View Full Version : WTF moments in film!

11-Aug-2009, 02:10 AM
Here's my top five:

5. When Dr. Frank 'N' Furter took his cape off during 'Sweet Transvestite' in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
4. When Marsellus Wallace got a big ol' dose up the ring by the shopowner in Pulp Fiction.
3. When Frank Booth went schizo on Dorothy Valens in Blue Velvet.
2. When they served up the shit platter for dinner in Salò.
1. When the tranny, Dil, revealed his cock in The Crying Game.


11-Aug-2009, 06:23 AM
this thread ought to be titled "spoilers galore".....

but here's a few that made me hit rewind and think "whiskey-tango-foxtrot?!?"

1. the virgin suicides: when lil' cecilia jumps out of her bedroom window and impales herself on the family's iron fence (i know the title of the film gives away a lot about the film, but i really didn't see that one coming).

2. running scared: this movie is one of those that throws dozens of little twists and turns in the plot (to the point of excess, as a matter of fact), but the scene with the married couple with the playroom studio with plastic on the floor is pretty disturbing once you get the gist of what those fucks were up to....

3. the prestige: at the end of the movie when you find out how bale's character(s) did the transported man trick...

4. jackie brown: deniro and fonda's characters have a couple of scenes that were sorta "outta nowhere" moments...like the "wanna fuck?" scene (the two pump chump:lol:) and when he decides to shut her up in the mall parking lot...

good thread, by the way, but yeah, we're kinda letting the cat outta the bag here...spoiler warning in the title maybe?;)

11-Aug-2009, 11:50 AM
3. the prestige: at the end of the movie when you find out how bale's character(s) did the transported man trick...

You sure about that? I got that one all wrong then. I thought they were just twins....

Boogie Nights - An entire film of porn and they show the "member" in the last few seconds.

Dawn of the Dead - Pie Fight.

Freaks - The entire film.

The Departed - Elevator head shot

11-Aug-2009, 01:51 PM
You sure about that? I got that one all wrong then. I thought they were just twins....

no, that's what i meant....the dude was a twin and they'd both been taking turns living the 2 lives (the magician and the assitant)...but now i'm confused....think i may have to watch that one again soon.:confused:

11-Aug-2009, 02:40 PM
Sleepaway camp. The end with Angela. I thought I'd seen it all as a kid...then WHAM...my trust for the opposite sex destroyed forever more.

11-Aug-2009, 04:09 PM
the bathtub scene from i spit on your grave springs to mind:barf:

major jay
11-Aug-2009, 06:25 PM
The gun and the "vagina in the stomach" intercourse scene from Videodrome.

I laugh at it everytime, but I really love the movie.

darth los
11-Aug-2009, 07:23 PM
Sleepaway camp. The end with Angela. I thought I'd seen it all as a kid...then WHAM...my trust for the opposite sex destroyed forever more.

Dammit MAn!! That's the first thing that popped into my mind (Good thing I'm not a Ghostbuster, huh? :p) And you beat me to it! lol

But yeah, The Entire Total recall movie is a big clutster-WTF!?!


11-Aug-2009, 08:06 PM
Okay, guys, I got THE WTF moment.

Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus. When the shark jumps out of the fucking water to take a bite out of the fucking trans-atlantic 747 plane flying at 6km above sea level.

11-Aug-2009, 08:36 PM
okay, guys, i got the wtf moment.

mega shark vs. Giant octopus. When the shark jumps out of the fucking water to take a bite out of the fucking trans-atlantic 747 plane flying at 6km above sea level.

"oh shit!"

12-Aug-2009, 03:26 AM
5. Divine wins the 'battle of filth" by eating doggy doo in Pink Flamingos
4. Harry Angels revelation in Angel Heart
3. The first sip of Blue Vyper in Street Trash
2. When Laura discovers who BOB really is in Fire Walk With Me
1. The entire movie Inland Empire was a WTF.

just off the top of my head.

12-Aug-2009, 03:50 AM
1. The entire movie Inland Empire was a WTF.

Agree wholeheartedly. It was so WTF that I couldn't finish it.

My WTF is also Lynch. . . The baby in Eraserhead. . . so very disturbing.

12-Aug-2009, 04:04 AM
the guy wakning/live pig gutting scene from taxidermia, doesnt get much more f-ed-up than that.

12-Aug-2009, 06:14 AM
My #1 moment is finding out that all you people have even heard of - say nothing of having actually seen - all these movies you're talking about.:confused:

I recognize the name of about 5 movies listed in this entire thread.

12-Aug-2009, 07:13 AM
My #1 moment is finding out that all you people have even heard of - say nothing of having actually seen - all these movies you're talking about.:confused:

I recognize the name of about 5 movies listed in this entire thread.

We lika da movies.

12-Aug-2009, 08:23 AM
To Live and Die in L.A.

When Peterson got popped in the face, I mean, like, WTF??????????????????

No Country for Old Men.

When Brolin bought it, I mean, like, WTF??????????????????

And I was just starting to like the dude.

12-Aug-2009, 12:27 PM
To Live and Die in L.A.

When Peterson got popped in the face, I mean, like, WTF??????????????????
Completely agree. That was a total "OMFG" moment, really unexpected. What a cool, cool movie. :cool:

12-Aug-2009, 01:31 PM
The zombie vs shark (real shark!!) scene in 'Zombie Flesheaters' was a WTF moment for me.

A lot of scenes in 'Come and See' are WTF too. An incredibly over rated film, to be sure, but it has its moments too.

major jay
12-Aug-2009, 06:56 PM

At the very end of the movie the stitched up corpse bride comes to life, reaches up, and rips the nuts off the hero.
This is probably my favorite WTF movie of all time.

12-Aug-2009, 09:47 PM
A lot of scenes in 'Come and See' are WTF too. An incredibly over rated film, to be sure, but it has its moments too.
It being one of my personal faves I can't say I agree with that, then again I didn't know how it's generally rated anyway no one I know has heard of it let alone seen it :lol:

The Departed

When DiCaprio's character get's popped unceremoniously as the elevator doors open was pretty WTF, almost everyone ends up shooting each other in that film though, probably why they kept using lame cgi blood as spending money on squibs would've bankrupted them :p EDIT: I just noticed Bassmans already put this one too.

12-Aug-2009, 10:32 PM
The "remote control" scene in Funny Games (both versions)