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12-Aug-2009, 08:53 AM
Very good news:


12-Aug-2009, 10:18 AM
I haven't read The Walking Dead, but I know of it ... ... and this news still makes me very happy.

It's gonna have shamblers in it, right? :sneaky:

12-Aug-2009, 11:02 AM
I haven't read The Walking Dead, but I know of it ... ... and this news still makes me very happy.

It's gonna have shamblers in it, right? :sneaky:

It is called the WALKING Dead so I darn well hope so! :D

12-Aug-2009, 11:06 AM
It is called the WALKING Dead so I darn well hope so! :D
Aye, true enough. :)

It's just, you know how these things end up ... I just hope this project does turn out as awesome as folks are hoping it will be. There certainly does need to be a cool-ass zombie series, and who knows, maybe the success of the likes of True Blood has inspired this decision?

12-Aug-2009, 12:02 PM
This sounds good. I like Darabont's work. I thought The Mist was very under rated.

Plus AMC is just an all around awesome station.

12-Aug-2009, 12:54 PM
The graphic series is EVERYTHING I've always liked in Romero's universe of shambling dead. The characters aren't stupid, but they are desperate and the story takes some very surprising turns. There's gold in the walking dead stories and the author does a great job of mining it. The art isn't bad either.

They're saying this could be one of the richest development deals on television. With Frank Darabont at the helm, this will be great...exactly what I've been waiting for from GAR for too damned many years.

12-Aug-2009, 01:23 PM

12-Aug-2009, 01:27 PM
If this is played straight down the line then zombie fans will truly have a reason to be excited.

12-Aug-2009, 01:37 PM
The news so many of us have been waiting for! Now hopefully it'll happen and they won't fuck it up!

I haven't read The Walking Dead, but I know of it ...


12-Aug-2009, 02:05 PM
If it's like the comic, they're definitely shamblers. And I can't imagine Darabont doing it any other way. Just look at his record of faithful adaptations. Also, notice that Darabont was the one pitching the series. It doesn't look like it's something that landed on his lap: he's a big comics fan (if I'm not mistaken, he's one of the guys behind a new edition of Bernie Wrightson's Frankenstein) and "The Mist" shows how big an influence Romero has been on him. Of course, he might end up ruining it, but I'm sure he will do his best to do "The Walking Dead" justice.

12-Aug-2009, 02:08 PM
This is epic. The channel that makes Breaking Bad has hired the guy that adapted and directed The Mist to adapt the greatest zombie comic ever. i cannot wait.

12-Aug-2009, 02:26 PM
Sounds like some truly spectacular news, weirdly I actually watched both Shawshank and Green Mile over the weekend and 'Frank Darabont' is a name I've head in my head for a few days.

12-Aug-2009, 03:33 PM
(clearing throat)



That is all.

12-Aug-2009, 08:23 PM
so i dont post very often, but i know there are some walking dead fans here. check out this link for amc's upcoming new zombie series. my heart is all aflutter in antisapationhttp://bit.ly/MRump

12-Aug-2009, 08:29 PM
sorry guess i should of checked here before i posted this in media diss. my bad. im really looking foward to this .hope hollywood doesnt F this up.

12-Aug-2009, 08:33 PM
Threads merged.

And yeah, Headshot, this project is really tickling our undead fancies. ;)

12-Aug-2009, 09:19 PM
I haven't read The Walking Dead, but I know of it ... ... and this news still makes me very happy.

It's gonna have shamblers in it, right? :sneaky:

thats-thats so sad its beyond the pale of fail....

12-Aug-2009, 10:24 PM
just when i had convinced myself that i wasn't going to get cable at my new apartment....maybe i'll just wait till they start releasing the seasons on dvd...either way, cool news.

i'll probably pull an elvis and shoot my tv set if they can't stay true to the title of "walking" i.e. shambling dead...fuck runners and superzombies left4dead crap)

...now when the hell is the 5th hardcover book coming out?:rockbrow:

12-Aug-2009, 10:30 PM
I'll come out and say I haven't read it either. I don't have the time for comics (except Viz :D)

12-Aug-2009, 10:34 PM
Very good news. Darabont is a great choice for this type of thing & AMC is icing on the cake, as I'm sick of everything going to effing HBO & Showtime.

