View Full Version : I'd love to have one of these posters

03-Aug-2009, 03:09 PM

03-Aug-2009, 04:03 PM
meh, shoop fails to impress.

03-Aug-2009, 04:13 PM
About as funny as a car crash....

03-Aug-2009, 04:19 PM
About as funny as a car crash....

Car crash huh? Kinda sums up the Obama administration to me.

P.S. To all the libs on this board, please try not to freak out. Believe it or not, there were nearly 60 million other Americans who did not vote for Obama. I can already hear you guys - amazingly, some of us actually disagree with you!

03-Aug-2009, 04:29 PM
I always liked this one:


I'm gonna be voting for third-party Conservatives for the rest of my life.

03-Aug-2009, 05:28 PM
And before this discussion gets ugly I am going to exit stage left.

03-Aug-2009, 05:57 PM
It's a great image, but I have to ask: what does the Joker have to do with socialism?

I don't get the message... but then again, neither does the artist apparently.

03-Aug-2009, 06:37 PM
And before this discussion gets ugly I am going to exit stage left.

No need to get ugly Gary. You don't feel you can make a comment without it being ugly?

It's a great image, but I have to ask: what does the Joker have to do with socialism?

I don't get the message... but then again, neither does the artist apparently.

Well the Joker was an agent of chaos. I'd say Obama's first 6 months have been a little chaotic. Basically taking over GM while it goes bankrupt anyway, unprecedented spending in just 6 months no less, rushing a health care reform bill thru that he and no member of Congress have even read, going overseas and apologizing for the U.S., appointing multiple tax cheats, etc... Not exactly smooth sailing, regardless of how the mainstream media covers for him.
Some of Obama's biggest influences were socialists and marxists, most notably Frank Marshall Davis.
Why did people make signs of Bush as the devil? Was Bush a devil worshipper?
I guess the "artist" thought it was a funny way of getting his point across.

03-Aug-2009, 08:14 PM
Politics and political discussions. *picks nose* They freak me out.

I'm with Gary....this territory is rarely explored in a peaceful manner. Taking stage right.:p

03-Aug-2009, 09:40 PM
So the US has nothing to apologize for?

04-Aug-2009, 01:17 AM
To all the libs on this board, please try not to freak out. Believe it or not, there were nearly 60 million other Americans who did not vote for Obama. I can already hear you guys - amazingly, some of us actually disagree with you!

I'm liberal and not even close to freaking out. I actually find this humorous and pretty cool. I, too, wouldn't mind owning a poster of this.

04-Aug-2009, 01:21 AM
You want that poster so bad?

So buy one.

04-Aug-2009, 01:49 AM
Now this is hilarious...


04-Aug-2009, 04:24 AM
So the US has nothing to apologize for?


04-Aug-2009, 07:02 AM
the reps won't even give him a chance. Shit he was inaugurated in January...what can really be achieved in 8 months? lets talk two years down the line and see the differences. Then maybe politics can be disgussed on or about the age level of 10 here.

I hate republicans.

04-Aug-2009, 07:05 AM
lets talk two years down the line and see the differences...
Which will probably be very little...

04-Aug-2009, 07:09 AM
i think it's pretty amusing how polarized and divided everyone is...

it's also amusing how sensitive and touchy some people get about their political views.

but don't forget, no matter what, due to difference of opinions, everyone's right and everyone else is wrong...especially if you're among the PC crowd.:lol:

04-Aug-2009, 03:08 PM
I hate republicans.

Yeah because they are the real enemies, right?
I certainly don't agree politically with democrats, but I don't hate them and think of them as my adversary.
Get your head right, man.

04-Aug-2009, 05:08 PM
I am a registered independant.

When an election comes up I listen to
both twats that are running and I
go with the one whose lies i like more.

It dont matter if they are Democrat or Republican.

Fact is, the only difference between them is
Republicans steal millions for themselves and
thier friends, and Democrats steal millions for
themselves and thier friends.

And neither of them consider us thier friends.
We are the ones they steal it from.

I am however enjoying this Obama presidency.

Its like having Shaft as a president. Which is cool.


04-Aug-2009, 05:57 PM
I am a registered independant.

