View Full Version : Everyone who thinks the Western world is so great...

05-Aug-2009, 10:21 PM
In 200 years, the permafrost in Siberia will melt, and the world will burn. The skies will be covered in ash and smoke, the sun will not penetrate and we will all freeze to death.

How could this happen? Well, we fucked up, that's how. Exploited the rest of the world and for little or no money.

US, Europe, doesn't matter. We caused this. You don't have to believe it, but the temperature is rising, and that frost will melt and unleash all the inflammable gases they've been building up for thousands of years.

Just puts a new perspective on everything. Human civilization, as we know it, has a maximum of 200 years left. :p

05-Aug-2009, 10:24 PM
Thank you for making our day a little brighter there Nostrodomus.

05-Aug-2009, 10:32 PM
My pleasure. The greatest thing of all is that it's already started to happen, and since the gases themselves stay in the atmosphere, we've basicly (well, I won't point any fingers, but it's probably not the lemurs) started a snowball effect that can't be stopped. As more gas get's released, the atmosphere gets warmer, and then even MORE permafrost melts and even more gas is released. Eventually, the atmosphere will probably be inhabitable.

If we're unlucky, this could happen in our lifetime. I guess when wildspread fires are being reported in Alaska and Siberia, we'll just have to sit back and crack open what will probably be our last beer. Oh, joy!

05-Aug-2009, 10:40 PM
Yeah, it's a serious possibility, but it's not as much a given as you suggest. We're finding new factors in global warming all the time - five years ago we didn''t know about the Siberian gases, five years from now we might find some other process that will cancel that out, or something to help us. The scary thing is we just don't KNOW what will happen. I agree that we shouldn't be playing this game of russian roulette with the planet in the first place.

05-Aug-2009, 10:42 PM
Orrrrrrr. . . . .maybe this is just the natural cycle sped up a bit, and all will equal out to a perfectly manageable level.

05-Aug-2009, 10:59 PM
within 200 years, the western world will build big spaceships to take us to other planets to deplete all their natural resources as well...don't you pay attention to science fiction?:D

05-Aug-2009, 11:00 PM
ive been living green for years, so karma wise im in a good place. plus i wont live that long. but least i did my part regardless.

05-Aug-2009, 11:03 PM
Living green in the western world is unfortuneately still living quite disasterously. And while I agree, kraken, that we might discover some factor that will "cancel this out", that seems highly unlikely. I can't think of what that could be.

The sooner we come to terms with the fact that we have fucked up this world, and our civilization (or at the very least our way of life) is going to end in a not-too-distant future, then we can start thinking about how to meet these events with as much preparation as possible.

05-Aug-2009, 11:13 PM
The sooner we come to terms with the fact that we have fucked up this world, and our civilization (or at the very least our way of life) is going to end in a not-too-distant future, then we can start thinking about how to meet these events with as much preparation as possible.

Or party like it's 2209! :hyper: :moon: :annoyed:

05-Aug-2009, 11:26 PM
Or party like it's 2209! :hyper: :moon: :annoyed:

True, that works too.

But, for a second, imagine what kind of world we're leaving behind us. It's not really nice, is it?

"Here. Yeah, I know, we fucked it up and in 20 years you, and everyone you know is going to die because of us. But what the heck, here's the will."

05-Aug-2009, 11:33 PM
Ah, Ned, you're a great guy, but a contrarian and all-or-nothing, baby-out-with-bathwater sort to your very core.

05-Aug-2009, 11:43 PM
Trust me, you win lots of races that way!

And I mean races in a sort of metaphorical way. I don't actually race.

05-Aug-2009, 11:53 PM
Ned, are you forgetting that we won't even make it another 200 years? The world is ending in 2012, duh. Just like it ended on New Years Eve 1999 and, before that, in the Cold War!

06-Aug-2009, 12:06 AM
True, that works too.

But, for a second, imagine what kind of world we're leaving behind us. It's not really nice, is it?

Yeah, I know it ain't nice but I think it's bound to happen one way or another, besides, isn't the insects turn to take over now?

06-Aug-2009, 12:15 AM
Yeah, I know it ain't nice but I think it's bound to happen one way or another, besides, isn't the insects turn to take over now?

no dude, first chairs, then walrus' THEN insects.

06-Aug-2009, 12:35 AM
Ned, are you forgetting that we won't even make it another 200 years? The world is ending in 2012, duh. Just like it ended on New Years Eve 1999 and, before that, in the Cold War!

The difference is that those were speculated end of the worlds. Because someone MIGHT press that button. This button has already been pressed. The frost is melting, and the clock is ticking.

06-Aug-2009, 08:52 AM
Cant say i'm bothered!inevitably I wont be here in 60 years time never mind 200!there will still be life on this planet then,it just wont be human,we arent the be all & end all of the universe!nature takes care of its shit anyway

06-Aug-2009, 02:12 PM
You Humans are just making it more hospitable for my kind!