12-Aug-2009, 11:23 PM
The Walking Dead is probably *the* best piece of zombie fiction not written by a guy named George Romero. It's seriously amazing, I can't say enough good things about it when recommending it to other fans.

I always felt The Walking Dead got Romero's universe just right with the characters and the overall vibe.

13-Aug-2009, 12:57 AM
I haven't read these comic books either and I am soo excited about this happening!!! I do hope AMC picks it up. That channel gets a lot of viewers so I am sure it will be a popular show!
I can't wait...I can't wait!!! Did I say...I CAN'T WAIT...YAHOOOOO!!!!

13-Aug-2009, 02:27 AM
The Walking Dead is way better than any zombie story Romero has written. Yes, I said. Then again I guess thats not fair. Krikman gets to develope his characters and story in a series while, Romero only has time in an hour and thirty minutes-2 hour film.

13-Aug-2009, 08:22 PM
This could go either way. Either they focus on the slow pacing and isolation or they focus on the ninja chicks and gratious rape scenes. I am cynical so I recon the last, and then the comic will copy them with more ninja chicks and rape stuff and we end up with some tarantinousqe crap.

13-Aug-2009, 11:51 PM
This could go either way. Either they focus on the slow pacing and isolation or they focus on the ninja chicks and gratious rape scenes. I am cynical so I recon the last, and then the comic will copy them with more ninja chicks and rape stuff and we end up with some tarantinousqe crap.

I don't watch any of AMC's dramas, but from what I hear they are very well done, so hopefully the latter would not be the case.

Bone Daddy
14-Aug-2009, 08:00 AM
I just wet my pants....from excitement.

I recently bought all the Waling dead Volume books. A great series and to see it come to the screen with this type of talent behind is quite promising.

14-Aug-2009, 06:43 PM
Hmmm, after my initial "woohoo" and a discussion on the matter down the pub last night, I have come to the conclusion that this could go either way. Either great (if they stick closely to the original story), or rubbish (if it gets watered down like most American TV dramas).

The great thing about 'The Walking Dead' is that nobody in it is safe from harm. Everyone is subject to the danger that surrounds them and some of the deaths in the comic are shocking (something that doesn't happen to me often).

I think for 'The Walking Dead' to be a real success, it'll have to be done extremely humourlessly and with guts. It shouldn't be afraid to shock its audience.

Personally, I like a 'Day of the Dead' approach. No stupid humour, no stupid characters, no pussying out when showing the goods.

15-Aug-2009, 05:04 PM
I know Robert Kirkman has had a few offers to do a TV series, but has been waiting for the right deal to come along whereby it would stay true to what the comic book has done and is doing. He's not a stupid guy so I think if he let this deal go through then I think we are going to see just an awesome bit on television come down the pike soon that stays true to the books.

19-Aug-2009, 03:19 PM
Love the Walking Dead, waiting for Volume 10 to arrive at the moment. I'm defintely looking forward to this.

31-Aug-2009, 02:56 AM
Would'nt it be great if Frank Darabont was able to shoot this in Pittsburgh? A kind of a tip of the hat to George Romero.

31-Aug-2009, 02:48 PM
now hold on just a fucking centon - frank darabont is going to do a series based on the walking dead comics and it is going to be on AMfookingC, greatest of all cable channels after porn on demand? yes, unbelievably this is the first time i've read this thread.

this is epic level cool. hopefully it all comes together.

01-Sep-2009, 06:15 PM
Hell yes! This is gonna kick so much ass, if he plays it like he did The Mist.

