View Full Version : Do you use Watchmovies.net? If so, be careful...

10-Aug-2009, 07:25 PM
i just picked up a trojan there yesterday, and had never encountered one on that site before. tricky little bugger to get rid of too. if you guys use this site, be extremley careful. i didnt even install anything, my browser just started dragging when i went to watch wolverine and i knew i was done for. heres what it looked like.

morons dont even know proper grammar. like i'm gonna believe thats a real windows alert.

10-Aug-2009, 08:00 PM
havent used it much since the cg resi film came out but i noticed the dodgy redesign, good thing im on a mac with top notch security.

10-Aug-2009, 08:03 PM
oh, well hello Mr. Fancypants! :p i wish i was.

darth los
10-Aug-2009, 08:35 PM
oh, well hello Mr. Fancypants! :p i wish i was.

Don't worry tls. I appreciate the concern you show'd for your fellow dead heads.

Thnx for the heads up man. :thumbsup:


10-Aug-2009, 09:04 PM
haha, ok cool. yeah i wish i had a mac but ya know. kinda expensive.

10-Aug-2009, 09:12 PM
Thanks for the warning, I don't use that site very much, but I know a lot of people who do. I'll pass on the info.

10-Aug-2009, 09:14 PM
I don't get all the love for Macs, or Apple in general (iPods, etc.). They had a fetish for Macs at my university and I used to hate using them. I disliked the interface and always had a hard time finding software for them. I guess I'm just stuck in my ways.

I've not had any problems with spyware or trojans since ditching Internet Explorer for Firefox a few years ago, though.

10-Aug-2009, 09:25 PM
Thanks for the warning, I don't use that site very much, but I know a lot of people who do. I'll pass on the info.
n/p, always lookin out :thumbsup:

I don't get all the love for Macs, or Apple in general (iPods, etc.). They had a fetish for Macs at my university and I used to hate using them. I disliked the interface and always had a hard time finding software for them. I guess I'm just stuck in my ways.

I've not had any problems with spyware or trojans since ditching Internet Explorer for Firefox a few years ago, though.
which i also use firefox and this thing still got me. it also tryed to prevent me from restoring my hard drive. i hate those things.

10-Aug-2009, 10:42 PM
haha, ok cool. yeah i wish i had a mac but ya know. kinda expensive.

dude, check at local colleges and apple retailers for refurbished ones at marked down prices, mate of mine got a white i-mac form the last version for £200.

Mine was £1400, bit of a discount even if its one model older.:lol:

13-Aug-2009, 03:17 AM
Antivirus System Pro. Isn't that one of those fake antivirus progs that activates randomly? Might not have anything to do with the site itself.

05-Dec-2011, 06:32 AM
you should make this permanently removed to get rid of it . .the site is really no worthy to visit