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View Full Version : george A romero's dead films are not realistic?

20-May-2006, 06:21 PM
so I was talking with a friend last night. and all of sudden he comes out saying that 28 days later was a realistic film unlike george A romero's zombie flicks. I didn't continue talking with him because It was late and I didn't want to get into a big discussion. but I mean come on, george A romero's zombie films are realistic. they might not have state of the art CGI effects which are not needed but that's only because of the time in which they were made. what's your opinion people?

20-May-2006, 06:25 PM
so I was talking with a friend last night. and all of sudden he comes out saying that 28 days later was a realistic film unlike george A romero's zombie flicks. I didn't continue talking with him because It was late and I didn't want to get into a big discussion. but I mean come on, george A romero's zombie films are realistic. they might not have state of the art CGI effects which are not needed but that's only because of the time in which they were made. what's your opinion people?

Well, there's different aspects of what people might consider realistic. I'd say that GAR's look at humanity being it's own worst enemy, and the precipitous state of human society as depicted in his films are very realistic elements of GAR's storytelling.

20-May-2006, 06:53 PM
Well, there's different aspects of what people might consider realistic. I'd say that GAR's look at humanity being it's own worst enemy, and the precipitous state of human society as depicted in his films are very realistic elements of GAR's storytelling.

Very well said. The thing is...as far as we know, the dead do not rise and want to kill and eat the living, never has, and probably never will. Same as the 28 Days Later scenario, people have never on a mass scale become "infected" and want to kill the "non-infected". As far as that goes, neither film is "realistic" in the real world sense. Within the universe that both filmmakers created, both movies were realistic. For the most part, the people in those movies acted under the rules set down by the creator of that universe. I mean, is Rambo realistic? One guy running from 100 guys with automatic weapons firing at him, they all miss? Not very realistic, yet as a movie viewer you have to accept that within the context of that type of movie.

Tell your friend that CGI effects do not make a movie more "realistic". I mean, our minds can interpret that what we are seeing could not be happening unless we were seeing CGI effects, therefore that makes it even less realistic. In Day, when they are pulling the skin off of Rickles face, tell me, doesnt that look pretty realistic? I would say that your friend must not have been exposed to GAR movies enough to appreciate them.

20-May-2006, 07:40 PM
i was watching dawn with someone
and he couldnt accept the fact that the dead
were coming back to life to eat the living

he just kept saying why?

so ithink its not the effects he is talking about
but the premise itself

it takes a lot to accept the storyline
but once you do it is a great thing

20-May-2006, 07:42 PM
Yea, in the context of the film, I'd say for the most part the people acted realistically. I'm sure alot of people would have gotten liek Rhodes did in Day, and just want to leave that damn cave. Imagine being stuck in a cave for the rest of your life? Yea, I'd wanna leave as well, and I imagine you'd end up going psychotic as well if you were in that situation. Well, at least some would.

21-May-2006, 07:01 AM
Maybe your friend was refering to 28DL and the virus causing the problem compared to the dead returning to life for no apparent reason in GAR's universe... If that's the case, I can kind of see his point as a virus is more likely to cause an epidemic like in 28dl... look how nuts people are going over the bird flu. As far as entertainment goes, I much prefer zombies than infected crazy people.

21-May-2006, 10:35 AM
Here's my amazing opinion, cos you all know you want it :D

28 Days Later - they're NOT f*cking zombies, tell your mate they're "infected", the people never actually died, they're infected with "rage", a virus, they ain't flesh eating, shambling zombies.

Also, both films are realistic, not fully, but I'd say GAR's are more realistic (I'm sure there's plenty of people here who had trouble with the so-called 'army of rapists' half of 28DL). GAR comments on the human condition, he depicts the fall of man in quite a detailed manner, he is all about how we f*ck it all up ourselves from not listening or acting quick enough, by just fighting amongst ourselves when we should be fighting the zombies.

Your mate needs to sit down and watch the GAR flicks "Clockwork Orange" style. :D

21-May-2006, 02:13 PM
you need to get a new friend

Guru ofthe Dead
24-May-2006, 05:22 AM
Indeed!!!! Why not have the dead just popping up. Come on knowing a virus caused a problem you could fix it. I know in 28L it was almost the end of the world, but I think it takes more in the fact of talk a social problem in the "real world" like aids. GAR's stuff has it's own political views in them, however not knowing what caused the problem and not being able to solve it could be more realistic. Why just as in Land we would try to ignore the problem.:cool:

24-May-2006, 12:04 PM
I know in 28L it was almost the end of the world.....:

It was? It's been a while since I saw it but I thought they were just quarantined and the rest of the world was fine. That's what the soldiers tell them, if I'm not mistaken.

24-May-2006, 12:24 PM
you need to get a new friend

I second this opinion. :D

24-May-2006, 06:26 PM
Yeah Jim sees a plane flying overhead after he escaped the soldiers, just like that one Scottish soldier said. It would appear there was infection in "Paris and New York", but obviously it was dealt with. That's probably down to the infection starting in London at the lab, the other countries would be on full alert within 24 hours I'd imagine, so they'd be able to take care of business.

Guru ofthe Dead
24-May-2006, 10:24 PM
bassman311 and minionzombie you guys are correct. I've see the movie one and a half times(I could'nt get into it the second time), but after thinking about it yeah the virus could be snuff out in 28 days. Sorry guys just trying to get to know everybody.:o :D

25-May-2006, 02:06 AM
As long as you suspend disbelief regarding the dead rising then GAR's films are realistic as 28DL.

25-May-2006, 04:26 AM
I still get a good laugh at the misconception by numerous people that the movie "28 Days Later" had zombies in it. No matter how many times you explain the simple fact that they were simply people infected with a virus, but weren't dead, people still don't seem capable of grasping the concept.

As for realism...look it at this way. Don't think of realism in terms of could the movie really happen, because right then and there its not realistic. If you think of it like "If the movie DID happen, would the content of the movie be realistic?" Thent he answer is simply...yes.

25-May-2006, 11:56 PM
I still get a good laugh at the misconception by numerous people that the movie "28 Days Later" had zombies in it. No matter how many times you explain the simple fact that they were simply people infected with a virus, but weren't dead, people still don't seem capable of grasping the concept.

I remember when 28DL came out in theaters and there was a preview for the movie which used a quote from a movie critic saying something like "the ultimate zombie movie", I just always wanted to see the same preview with that quote and other from a different critic that said "It's not a f*cking zombie movie!!!"

26-May-2006, 05:00 AM
I remember when 28DL came out in theaters and there was a preview for the movie which used a quote from a movie critic saying something like "the ultimate zombie movie", I just always wanted to see the same preview with that quote and other from a different critic that said "It's not a f*cking zombie movie!!!"

I remember the previews mentioning zombies as well, and I remember thinking to myself "Dont people understand that zombies are dead? Sheesh.

general tbag
26-May-2006, 05:23 AM
well there no need to guess because mass panic like that has happned on a small scale aka war of the world broadcast by orson wells . also modern day happens such as hurricane katrina. even with safe guards in place things like xzombies and 28dl would blow out of control. it be the hillbillies who would survive , or less loosely popluated areas.

also remember when the power went out in ny city a couple years ago, and how bad the city was crippled. and there not even fighting zombies .