View Full Version : Tasered mom: ‘I posed no threat’

darth los
14-Aug-2009, 02:28 PM

To Borrow A line from President Obama, this is yet another example of police "acting stupidly".


14-Aug-2009, 02:48 PM
I used to live in Onondaga County and the county cops are a bunch of wannabe badasses, most of them are just like this dickwad, but there are a few good cops, but the majority of the department is a bunch of rotten apples.

Whats even worse are the local town clowns in Clay and Cicero, they all think they work in the west side precinct, but truth this they wouldn't last on the west side for 5 minutes.

Had he pulled this shit down off SHonard Street (WS) He would have been jumped by the whole neighborhood.

The cop is still on Admin duty and the investigation is still ongoing, the driver filed a multi million dollar lawsuit, and all charges were dropped by the DA, but the driver is still suing.

darth los
14-Aug-2009, 03:01 PM
As well she should. I realize that Police officers have a very tough, stressfull. job. However that does not give them a liscense to terrorize people. I wonder what's the cieling on this epidemic. What will it takes for gov't officials, the Attorney general Eric Holder maybe, to admit that there is indeed a problem with this sort of thing and then to launch an investigation into this crap.


14-Aug-2009, 03:02 PM
You can see from the video that the cop is clearly confused and really has no business wearing that uniform. He's telling her to get back in the car, then get out of the car, and when he fires the tazer he don't look properly trained to handle that weapon in the slightest. Disgusting and unprofessional.

He did it in front of her kids too, what an asshole. :stunned:

14-Aug-2009, 03:49 PM
He did it in front of her kids too, what an asshole. :stunned:

That's the worst part...

Obviously the cop was wrong, but seeing as how the video doesn't have audio and just judging by the way the woman was moving....I think she was talking shit the whole time. So I think this is a case of both her and the cop trying to be Billy Badass...

14-Aug-2009, 03:54 PM
Note to self:

Actually keeping my speed at 45 in a 45 zone will result in not getting tasered.

Shouldn't be too hard.

darth los
14-Aug-2009, 03:56 PM
That's the worst part...

Obviously the cop was wrong, but seeing as how the video doesn't have audio and just judging by the way the woman was moving....I think she was talking shit the whole time. So I think this is a case of both her and the cop trying to be Billy Badass...

Again, this is the same thing that happened to professor gates. No, he wasn't tasered but he was also talking smack. (being sarcastic here) I wasn't even aware that was a crime. These guys are supposed to serve and protect us and of course you should heed an officer's commands but where in any state law or code does it say that you have to kiss their asses?


14-Aug-2009, 04:00 PM
Again, this is the same thing that happened to professor gates. No, he wasn't tasered but he was also talking smack. (being sarcastic here) I wasn't even aware that was a crime. These guys are supposed to serve and protect us and of course you should heed an officer's commands but where in any state law or code does it say that you have to kiss their asses?

Nothing says you have to kiss ass. But going out of your way to run your yap at the guy with the fucking gun is just plain stupid. I have zero pity for idiots that do that. At some point, the will to go on living should take priority over the urge to flap one's gums.

darth los
14-Aug-2009, 04:09 PM
Note to self:

Actually keeping my speed at 45 in a 45 zone will result in not getting tasered.

Shouldn't be too hard.

There's a legal term called an appropriate response. For example: If you are threatened by someone who wants to fight you you and you pull out a knife or a gun and use it on them your going to jail.

I don't think any rational person would call this an appropriate response and if that trooper couldn't handle a woman during a routine traffic stop he should have his badge and gun taken away permanently.


14-Aug-2009, 04:20 PM
There's a legal term called an appropriate response. For example: If you are threatened by someone who wants to fight you you and you pull out a knife or a gun and use it on them your going to jail.

Again, common sense. Don't break the traffic laws, you won't have to worry about it.

Why exactly is that too simple for people to comprehend? I guess it's easier to disregard the rules, then just complain if we get fucked up in the process.

darth los
14-Aug-2009, 04:30 PM
Note to self:

Actually keeping my speed at 45 in a 45 zone will result in not getting tasered.

Shouldn't be too hard.

Again, common sense. Don't break the traffic laws, you won't have to worry about it.

Why exactly is that too simple for people to comprehend? I guess it's easier to disregard the rules, then just complain if we get fucked up in the process.

No one's saying she wasn't wrong but that doesn't make the cop right either.

If someone comes home and finds their wife in bed with another man and he kills them both we'd all understand why. She shouldn't have been screwing around, yes that's common sense but he's wrong as well and will be spending the rest of his life in jail.


14-Aug-2009, 04:58 PM
Again, common sense. Don't break the traffic laws, you won't have to worry about it.

Why exactly is that too simple for people to comprehend? I guess it's easier to disregard the rules, then just complain if we get fucked up in the process.