11-Sep-2009, 05:04 AM
Kirkman talks about the forthcoming adaptation to TV here:


12-Sep-2009, 11:29 PM
Just remember that it is on AMC, so that means no extreme gore, violence, language etc. It will be pushed as far as TV can be pushed, but it will still be a watered down version of the comics.

For a true adaption, it should have went to HBO or Showtime.

But I am still pretty stoked.

12-Sep-2009, 11:31 PM
Just remember that it is on AMC, so that means no extreme gore, violence, language etc. It will be pushed as far as TV can be pushed, but it will still be a watered down version of the comics.

For a true adaption, it should have went to HBO or Showtime.

But I am still pretty stoked.

AMC airs some language and some pretty extreme scenes of gore, especially when compared to other stations.

12-Sep-2009, 11:34 PM
AMC airs some language and some pretty extreme scenes of gore, especially when compared to other stations.

True. And hopefully TWD will be the program that lets them push it to the next level.

20-Jan-2010, 09:44 PM
It's official. The show's got the green light (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=20322). Darabont is helming the pilot episode.:)

So i guess it will be next year before we get to see it.

20-Jan-2010, 09:56 PM
It's official. The show's got the green light (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=20322). Darabont is helming the pilot episode.:)

So i guess it will be next year before we get to see it.

and AMC is producing it, so it will be a quality production. of course, that's no guarantee that it'll be good but i'll take AMC over MTV's proposed zombie production any day.

20-Jan-2010, 10:03 PM
and AMC is producing it, so it will be a quality production. of course, that's no guarantee that it'll be good but i'll take AMC over MTV's proposed zombie production any day.



21-Jan-2010, 09:56 AM
I'll second Scruffy ... the Janitor's, second.


I've never read The Walking Dead, as I don't read comics or graphic novels - or only very rarely - and then it had been going for effing ages, so I was waaaaaay behind.

Hopefully it's gonna be shamblers. PLEASE be shamblers.

21-Jan-2010, 12:50 PM
Some more at AICN http://www.aintitcool.com/node/43694

21-Jan-2010, 01:49 PM
Truly excellent news! Now all they have to do is stay relatively faithful to the source material, keep the general tone, mortality rate, shamblers and actually film the sucker and we'll be all set.

*Fingers crossed*

22-Jan-2010, 09:02 PM
This is one thing I've been waiting for since I was introduced to the series. The whole body of the walking dead is pretty fucking great. They didn't cop out and use runners to make zombies scary. They are slow and relentless and stealthy. I can't wait till the characters encounter a "herd". This is going to be great.

25-Jan-2010, 03:40 AM
You're crazy, the zombies in Walking Dead aren't scary. But like Night and Dawn (and most of Day), they aren't the monster. People are the monsters. The zombies are just a reason for the monsters to exist.

What Kirkman does so well, is put his characters through hell, especially Rick and that is what draws people to them. We love to watch a train wreck, but better yet, we love to watch the guy who survives it and how he copes. Joss Whendon also followed this philosophy with Buffy and it's why that show rocked hard.

If AMC keeps that up, punishes the main characters, then it will be great. And personally, I feel Darabont is right for the job.

26-Jan-2010, 03:33 PM
A review (http://coronacomingattractions.com/news/exclusive-review-pilot-script-walking-dead-tv-series) of Darabont's 60 page pilot episode script.

The Walking Dead pilot doesn't sell out its concept for the sake of finding a wider audience. This is a show set in a world where families have died and the survivors haven't had the time to cope with their losses, much less come to terms with civilization collapsing around them. Knowing the course that Kirkman's comic book takes and now after seeing how Darabont's chose to make the pilot more of a drama than a flat-out horror action show, AMC's Walking Dead has fantastic potential. The Walking Dead could even do for horror what the new Battlestar Galactica did for science fiction. Cross your fingers and hope that the show comes together as well as it did on the page.

26-Jan-2010, 04:32 PM
very interesting script review.

