View Full Version : Ronnie Biggs released from prison

06-Aug-2009, 09:18 PM
This wont be a popular decision among the Brits but I'm happy the old boy is out. About f**king time too.

Click (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/lawandorder/5984867/Ronnie-Biggs-released-from-prison-to-die.html) for article.

06-Aug-2009, 09:27 PM
isnt he just a thief?, seems pretty harsh what happened, only really got told about him the other day when my grandad found a photo he had taken with him back in the 70's in spain.

07-Aug-2009, 09:33 AM
In the end - the man's a criminal, he was on the run for years and years - the train driver of the train in question DIED as a result of the injuries he incurred at the hands of Biggs' gang (and maybe Biggs himself?)

Him being a 'celebrity' should have nothing to do with it, and the government have ballsed yet another thing up - they lock him up and say "he'll die in prison", then they cave to a group led by Biggs' family and let him out.

To me, it's all kinds of fucked up.

I can understand the interest and lure of his character, much like with Goodfella types - but when they get caught, damn straight because they bloody deserve to be caught and banged up.

07-Aug-2009, 12:29 PM
I can understand the interest and lure of his character, much like with Goodfella types - but when they get caught, damn straight because they bloody deserve to be caught and banged up.
I love the old boy and it's got nothing to do with his crimes either.

Kwality tune. ;)

07-Aug-2009, 01:14 PM
In the end - the man's a criminal, he was on the run for years and years - the train driver of the train in question DIED as a result of the injuries he incurred at the hands of Biggs' gang (and maybe Biggs himself?)

Him being a 'celebrity' should have nothing to do with it, and the government have ballsed yet another thing up - they lock him up and say "he'll die in prison", then they cave to a group led by Biggs' family and let him out.

To me, it's all kinds of fucked up.

I can understand the interest and lure of his character, much like with Goodfella types - but when they get caught, damn straight because they bloody deserve to be caught and banged up.

Exactly,they should have stuck to their guns & made him die in prison, that poor train driver never recovered from being coshed during the robbery! But at the same time theres people who do far worse crimes these days who get less than a year inside for it, and thats where the justice system is fucked up & needs sorting out ASAP!

07-Aug-2009, 01:19 PM
Yeah...if he killed a guy, he deserves to spend his last days rotting in the cell where he belongs. The justice system is too soft.

On an unrelated note about murder and the system.....Last night I watched the film "Milk", and the guy who murdered Harvey Milk and the Mayor got only 5 years and claimed he killed them because he had been eating too much junk food?!? WTF? Five years for a double murder?!?:annoyed:

07-Aug-2009, 01:25 PM
I just heard about this guy on the news this morning...

I remember the old train robber movie but I have not beed schooled in this area. Was he tried and convicted of this crime and then released to die of his illness? Or was he awaiting trial and became more sick and then was released due to his illness??? Thanks for any info from you boys and girls on the other side of the pond. :)

darth los
07-Aug-2009, 02:51 PM
Yeah...if he killed a guy, he deserves to spend his last days rotting in the cell where he belongs. The justice system is too soft.

On an unrelated note about murder and the system.....Last night I watched the film "Milk", and the guy who murdered Harvey Milk and the Mayor got only 5 years and claimed he killed them because he had been eating too much junk food?!? WTF? Five years for a double murder?!?:annoyed:

If you think that's bad just look at the events behind the film Mississippi Burning. The time those were were even convicted was a pittance.

Now, it's amazing that the group that's being most persecuted at the time doesn't really get much sympathy or public outcry when they are wronged. Back then it was blacks. Ironically, it was two white men who got killed and one black man. The Black man was considered expendable and as for the two white guys the got what they desevred for trying to advance the civil rights agenda.

So, in the instance you refer to in the eyes of the court it wasn't that big a deal.

Think about this: michael Vick got 2 years for killing a dog....so ya......


07-Aug-2009, 02:51 PM
I remember the old train robber movie but I have not beed schooled in this area. Was he tried and convicted of this crime and then released to die of his illness?
Basically he was sentenced to thirty years in prison in 1963 for his part in the train robbery. Two years later he escaped from prison and flew to Austrailia and then finally Rio De Janeiro, where he lived for twenty-three years. He could not be extradited under Brazilian law so he pretty much rubbed it in the faces of the British government and flaunted his freedom. He even recorded music with the Sex Pistols and Die Toten Hosen.

It wasn't a bed of roses however, as he had the constant threat of kidnap and even murder hanging over his head.

He came back to the UK in 2001. People think that he returned because he was broke and that Brazil has no healthcare, which is wrong. He actually came back because he wanted to spend his final days in the UK and hoped that he could "walk into a Margate pub as an Englishman and buy a pint of bitter."

Anyway, he's served a third of his sentence in total and, as Tricky stated, that's more than some murderers and paedophiles get. I think he's done his share. Now let the man have his pint of bitter and die in peace, forever reminding the police and the government of how f**king useless they are for letting him slip from their grasp in the first place.

Cheers, Ron! ;)

04-Nov-2009, 01:14 AM
As you can see from the above post, I think the absolute cheek on this old timer is classic, so you can imagine the LOL's I got out of this article.

Biggs has made a miraculous recovery from pneumonia and MRSA after his compassionate release from jail in August.

The robber, who can't speak after a series of strokes, said on his spelling board yesterday: "I haven't seen Arsenal live since the early 1960s. I think I'm strong enough to watch them one last time. I'd love to see the new stadium."

Last weekend Biggs left his nursing home to watch the Gunners play Tottenham on TV at his son Michael's house.

Michael, 35, said: "He had a fantastic time. He's now a free man. It's not as if going to a match is taking the mick. My dad just wants to see the Gunners play."

Click (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2712391/Ronnie-Biggs-is-feeling-well-enough-to-watch-Arsenal-play.html) for article.

I do realise he is not an entirely popular figure so I'm prepared for some less-than-enthusiastic replies. :D

04-Nov-2009, 01:32 AM
As you can see from the above post, I think the absolute cheek on this old timer is classic, so you can imagine the LOL's I got out of this article.

he's a ballsy old geezer that's for sure. it certainly seems that he's pulled one over on the legal system...again.

folks who are on their "death bed" from pneumonia (esp. at this dude's age) are usually not found watching football at their son's house 3 months later. :shifty:

04-Nov-2009, 10:04 AM


27-Apr-2010, 09:36 AM
In the end - the man's a criminal, he was on the run for years and years - the train driver of the train in question DIED as a result of the injuries he incurred at the hands of Biggs' gang (and maybe Biggs himself?)

Apparently biggs only had a minor role in the crime...getaway driver or something....