When an election comes up I listen to
both twats that are running and I
go with the one whose lies i like more.

It dont matter if they are Democrat or Republican.

Fact is, the only difference between them is
Republicans steal millions for themselves and
thier friends, and Democrats steal millions for
themselves and thier friends.

And neither of them consider us thier friends.
We are the ones they steal it from.

I am however enjoying this Obama presidency.

Its like having Shaft as a president. Which is cool.


that pic reminds me of this one someone had as there sig on the old forum


04-Aug-2009, 06:52 PM
Which will probably be very little...

Exactly, we heard all the same promises from Tony Blair all those years ago & look at his "achievements" :rolleyes:

04-Aug-2009, 07:59 PM
On my way to work this morning, I spotted one of these Obama posters in my town! Only it was mini-sized.

04-Aug-2009, 09:39 PM
When an election comes up I listen to
both twats that are running and I
go with the one whose lies i like more.

LMAO... I want to follow this philosphy. :D

04-Aug-2009, 11:25 PM
I'm a card carrying member of the Socialist Party USA, and we have not ever supported Obama.

A liberal is still a capitalist, and capitalism the enemy that has trashed whole continents (Africa) caused wars (Iraq) and created general suffering for millions of innocents with out the good luck of being born into wealth or first world countries.

Calling Obama a Socialist is like calling Rush Limbaugh skinny.

I honestly find the picture a bit racist to be honest, but only in the slightest degree. Stupid, and offensive to real socialists more.

05-Aug-2009, 12:20 AM
I'm a card carrying member of the Socialist Party USA, and we have not ever supported Obama.

A liberal is still a capitalist, and capitalism the enemy that has trashed whole continents (Africa) caused wars (Iraq) and created general suffering for millions of innocents with out the good luck of being born into wealth or first world countries.

Calling Obama a Socialist is like calling Rush Limbaugh skinny.

I honestly find the picture a bit racist to be honest, but only in the slightest degree. Stupid, and offensive to real socialists more.

Bragging about being in the socialist party seems very strange to me. Anyway, was it racist when Vanity Fair did the same thing to Bush?

By the way, Rush Limbaugh is skinny now. He's dropped from 300 lbs to 210 lbs in the last couple of months.

I am however enjoying this Obama presidency.

Its like having Shaft as a president. Which is cool.


It's really scary knowing who out there has the right to vote.

05-Aug-2009, 12:37 AM
I have nothing to be ashamed about, I don't follow all of the party lines however, for instance I'm in favor of Israel. While the majority of SPUSA members all hate it, but give me a democracy that allows for Socialist parties and workers unions compared to a Islamic extremist suicide bombing bunch of schmucks any day of the week.

Workers of the world unite.

By the way, Rush Limbaugh is skinny now. He's dropped from 300 lbs to 210 lbs in the last couple of months.Must be the pills again.

05-Aug-2009, 01:06 AM
Must be the pills again.

LOL Did you come with that one all by yourself? Oh goodness, too funny.

05-Aug-2009, 02:53 AM
In all fairness, nobody ever told
you NOT to be afraid.

05-Aug-2009, 03:16 AM
In all fairness, nobody ever told
you NOT to be afraid.

Thanks for letting me know, useful idiot.

05-Aug-2009, 03:25 AM
You're such a delightful fellow.

05-Aug-2009, 03:52 AM
You're welcome.
Its the least a 'useful idiot' could do.

Delightful is one word that could be
used to describe him Chris.

By the way he seeks to bait people into
fights I am pretty sure that he isnt looking
to be called delightful, but he will have to settle
for what he gets.

But I bet hes fun at parties.

05-Aug-2009, 03:57 AM
Also fun at parties----->http://www.badmovies.org/interviews/sklarey/sklarey1.jpg

05-Aug-2009, 12:22 PM
You're welcome.
Its the least a 'useful idiot' could do.

Delightful is one word that could be
used to describe him Chris.

By the way he seeks to bait people into
fights I am pretty sure that he isnt looking
to be called delightful, but he will have to settle
for what he gets.

But I bet hes fun at parties.