The Walking Dead could even do for horror what the new Battlestar Galactica did for science fiction. Cross your fingers and hope that the show comes together as well as it did on the page.

if this statement turns out to be even half true, this show will be fantastic.

26-Jan-2010, 05:49 PM
Nice share, Bassman! Let's hope we keep hearing more good news.

27-Jan-2010, 06:55 AM
Excitement level at maximum!!

So proud to be a geek in this day and age. We have taken over the world. Now let's see how long we can hold it. . . . . .Not looking for the almost certain revenge wedgies and swirlies in store for us.

30-Jan-2010, 03:41 PM
I have seen the Walking Dead at conventions, but never picked them up. I wonder if it is on ongoing series, or only a finite number.

30-Jan-2010, 10:32 PM
it's still an ongoing series, philly. and you should definitely look into it. try hitting a barnes and noble or something and spend a few minutes looking through the hardcovers (there are 5 so far, each collecting 12 issues). i bet you'll be a fan if you give it a chance.

05-Feb-2010, 08:34 PM
I caught a couple of minutes out of one episode of Battlestar Galatica and it looked like torture porn crap? Did not the series fold? Was it a sucksess?

05-Feb-2010, 09:24 PM
I caught a couple of minutes out of one episode of Battlestar Galatica and it looked like torture porn crap? Did not the series fold? Was it a sucksess?

nope, caprica aside new battlestar was the best sci-fi show weve had in a LONG long time.

---------- Post added at 10:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------

I have seen the Walking Dead at conventions, but never picked them up. I wonder if it is on ongoing series, or only a finite number.

currently ongoing but it does have an eventual ending, all the best comics do.;)

11-Feb-2010, 06:10 PM
According to BD (http://www.bloody-disgusting.com/news/19047), Darabont's Walking Dead starts to film in May....In my home town of Atlanta.:D:hyper:

Looks like it's actually going to happen.

11-Feb-2010, 06:29 PM
Yup, that's the scuttlebutt (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=20676)! Damn good news, too. :)

29-Mar-2010, 10:13 PM
So more good news. Not only is the pilot episode ready to go, but AMC has already green lit 6 episodes. Shooting starts in June in Atlanta, GA and it's to be aired during AMC's Fear Fest marathon during the month of October.

The best news of the day? Nicotero and KNB are handling the effects (http://www.shocktilyoudrop.com/news/topnews.php?id=14673).

This is quickly shaping up to possibly be the best zombie film/show/whatever in recent years.

30-Mar-2010, 02:35 AM
The best news of the day? Nicotero and KNB are handling the effects (http://www.shocktilyoudrop.com/news/topnews.php?id=14673).

That's huge!

30-Mar-2010, 03:34 AM
That's huge!

Why. . . .thank you for noticing!!

Ghost Of War
30-Mar-2010, 08:22 AM
So more good news. Not only is the pilot episode ready to go, but AMC has already green lit 6 episodes. Shooting starts in June in Atlanta, GA and it's to be aired during AMC's Fear Fest marathon during the month of October.

The best news of the day? Nicotero and KNB are handling the effects (http://www.shocktilyoudrop.com/news/topnews.php?id=14673).

This is quickly shaping up to possibly be the best zombie film/show/whatever in recent years.

Holy frickin' crap! I'm trying to not let myself get over excited, but I can't help it. This is going to be the best Zombie thing since Day Of The Dead.

30-Mar-2010, 04:04 PM
The announcement that the series was picked up was running on the 'News of the Day' subscript on the bottom of the screen during my local channel's news broadcast last night.

30-Mar-2010, 06:20 PM
Please, please, please don't let some knobhead fuck this up.

30-Mar-2010, 06:33 PM
Please, please, please don't let some knobhead fuck this up.

Two words for the season 1 cliffhanger:

Flying Zombies ;)

30-Mar-2010, 07:26 PM
Not funny Aces. . . . . :| . . . . ;). I am really very excited about this series. And October is MUCH earlier than I expected to see the show!!!