Thank you and please continue to smoke!!!



06-Aug-2009, 02:17 PM
I don't know, I'm just kinda disgusted by the way people nonchalantly ignore this kinda stuff. "Well, it's not my problem", most people say. I wish that kind of attitude would just go and die, really.

06-Aug-2009, 07:23 PM
I wish that kind of attitude would just go and die, really.

Apparently it will. . . . in about 200 hundred years.;)

06-Aug-2009, 11:02 PM
Yay Skippy! Great pic!
"Our responsibility is finished."
Go green, everybody!
Oh well, guess we're doomed.... at least we're HEALTHY and doomed, though.

07-Aug-2009, 01:01 AM
I'm pretty sure the world has ended at least 50 times by now. If you believe all the predictions anyway.

10-Aug-2009, 03:13 AM
I don't know, I'm just kinda disgusted by the way people nonchalantly ignore this kinda stuff. "Well, it's not my problem", most people say. I wish that kind of attitude would just go and die, really.

Eh, if what you say is right, there is NO hope whatsoever, why should we care?

10-Aug-2009, 03:21 AM
Maybe if the eggheads got ONE doom prediction right in history, it wouldn't be ignored. So far, they've predicted the end of everything numerous times, and have been proven wrong every single one of them.

Remember how the world was supposed to run out of oil by 1990? Or how Britain was supposed to run out of food by 1900?

Sure are a lot of guys on this website still eating, for there being no food available to them. And there sure is a lot of oil being sold for it not existing anymore.

This is just another example. The year will come around, and there will be no "end". But the people making the predictions will be long dead, so they'll avoid the ridicule.

10-Aug-2009, 07:15 AM
This is just another example. The year will come around, and there will be no "end". But the people making the predictions will be long dead, so they'll avoid the ridicule.

Actually, this is not a prediction, it's a scientific theory. You know, like gravity and evolution and those kind of silly predictions. The 2012 one? That's a vague prediction based on myth. 1999? Bullshit. This one? No year set, but the Permafrosts will melt sooner or later, right? And we, as a species, won't die, but we'll have to suffer through another ice age.

Why we should care? Well, I'm not stupid. I'm not saying we should do a full-stop, because our cozy lifestyle wouldn't gather enough support for that. Rather, we should just slowly prepare for it and minimize our pollution because we can at least post-pone this somewhat.

However, I also realize that people are maybe a bit too cozy to even care the slightest. The trend these days is that "I'm OK, and this won't affect me, so me and my ego are just gonna keep rolling the way we have". Don't deny it, that's the voice of a generation and it's pretty much confirmed in this thread.

10-Aug-2009, 08:46 AM
Primative man seemed to get through the last ice age just fine. We are a VERY adaptable species. Yes. . many will die. . yes many will suffer. . But all in all. . we will get by and survive. It's what we do.

10-Aug-2009, 12:04 PM
True, I do not think Humanity is doomed on any account. Heck, the only thing that could wipe us all out would be a nuclear war (And yes, that WOULD wipe out all life on the planet in the long run) but I have such a very hard thinking anyone would be dumn enough to initiate anything like that. Why would one commit suicide? MAD, and all that.

It's just that I'm a bit pissed at all the individualism that gets thrown around these days. Humanity is the only species which doesn't really seem to care for it's, or anyone elses survival.

10-Aug-2009, 02:03 PM
Actually, this is not a prediction, it's a scientific theory.

If it is a scientific theory, it is most certainly a fringe one. Not nearly enough scientists support a 200 year to extinction scenario to warrant anything but curiosity. However, if you are correct, you win the grand Nostrodamus end of the world lottery. The prize is you are the last person who was right in an internet piss fest. ;)

10-Aug-2009, 02:54 PM
The world is coming to an end?

The sky is falling?

I better go tell Henny Penny and Turkey Lurkey.

oh, and Goosey Loosey.

10-Aug-2009, 03:55 PM
If it is a scientific theory, it is most certainly a fringe one. Not nearly enough scientists support a 200 year to extinction scenario to warrant anything but curiosity. However, if you are correct, you win the grand Nostrodamus end of the world lottery. The prize is you are the last person who was right in an internet piss fest. ;)

It's more to it than that, but fine whatever. I'm not gonna act all sensationalistic on your asses, but heck. I would have thought some of you would at least be able to tell the difference.

darth los
10-Aug-2009, 05:12 PM
True, I do not think Humanity is doomed on any account. Heck, the only thing that could wipe us all out would be a nuclear war (And yes, that WOULD wipe out all life on the planet in the long run) but I have such a very hard thinking anyone would be dumn enough to initiate anything like that. Why would one commit suicide? MAD, and all that.

It's just that I'm a bit pissed at all the individualism that gets thrown around these days. Humanity is the only species which doesn't really seem to care for it's, or anyone elses survival.

