and confront mysterious threats from the Forbidden Zone.