View Full Version : G.i. Joe

09-Aug-2009, 08:43 PM
saw it last night. it had a star wars vibe to it for some reason. GO SEE IT!!

09-Aug-2009, 09:21 PM
Last I heard....the studio refused to let the press get an early screening for reviews and the director was fired from the project so the studio could have final edit.

Not a good sign. But i'll still catch it on dvd or the tube.

09-Aug-2009, 09:36 PM
Last I heard....the studio refused to let the press get an early screening for reviews and the director was fired from the project so the studio could have final edit.

Not a good sign. But i'll still catch it on dvd or the tube.

its on track to make a lot of cash....u seriously have to stop letting critics decide a movie for you. they trashed transformers 2....and that only made them look stupid as 2 months later its already made 818 million dollars. gi joe has already made 100 million

09-Aug-2009, 09:41 PM
its on track to make a lot of cash....u seriously have to stop letting critics decide a movie for you. they trashed transformers 2....and that only made them look stupid as 2 months later its already made 818 million dollars. gi joe has already made 100 million

Hannah Montana and Alvin and the Chipmunks made loads of cash. Take that for what you will...

And just for the record, I don't let critics make up my mind. This film never looked interesting to me, anyway. What I said in my first post is just icing on the cake to stop me from shelling out 10 bucks for theater. I'll catch it for a 3 dollar rental or free on the tube.

09-Aug-2009, 10:17 PM
The amount of money a film makes does not mean it's a good movie. Transformers made a shload of cash, yet was a complete pile of garbage geared toward the MTV generation, in my opinion, and GI Joe looks exactly the same. From the pictures/videos I've seen of this movie, it seems to have very little to do with GI Joe, other than the moniker and the character names.

10-Aug-2009, 01:42 AM
Saw it (go ahead and bash me). It was similar to Transformers in that most of the characters didn't look much like they're supposed to and all the action/chase scenes were much too quick and busy for anything truly amazing to be recognized. The ending reminded me a bit of the first X-men movie, but... y'know, a lot worse. Bottom line: only hardcore fans or people who really dig contrived, mindless action should watch it. Strike that: the hardcore fans would just be pissed. I know I am.

10-Aug-2009, 02:42 AM
Hannah Montana and Alvin and the Chipmunks made loads of cash.
Alvin and the Chipmunks were in a movie with Hannah Montana?

u seriously have to stop letting critics decide a movie for you.
As well as people who are all like "dude u have 2 go see this movie it rawks don't listen 2 stoopid critics i <3 GIJOE best movie ever!"

10-Aug-2009, 03:01 AM
Alvin and the Chipmunks were in a movie with Hannah Montana?

It's bound to happen.:eek:

As well as people who are all like "dude u have 2 go see this movie it rawks don't listen 2 stoopid critics i <3 GIJOE best movie ever!"

You did that too well!

10-Aug-2009, 03:10 AM
It's bound to happen.:eek:
I just want to know how I missed it! :D

You did that too well!
I had some help. Believe it or not, that is alarmingly close to a real posting on another message board. I simply changed "loved" to a "<3" ;)

10-Aug-2009, 03:17 AM
I had some help. Believe it or not, that is alarmingly close to a real posting on another message board. I simply changed "loved" to a "<3" ;)

Man, I hate that kinda.... what do you call it-noob-talk?:confused: Ugh. Whatever, anyway back to this. G.I. Joe, huh? Never saw it. The only 80s cartoon I watched as, a youngling was Thundercats and coming back to that its pure cheese! In fact all, 80s cartoons seem like that. Maybe, its a 'I had to be there kinda thing'?:rockbrow:

Saying, that isn't there a Thundercats movie coming?

Thunder Thunder THUNDERCATS! HO!

Is that how it went?

10-Aug-2009, 05:26 AM
The amount of money a film makes does not mean it's a good movie.
Spot on, Pizz.

As well as people who are all like "dude u have 2 go see this movie it rawks don't listen 2 stoopid critics i <3 GIJOE best movie ever!"
Y0u kn0w5 1t!!! L0LL3R5!!!

10-Aug-2009, 07:10 AM
I'll pass on this one, it's never a good sign when a movie studio refuses to let people review thier movie.

Plus it doesn't intrest me in the slightest and I grew up watching G.I. Joe, hell, I still have all of my old G.I. Joe toys in my parents attic.

So yeah, count me out on this movie.

10-Aug-2009, 08:48 AM
Watched the first 20 minutes, and I was incredibly bored. Now, I know I can't review the entire film or anything, but if it is like the first little bit here is all you need to know:


You remember how as a kid, when you played with toys, how you would always pretend a million things just exploded for no reason, and cars and trucks would get tossed around and thrown miles away? That was what I saw when I watched the first little bit of GI Joe; my old childhood explosion fetish.