Humans in general don't care about things that don't affect them or their loved ones directly.

Ponder this: If we could end world hunger tomorrow and all people had to do was give up their remote controls I don't even think they'd do it. And what? Have to get their asses up and change the chanell!?! :stunned:


10-Aug-2009, 05:24 PM
Yuck. I hate remote controls, so i'd give em' up gladly. It's not that I hate the comfort they give, I just hate that there has to be so many of em'...

darth los
10-Aug-2009, 05:31 PM
Yuck. I hate remote controls, so i'd give em' up gladly. It's not that I hate the comfort they give, I just hate that there has to be so many of em'...

Glad to hear it. I guess you'll be the first then!!

It's hilarious to me that no one will give up their modern convieniences but what they fail to realize is that the lifestyle we enjoy today is unsustainable.

A century or so more of this and they won't have to decide and it will be invouluntarily taken away from them.

And then there will be worldwide riots because no one is familiar with the concept of self reliance any more.


10-Aug-2009, 05:49 PM
Maybe if the eggheads got ONE doom prediction right in history, it wouldn't be ignored.
Do you really want to be around for the one they do get right?

darth los
10-Aug-2009, 05:51 PM
Well, when you're always claiming the sky is falling or crying wolf...


10-Aug-2009, 05:56 PM
A century or so more of this and they won't have to decide and it will be invouluntarily taken away from them.

And then there will be worldwide riots because no one is familiar with the concept of self reliance any more.

Actually, it might happen much sooner than that. The one resource we can't live without, oil is not infinite. I don't know how much oil is left, and to be honest, I don't think anybody does. But once we reach peak oil, prices are gonna sky-rocket overnight and that will... Well, to be frank, suck. I just hope that by then we found some kind of alternate resource.

Basicly there are two kinds of oil. The oil that's easy to get, and that's the stuff we're using up right now, and the oil that's damn near impossible to get. Almost not even worth bothering with. And once the easy oil gets drained, we have to go for the other stuff and that will probably quadruple the oil prices if not more.

All other resources are pretty much repleacable. But oil?

10-Aug-2009, 06:01 PM
Well, when you're always claiming the sky is falling or crying wolf...
Funny how human reaction to these issues is typically patterned after birds: you're either running around like "Chicken Little" exclaiming that the sky is falling or you've got your head "buried in the sand like an ostrich" denying that a problem even exists (alleged because an ostrich isn't actually known to do this.)

It's too bad the "wise old owl" isn't adapted as a role model more often.

darth los
10-Aug-2009, 06:19 PM
Funny how human reaction to these issues is typically patterned after birds: you're either running around like "Chicken Little" exclaiming that the sky is falling or you've got your head "buried in the sand like an ostrich" denying that a problem even exists (alleged because an ostrich isn't actually known to do this.)

It's too bad the "wise old owl" isn't adapted as a role model more often.

You have a definite point there and once again very eloquently put.

Perhaps it's because birds look so frantic, like they're running around without a plan.

Hey!! that's like virtually everyone I know!!

Actually, it might happen much sooner than that. The one resource we can't live without, oil is not infinite. I don't know how much oil is left, and to be honest, I don't think anybody does. But once we reach peak oil, prices are gonna sky-rocket overnight and that will... Well, to be frank, suck. I just hope that by then we found some kind of alternate resource.

Basicly there are two kinds of oil. The oil that's easy to get, and that's the stuff we're using up right now, and the oil that's damn near impossible to get. Almost not even worth bothering with. And once the easy oil gets drained, we have to go for the other stuff and that will probably quadruple the oil prices if not more.

All other resources are pretty much repleacable. But oil?

Imo, that's what this mad dash for Green energy is about. It's not about saving the planet. Sure that's a cool sdie benefit but it's mainly to keep enjoying the lifestyle we've had over the last century or so.

The industrial revolution was what 150 some odd years ago? Don't you think they saw this coming back then. I'd say that's enough time to come up with an alternative, don't you?

But, leave it up to the human race to only do the right thing When they HAVE to.


10-Aug-2009, 08:06 PM
Personally, I think finding an alternative energy source should be the top priority for the world right now. Because remember, China and India are growing. The European market is growing as well, and the US ain't cutting down for that matter. Oil is in more demand for every week that passes by.

darth los
10-Aug-2009, 08:33 PM
Personally, I think finding an alternative energy source should be the top priority for the world right now. Because remember, China and India are growing. The European market is growing as well, and the US ain't cutting down for that matter. Oil is in more demand for every week that passes by.

Riddle me this though. We've already established that Human Beings generally take the easy way out.

So...What would be easier. To overhaul our entire energy system ,or, Just keep goijng to war with oil rich countries and take theirs?


10-Aug-2009, 09:24 PM
In the nuclear age? Well, your guess is as good as mine, but I hope people start reconsidering the efficency of war soon.