Trust me when I say that the opinion of others, like you for example, truly means nothing to me. I'm certainly not scared to state my opinion on a board that is dominated by liberal minded people.
And calling you a useful idiot is not intended as an insult to bait you, it's a real term to describe folks such as yourself and some other members here as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot
Like I suspected, the libs on this board would come out with the claws when I posted that image of Obama. How dare someone not like him!

05-Aug-2009, 12:29 PM
Well, if I may ask a question, if you don't care for us Liberal minded, useful idiot type folks then why the hell do you come here? I mean seriously, it seems you having nothing but disdain for the liberal movement and parties associated with liberals, and you always seem very combative and try and bait people so again why bother coming here?

You also know Romero is very much a Liberal, correct?

05-Aug-2009, 01:12 PM

05-Aug-2009, 01:19 PM

I Know I know... I said I would stay out of it, but when someone calls another member a useful idiot, still an insult no matter you slice it or dice it, it really burns my ass hairs, especially when it comes from the biggest asshole member of HPotD.

Frankly I don't care if he gets Romero interviews and seems to think he is riding a high cloud, there is something called deceny and respect, neither of which he exudes, and it is people like that who really get on my last fucking nerve.

Leo is nothing but a Racist asshole who really should have no part in this community... Period!

05-Aug-2009, 01:33 PM
Really just an observation and I'm really not taking sides here (I don't have much of an opinion on the whole American Republican-Democrat thing), but its probably a good thing that Romero and THX didn't get into talking politics when they met up, as GAR is and has always been a lot more liberal-minded than most people on here...

darth los
05-Aug-2009, 02:52 PM
Bragging about being in the socialist party seems very strange to me. Anyway, was it racist when Vanity Fair did the same thing to Bush?

By the way, Rush Limbaugh is skinny now. He's dropped from 300 lbs to 210 lbs in the last couple of months.

It's really scary knowing who out there has the right to vote.

Sounds like he has aids then cause that shit ain't natural !

Dammit ! I can't believe I haven't stuck my head in here until now! This shit is Hilarious. :lol:

On a serious note. The link you posted to that picture of bush is a perfect illustration to what I was about to post.

Everything has a racial component to it if for nothing more than how this country was founded, with 400 years of genocide and slavery as the foundation.

Now, Just Imagine if they had put Obama in "whiteface" like that. It would have been Armaggeddon. Why? Yes, because he's black and you just can't do that, period. There's 400 years of opression behind a photo like that that is not there with a white man and is something that cannot be ignored if it happened to Obama.

It's the same reason why whites can't use the word nigger.(and I'm not talking about when you guys are alone) Yes it's a double standard but you have to live with it the same way you have to live with a woman being able to slap you and you not being allowed to return the favor. That's just the way it is.

With Obama being president, Sotomayor headed to the Supreme Court and whites being relegated to minority status in this country in 20-30 years I can understand why people are so uneasy. But you reap what you sow.


05-Aug-2009, 04:17 PM
Y'know, because of that last comment, I've just pissed away half an hour looking online for a pic of Ben slapping Barbara(back) from NOTLD '68.

Thanks a lot, fellas. :p

(staying THE HELL out of the actual argument)

05-Aug-2009, 04:40 PM
Y'know, because of that last comment, I've just pissed away half an hour looking online for a pic of Ben slapping Barbara(back) from NOTLD '68.

Thanks a lot, fellas. :p

(staying THE HELL out of the actual argument)

That would make a really cool animated avatar - Ben just smacking Barbara again and again and again... :D

05-Aug-2009, 04:51 PM
That would make a really cool animated avatar - Ben just smacking Barbara again and again and again... :D

He grabs her by the shoulders and shakes her too, doesn't he? Or am I thinking of the remake?

That would make a hilarious avatar....

05-Aug-2009, 05:16 PM
So the US has nothing to apologize for?

maybe we should apologize for being so kick-ass...


i know that the u.s. doesn't have the best track record (slavery, the concept of manifest destiny and its effect upon america's original natives, and the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki come to mind), but it's quite pathetic how evil america is portrayed to be and how many people fall victim to that mindset, even its own citizens. our country has a hell of a lot more to be proud of than ashamed of, i say. by the way, i do have a poster of the image depicted above.

if you're into u.s. history and would like see what a great country we've been in the past, you should read the book "flags of our fathers". as a veteran of the armed forces and a citizen of this country, the book put a sense of pride in me that is probably similar to that displayed by this couple, overjoyed that a black man can be elected president in this country in this day and age.