10-Aug-2009, 08:50 AM
my old childhood explosion fetish.

Years of therapy right there. . .years of it.;)

10-Aug-2009, 10:22 AM
Saw it yesterday ... ... it was okay ... ... Rachel Nichols is well fit, but Transformers was a much better "movie of a cartoon of a toy".

I was satisfied by most of the action - although said action was far too frequent - the Paris chase was the best set piece (better than the final battle by quite a bit) ... Channing Tatum is a twat who just looked like he was staring dumbly through anyone he was supposed to be looking at while conversing with them, plus his acting in this was pish ... ... what the fudge monkies was with Ecclestone's accent - that's no kind of Scottish I've ever heard (Ecclestone is Northern by the way, Manchester if memory serves) ... ... "The Doctor" was pretty cool though, so I enjoyed all his scenes.

I know it's "rise of the cobra", but there were elements right at the end that I wished had been in this movie ... duno really.

Oh yeah, and the film is dripping with greasy cheese ... and there are some pretty big cliches thrown in there too. Transformers also explained the mythology better, and had a much better pace to it as well ... ... plus it also had a better script, and actors, and CGI ... seriously, some of the CGI in GI Joe looked pretty half-finished compared to some of the other CGI ... quite inconsistent quality wise at times.

So yeah, it's a movie about LOTS AND LOTS of stuff EXPLODING AND FLIPPING INTO THE AIR ... good enough distraction for 2 hours, but I did yawn a number of times during it, and saw many people taking a piss break during action scenes ... or rather, the whole movie, because it was 2 hours of almost non-stop action, with a few scenes of ropey dialogue and 'character' dotted around in a muddle.

Really dumb not-as-good-as-Transformers-by-a-considerable-margin fun ... during which you'll probably let slip a few yawns.

So yeah, it half-worked quite well, but it also half-didn't-work ... a mixed bag really, even for a big, loud action movie ... so I guess that's a really mixed bag.

10-Aug-2009, 11:00 AM
Suffered through the trailer some time ago, and to be honest I'd rather have my guts ripped out with a giant rusty fork, then forced down my throat to drown me in my own shit, than sit through the full running time of GI Joe. :D

It just looks like two hours of people backflipping out of planes, explosions, impossible action sequences shot in pain-inducing shakycam, things flying through the air, explosions, stereotypical "comedy black guys" being "wacky", explosions, more explosions...

In fact, the one movie the trailer reminded me of most, was Team America, without the jokes.

10-Aug-2009, 12:22 PM
I remember when I saw the first trailer I rolled my eyes at the "Accelerator Suits", but at the same time I believe Iron Man. Go figure....

10-Aug-2009, 02:50 PM
My younglings want to see it...how was the language...I don't usually like to go to the movies with my kids...night at the museum...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

but I might be able to sit through this one if the violence and language is a little toned down. Both my kiddies saw The last xmen movie and I thought that was at a good level.

darth los
10-Aug-2009, 03:36 PM
You know what's funny? (and this is singling out no one in particular because I've been guilty of the same thing at times) People hate so much on movies they deem to be crap yet they're making like 13 bucks an hour and the people they're hating (Zack Snyder for example) are Millionaires. Anyone see a disconnect here? So keep hating and stay broke. Or.... find out what they're doing and do it too.

You would think if the movies are so crappy and they know so much then they would go out and make a beter one and make THEMSELVES some money.


10-Aug-2009, 04:26 PM
My younglings want to see it...how was the language...I don't usually like to go to the movies with my kids...night at the museum...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

but I might be able to sit through this one if the violence and language is a little toned down. Both my kiddies saw The last xmen movie and I thought that was at a good level.
Swearing wise, I don't really remember any - I do specifically remember two utterances of "shit" - but I felt it was light on the swearing.

Violence wise ... I duno, it felt pretty violent for a 12A movie - the endless action means there's endless violence. It's not really bloody, but some of it is a smidge OTT for 12A maybe. Not quite the full reveal of Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight, but it's like there's a lot of punching and kicking and general fisticuffs, and there are a couple of moments that are a bit "b'ave" - like a dude getting the Cobra version of plastic surgery, and a bit in the opening prologue which doesn't show a lot, but it certainly raised my eyebrows:

Set in the 17th century, in France, a weapons seller has been caught selling to both sides in a war, he then has a metal mask (bright orange hot from a coal fire) attached to his face as he screams in agony and we see the whites of his eyes through the scalding-hot mask.


Oh, the bit where someone hacks into a computer at one point made me lol alright - while hacking in a window for Norton Anti-Virus came up ... ... lol ... what kind of super-secret governmenty-typey computer is going to have Norton Anti-Virus on it? They used to be good for home use, but not anymore ... so why for whatever that computer in the movie was used for? :p