30-Mar-2010, 07:37 PM
And October is MUCH earlier than I expected to see the show!!!

It is rather amazing, eh? I just hope that means the productions values aren't shaky due to a rush job :eek:

30-Mar-2010, 07:50 PM
Is there any word of what kind of budget they are working with?

30-Mar-2010, 09:17 PM
So more good news. Not only is the pilot episode ready to go, but AMC has already green lit 6 episodes. Shooting starts in June in Atlanta, GA and it's to be aired during AMC's Fear Fest marathon during the month of October.

The best news of the day? Nicotero and KNB are handling the effects (http://www.shocktilyoudrop.com/news/topnews.php?id=14673).

This is quickly shaping up to possibly be the best zombie film/show/whatever in recent years.

:hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:: hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::h yper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hy per::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyp er::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hype r::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper ::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper: :hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:

30-Mar-2010, 09:30 PM
I've never read any of these GN's, they do have a good rep though.

Besides, I'm willing to give any zombie TV series a go, it's not like we have many to choose from is it?

31-Mar-2010, 11:53 AM
Two words for the season 1 cliffhanger:

Flying Zombies ;)

Careful now. MZ might ban you.

31-Mar-2010, 06:08 PM
Careful now. MZ might ban you.


01-Apr-2010, 12:11 AM
This sounds good. I like Darabont's work. I thought The Mist was very under rated.

Plus AMC is just an all around awesome station.

Good call on the Mist. I loved the movie too. The very first time read the short stoty it would make a good movie. Too bad it almost took 20 years to make the movie

01-Apr-2010, 12:58 AM
Yes sir. I always hear The Mist getting shit because of it's off beat ending. I personally love that. It's real.

And when I hear someone around here complain about it I just kinda give them the "Really?" look. Ever seen NOTLD?:p

01-Apr-2010, 07:20 AM
Yes sir. I always hear The Mist getting shit because of it's off beat ending. I personally love that. It's real.

And when I hear someone around here complain about it I just kinda give them the "Really?" look. Ever seen NOTLD?:p

The ending to me felt too contrived and therefore unreal... That was my problem with it...

01-Apr-2010, 10:27 AM
The ending to me felt too contrived and therefore unreal... That was my problem with it...


The ending of The Mist was rather good I think. You don't see an ending like that very often. It's utterly brutal, and heck, it gives me chills just thinking about it.

01-Apr-2010, 10:33 AM


The ending of The Mist was rather good I think. You don't see an ending like that very often. It's utterly brutal, and heck, it gives me chills just thinking about it.

I agree, you don't see an ending like that very often, and was very brutal, but it was handed out in such a fashion it fell a touch flat for me - ie: Seemed to contrived/false - They seemed too willing just to give up (ho hum... oh well shoot me!) ... And the fact they were one bullet short etc... Maybe it caught me on a bad day? I'll see how it goes down next time I watch it...

01-Apr-2010, 06:33 PM
I agree, you don't see an ending like that very often, and was very brutal, but it was handed out in such a fashion it fell a touch flat for me - ie: Seemed to contrived/false - They seemed too willing just to give up (ho hum... oh well shoot me!) ... And the fact they were one bullet short etc... Maybe it caught me on a bad day? I'll see how it goes down next time I watch it...
My reaction to the bullets thing was "line two people up so you kill two with one bullet" ... but that's me. :p

But I think viewed in the context of the whole movie, especially after that utterly insane woman who runs around preaching passages from the Bible to exact her violent revenge on those unlike her, it's not surprising that they decided to end it all. They have no idea they're about to be saved, so it makes the sudden arrival of the military all the more tragic - if only they'd waited a little bit longer, in other words - so after all they've been through and with, seemingly, no escape and that they'll, seemingly, be alien food soon, a bullet to the head is the only way out for them, with Thomas Jane's character sacrificing himself to be eaten (so he thinks) so they don't have to suffer - but tragically he suffers the worst fate of all.