05-Aug-2009, 05:19 PM
Also fun at parties----->http://www.badmovies.org/interviews/sklarey/sklarey1.jpg


best post in the whole thread. that fooking killed me when i came across it while reading through this delightful and entertaining thread.

darth los
05-Aug-2009, 05:34 PM
Y'know, because of that last comment, I've just pissed away half an hour looking online for a pic of Ben slapping Barbara(back) from NOTLD '68.

Thanks a lot, fellas. :p

(staying THE HELL out of the actual argument)

Sorry. :o

But no arguemnets here just civil discussions. Wadda ya think we are, people being recruited to disrupt town halls on healthcare or sumthin'? :p

That would make a really cool animated avatar - Ben just smacking Barbara again and again and again... :D

He grabs her by the shoulders and shakes her too, doesn't he? Or am I thinking of the remake?

That would make a hilarious avatar....

Didn't somehere here make custom avatars not to long ago? I'm sure he could whip one up.

05-Aug-2009, 05:36 PM
first, I never got upset u posted
that image of Obama.
I said if u like it so much go buy one.

YOU were the one who insulted when I
posted a pic of Obama (and not a flattering one either).
So dont come off as u are being insulted
when it is you who are doing the insulting.

I do know what the term 'useful idiot' means.
The way I used it didnt suggest
that I didnt know what it meant. All it said was
"yes, if u call me one then I must be one then'.

Lastly as far as your politics:
I dont care what you think.
I dont care what you know.
And I dont care what you think you know.

You can go eat shit for all I care,
or eat anything you like, or do anything you like.
Just dont assume that your political beliefs matter to me.

As you notice i never once called u a right wing
nut job or neo-con.
In fact i never insulted u at all.

However now I can safely conclude that
you are bug spit.

But I bet you are fun at parties.

Lastly, here is Obama beating on the rights
of all white people as he promotes socialism:


05-Aug-2009, 05:39 PM
You need to throw a caption in there Kortick, right on the picture.... to bad you couldn't add sound (Smack my Bitch up)


05-Aug-2009, 08:00 PM
Leo is nothing but a

For the record DJ, as I have been scolded for it in the past, the assholes name is not Leo!!!

05-Aug-2009, 08:12 PM
What a ridiculous thread.

05-Aug-2009, 08:22 PM
What a ridiculous thread.
I'm a bit late on this but that's a good enough cue for me to close it, cheers Aces. ;)

All this 'asshole' talk is a few toes over the line. Baiting and flaming are equal offences so I think I'm gonna seal this one up before it starts again.

05-Aug-2009, 08:34 PM
I just got the chance to check out the thread I started about Obama's Joker pic and read some of the hilarious posts aimed at me. I was, of course, going to reply and I discovered the thread was closed.
I must say that anything DJ says about me I take with a grain of salt. What's wrong DJ, don't want me coming around these liberal deadlands? As for the question about asking if I was aware that Romero was liberal? NO! What? You mean Romero is not conservative? I had no idea DJ, thanks for letting me know. Obviously I know his politics, but it does not stop me from respecting him and his work. I think that shows I can be open minded, unlike some others here.
As for some of the other guys, Kortick I think was one of the names, who the hell cares.
One last one for bassman, about the troll thing. Are you kidding? You are taking a shot at me? You literally post nothing of any value or worth here at all. The only thing I've ever learned from reading anything you post is that you really like Ghostbusters. That's it. Over 6,700 posts and I know you like Ghostbusters. Thanks for coming.

05-Aug-2009, 08:39 PM
I'm going to get some tacos....

Anyone else want some tacos?

05-Aug-2009, 08:41 PM
Threads merged.

05-Aug-2009, 08:47 PM
May i also add that we do not look favourably on closed topics being restarted by members involved, especially to continue any flaming which has gone on.

If you have a legitimate concern over a topic being closed either contact the moderator who closed it or myself and we will look at it, otherwise let it lie.