View Full Version : Big Man Japan (aka: "Dai-Nipponjin")

30-Jul-2009, 06:23 PM
Saw this last night and found it to be hilarious and entertaining. Comedy "mockumentary" about a middle aged superhero living in Japan, and almost could be a companion piece to The Watchmen. Started a little slow and plods along for the first 15 minutes of setup, but worth the wait once it got going.

If you are in any way familiar with the over the top Japanese TV superhero shows (like the one that the US Power Rangers is based on) or if you are a fan of those Japanese monster films like Godzilla or Gargantua, then you are going to find this film hilarious. Even if you hate those type of shows and films you are still going to dig this one.

Did anyone else catch this? Interested to hear what others thought about this film.

Here is the trailer which I think reveals much too much and the film is funnier if you watch it cold but I include here for those of you who refuse to see a film without getting a taste first.

NOTE: If you are intending to see this film and can live without seeing the trailer, I would recommend that you forego the link and check out the actual film before looking at the trailer. Not an issue of spoilers, really, but more one of comical impact which I think is reduced for the viewer to a certain degree by watching this trailer.


EDIT: I guess for some reason they have disabled imbedding for this and will require folks to go to Youtube in order to watch the trailer, ostensibly so that they can expose folks to the advertisments on the margins of their site. It is just as well, I figure, since most folks will click on the youtube link without a thought and in this case I think the less you know about the movie or see in advance the better off you will be.

30-Jul-2009, 10:31 PM
Never heard of this, but since I'm a big time fan of all things Kaiju, you've definitely caught my interest! Thanks for the heads up!:D

30-Jul-2009, 10:42 PM
Moon, I should have guessed that you knew about the dai-kaiju genre! :lol:

Trust me on this one - it is worth your time. I got mine through netflix, but will likely purchase a copy for my permanent collection.

Cheers brother, hope you enjoy it. :)

31-Jul-2009, 12:48 AM
Looks nifty! I'll have to see this one.... Thanks for the heads up!

31-Jul-2009, 05:50 AM
Moon, I should have guessed that you knew about the dai-kaiju genre! :lol:

What would have ever given you that idea!