Chilling ... it's got my skin goosebumping like nobody's business just thinking about it.

01-Apr-2010, 07:23 PM
I agree, you don't see an ending like that very often, and was very brutal, but it was handed out in such a fashion it fell a touch flat for me - ie: Seemed to contrived/false - They seemed too willing just to give up (ho hum... oh well shoot me!) ... And the fact they were one bullet short etc... Maybe it caught me on a bad day?

No, you didn't Neil, and I agree 100%.

That being said, I think Darabont is the only director who can properly transport Stephen King movies to the big screen (other then when SK himself is involved), however... while I think the bulk of The Mist was fantastic in it's movie form, that ending was such a pathetic way to end it. It was predictable (at least it was for me, because while I didn't know the actual ending before I saw it, I read it was different from the book and you could see what was going to happen a mile away) and it was just stupid. There's a thing called a "will to live" in everyone - and you will do whatever it takes to survive in any situation - that is, unless you're mentally unbalanced. :lol: People, for the most part, don't just "give up" regardless of how hopeless the situation seems. Just look at any zombie apocalypse movie survivors. Why aren't they just killing themselves off 5 minutes into the movie? It's a hopeless situation, so might as well, right?

Not to mention, i'm saddened that Stephen King actually signed off on this ending and publically stated he liked it. :rolleyes:

FD got it all right except the last 3 minutes. I don't understand how he could be so faithful to SK's books in Shawshank & Green Mile then turn around and ruin a classic story like The Mist with an ending like that. :mad:

01-Apr-2010, 09:26 PM

The Book ending was much better and should have been done.

01-Apr-2010, 09:29 PM

The Book ending was much better and should have been done.

i thought the book and the movie ending was the same, they think there goners, turns out not so much. very effective and nihilistic which was a big change of pace in a horror film. no usual last minute shock or some shit.

-now that i think about it couldve sworn they made a big deal about keeping the ending, that the big wigs wanted to change it to a happy ending.

01-Apr-2010, 09:35 PM
-now that i think about it couldve sworn they made a big deal about keeping the ending, that the big wigs wanted to change it to a happy ending.

If I remember correctly, they say in the special features that there was a lot of pressure to give it a happy ending but both Darabont and King wanted the ending we have now so the studio backed off. King actually says that he prefers the film's ending over his own.

Since we're on the subject of The Mist - Did anyone watch the Black and White version? VERY COOL. It's what Darabont originally wanted, but of course the studio wouldn't let it happen. It's a very cool special feature on the dvd and it really takes the mood of the film up a notch.

01-Apr-2010, 10:13 PM
Watched it on my Blu-Ray. I dig the B&W version, has a better fear factor to it.

01-Apr-2010, 10:23 PM
-ooh, side thing here, but image is putting out a $1 reprint of issue one sometime soon. Its the only issue ive not got a 1st printing of so his is gonna have to do.

12-Apr-2010, 04:12 PM
Latest casting rumor - Superman (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=21601)?

It is just a rumor, but they say their sources are solid. I know opinions of Superman Returns are mixed, but I think Routh is a solid actor. One thing to consider is that he and Darabont have "worked" together before. If you've seen the Superman Returns special features, you know what i'm talking about..

12-Apr-2010, 05:29 PM
I don't have a problem with Routh, it'll be interesting to see how he actually gets cast...

12-Apr-2010, 06:03 PM
i put something up in another walking dead thread a week or so ago about someone being cast for rick grimes, in case anyone missed it...


12-Apr-2010, 06:50 PM
Yeah, I like Lincoln for the role, but they'll have to grime him up a bit for it (pardon the pun). I'm used to seeing him in 'quirky' but still enjoyable Brit comedies, (in which I actually liked him).

12-Apr-2010, 07:50 PM
Wait, they are making a Star Wars comedy series? the hell?

12-Apr-2010, 07:54 PM
Wait, they are making a Star Wars comedy series? the hell?

Oh, yeah. The Robot Chicken folks are involved.

I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Stick with Doctor Who, I say, they seem to give a @#$% about their fans.

12-Apr-2010, 08:04 PM
Stick with Doctor Who, I say, they seem to give a @#$% about their fans.

I dunno, I know Doctor Who has it's loyal fans and I'm sure it's quite good and I might very well enjoy it if I could give it a chance, but the early production values seemed so kitschy in a way I wasn't use to, that I always think of Doctor Who as the leisure suit of Sci Fi. Yet, I like the hokey kitsch of OG Star Trek, because those are the reruns I was used to seeing growing up...go figure.

Don't hate me.

12-Apr-2010, 08:09 PM
Don't hate me.

No hate, Aces, we all have our favorite SF shows. Guilty pleasure or not.

But seriously; George Lucas keeps dropping the ball on making a truly spectacular Star Wars tv show. The original Clone Wars miniseries was pretty decent, but the new cgi show is >meh< to me, at best. And now a Star Wars sitcom? uhh...

I think I'm just gonna avoid the whole franchise for the next 20 years. Maybe after Lucas croaks we'll see a remake. No running droids, though...:lol:

12-Apr-2010, 08:30 PM
With our luck Billy, he'll have his brain removed from his skull and placed in that General Grevious body from Episode 3.

You think people were afraid to challenge his creative skills now, imagine when he has the body of an 8 foot tall 4 armed cyborg.

20-Apr-2010, 11:04 AM
Got a nifty little interview with Darabont, here (http://www.fearnet.com/news/interviews/b18841_exclusive_frank_darabont_talks_walking.html ).

I think there’s going to be obviously an ongoing dialogue with standards and practices, but I think we have a friendly venue in AMC, if you see the kind of edgy stuff that Breaking Bad is doing, which I adore, by the way. I don’t think we’re going to be lacking for adult content or the ability to depict the world that we’re depicting. I don’t think we’re going to have that many constraints, and if there are they’ll be in minor increments that will not affect the storytelling that we’re doing. It will just give us an opportunity to maybe do an enhanced cut on DVD or something, but I really don’t think we’ll be constrained too far. I’m certainly not getting the sense that AMC is there to interfere; they are a fantastic group of folks, and they’re very excited about this. They really want to enable rather than hinder this process.

Also another cast member to add to the list. Darabont regular Jeffrey DeMunn (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=21710). You know him because he's been in everything Darabont does. He also happens to be a fantastic actor, imo. Good news.

20-Apr-2010, 11:17 AM
I am really looking forward to this series. I truly am.

01-May-2010, 05:57 PM
Sarah Wayne Callies is being cast as Lori Grimes

All six episodes to air this October.

01-May-2010, 06:37 PM
Sarah Wayne Callies is being cast as Lori Grimes

All six episodes to air this October.

Just six episodes :(

Only six months away :)

01-May-2010, 07:25 PM
Six episodes is fair I guess, and makes sense for this kind of project getting the green light and having to 'see how it goes', indeed perhaps having fewer episodes in season one afforded them more creative freedom - hopefully it'll do quite well and get more episodes in a second season.

Thinking about it, "Bored To Death" had only six episodes in its first season (a low-key comedy featuring Jason Schwartzman as a writer moonlighting as a P.I.)

01-May-2010, 10:15 PM
Smaller seasons(or series) sometimes work out well. Look at the short but brilliant run that Spaced had. Besides, if the show does well they'll most likely green light the next season without hesitation.

02-May-2010, 07:19 AM
Smaller seasons(or series) sometimes work out well. Look at the short but brilliant run that Spaced had. Besides, if the show does well they'll most likely green light the next season without hesitation.

True, but 6 episodes at a time doesn't seem to give space for big story arcs! Instead you seem to end up stories that have to resolve/turn-around quickly... eg: within the six episodes of a season, rather than over the 12-22 episodes for example...

02-May-2010, 07:36 AM
I can see 6 episodes being enough to cover the events of the first graphic novel.

02-May-2010, 10:18 AM
Look at Band of Brothers or The Pacific, while it is 4 more episodes, it is just 10 episodes, and in the case of The Pacific they're covering years worth of warfare. Indeed the entire Guadalcanal campaign was crammed into one episode. :eek:

So it can be done with efficiency, and being a smaller initial investment, and if it does well, then a second season (perhaps a little longer too) would get green lit. With a zombie TV series, based on celebrated source material, brought to our screens by a celebrated talent, we've gotta be happy with what we get and play the long game ... it's not like this happens all the time. :sneaky:

02-May-2010, 11:06 AM
I can see 6 episodes being enough to cover the events of the first graphic novel.

i can see way more. think of issue 1 Rick wakes up in a hospital and runs home, finds he has a 'new nieghbour' and then they head to the police station ect. thats Maybe 20 mins if shot right.

Honestly the first few trades has a LOT of filler, like pages worth of panels filled with nothing but the same image slightly changed. 6 hours of tv could fit at least the first 10-15 issues. hell possibly even get to the 20's with them surviving the winter.

02-May-2010, 12:12 PM
True, but 6 episodes at a time doesn't seem to give space for big story arcs! Instead you seem to end up stories that have to resolve/turn-around quickly... eg: within the six episodes of a season, rather than over the 12-22 episodes for example...

Maybe because it's Darabont it will be more like a movie mini series? Each episode directly links to the next. So if they do it that way it would be like a 6 hour movie, giving plenty of time for story.

02-May-2010, 08:57 PM
Look at Band of Brothers or The Pacific, while it is 4 more episodes, it is just 10 episodes, and in the case of The Pacific they're covering years worth of warfare. Indeed the entire Guadalcanal campaign was crammed into one episode. :eek:

So it can be done with efficiency, and being a smaller initial investment, and if it does well, then a second season (perhaps a little longer too) would get green lit. With a zombie TV series, based on celebrated source material, brought to our screens by a celebrated talent, we've gotta be happy with what we get and play the long game ... it's not like this happens all the time. :sneaky:

Guess so...

I think maybe Survivors (BBC) as tainted my impression of what six episodes can offer :rockbrow:

03-May-2010, 10:09 AM
Never bothered with Survivors - which is now shit-canned, so I've heard - and besides, Darabont is behind TWD.

05-May-2010, 07:46 AM
Couple of Mist actors join in...


05-May-2010, 09:58 AM
Great news. You gotta love Laurie...

17-May-2010, 01:49 AM
Also another cast member to add to the list. Darabont regular Jeffrey DeMunn (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=21710). You know him because he's been in everything Darabont does. He also happens to be a fantastic actor, imo. Good news.

I would guess that Jefferey DeMunn will be playing the character Dale.

30-May-2010, 08:21 AM
Interesting read!


ps: Nicotero is involved, if it's not already been mentioned here!?

30-May-2010, 10:01 PM
The Walking Dead is amazing, and I have high hopes with this TV series, what with who's involved. Kirkman overseeing the project, as directed by Darabont, should turn out awesome.

And I assume the episodes are all an hour long? Thats badass.

01-Jun-2010, 07:18 PM
god i cant wait for this show...HOWEVER i do have some doubts.

01-Jun-2010, 07:46 PM
Interesting read!


ps: Nicotero is involved, if it's not already been mentioned here!?

Cheers Neil. Interesting read.
Im hopeful

01-Jun-2010, 08:56 PM
Cheers Neil. Interesting read.
Im hopeful

Yup, that was a great interview! So cool to hear confirmation about the length, some casting bits and the general level of what AMC will let them get away with for gore and violence.

Thanks for the link, Neil!