45 in a 50 zone, on a road I know people travel 60+ on any given day, as I used to live in that area. 5mph wasn't even worth it, and by law he has to show her the speed and camera footage it is part of NY law. Him refusing until court is bogus and just a cover up to show he fucked up especially when she offered him to check her cell phone and he refused.

14-Aug-2009, 05:18 PM
They're both a couple of dumb shits. She is stupid for getting out of her car and arguing with an idiot. If a cop tells you to either get out of or get back into your car you best follow instructions. At her age, she should know better. She did resist, though it was nonviolent. He's a dumb shit for abusing his badge and letting his power trip get the better of him.

14-Aug-2009, 10:43 PM
Again, common sense. Don't break the traffic laws, you won't have to worry about it.

Why exactly is that too simple for people to comprehend? I guess it's easier to disregard the rules, then just complain if we get fucked up in the process.

First off, we don't know she was speeding. The Cop accused her of talking on the cell phone, which she could disprove. Then he slams another judgement on her, which she also denies. And if she DID speed, you know what I'd do?

File her a ticket. Not fucking tazer her! I realize that you are conservative, and surely, you of all people, should realize that this is just another case of the "government" (or, in this case, government law enforcement) overstepping it's boundries?

That cop is a dick and an asshole, all at once.

17-Aug-2009, 07:45 AM
File her a ticket. Not fucking tazer her! I realize that you are conservative, and surely, you of all people, should realize that this is just another case of the "government" (or, in this case, government law enforcement) overstepping it's boundries?

I'll have to agree with you, Ned. There was no need for a tazer to be used in this situation, though I see this as an ego problem with the cop, not as the government overstepping its boundaries.



17-Aug-2009, 09:39 AM
File her a ticket. Not fucking tazer her! I realize that you are conservative, and surely, you of all people, should realize that this is just another case of the "government" (or, in this case, government law enforcement) overstepping it's boundries?

That cop is a dick and an asshole, all at once.

Yup. No matter how it's sliced, many people wearing the badge are emotionally and psychologically unfit for the job.

17-Aug-2009, 09:43 AM
Note to self:

Actually keeping my speed at 45 in a 45 zone will result in not getting tasered.

Shouldn't be too hard.

you shouldn't be shot for speeding.

17-Aug-2009, 10:10 AM
you shouldn't be shot for speeding.

Why not? People that can't figure out how to obey a basic law, which is posted on big-ass signs at the roadside, are obviously either a) stupid as fuck, and undeserving of life, or b) intentionally pissing in the face of the word of law, and therefore also asking for whatever they get.

So which is it?

In reality, people just like to piss in the face of authority, then crybaby about it when they find they're not powerful enough to get away with it. The same old "I'm entitled to do whatever I want, and to hell with the rules" mentality. Well, if you're going to have that, you take what you get, and don't bitch and moan about it.

17-Aug-2009, 10:58 AM
Why not? People that can't figure out how to obey a basic law, which is posted on big-ass signs at the roadside, are obviously either a) stupid as fuck, and undeserving of life, or b) intentionally pissing in the face of the word of law, and therefore also asking for whatever they get.

So which is it?

In reality, people just like to piss in the face of authority, then crybaby about it when they find they're not powerful enough to get away with it. The same old "I'm entitled to do whatever I want, and to hell with the rules" mentality. Well, if you're going to have that, you take what you get, and don't bitch and moan about it.

Not dignifying this inanity with a response.

17-Aug-2009, 11:51 AM
you shouldn't be shot for speeding.

I don't think she was shot for speeding. She was shot for not listening to the cop and running her mouth. I'm not trying to defend the cop because he did jump the gun, so to speak....but she wasn't helping the situation at all.

Besides....it's a less-than-lethal weapon, so it's all good.:p

17-Aug-2009, 12:15 PM
I don't think she was shot for speeding. She was shot for not listening to the cop and running her mouth. I'm not trying to defend the cop because he did jump the gun, so to speak....but she wasn't helping the situation at all.

Besides....it's a less-than-lethal weapon, so it's all good.:p

Not really mate....It's not "all good" to be shot for speaking...lethal or not. She posed no physical threat and that's what the weapons are there for, protection of either the cop or other civvies.

he could have arrested her for breaking the peace, insulting an officer or whatever the equivilant law is that applies to people not being orderly or showing respect. He could have put her in the back of his car and taken her to the station to really inconvenience her...instead he choose to electrocute her in front of her kids. He could have owned her - a big "man" against a woman with kids. Equal match I think not. Fucking coward police officer? I think so.

A vulgar display of power....for what?

17-Aug-2009, 12:25 PM
He could have called for backup if he felt
he needed help controlling her.
The sight of more police would have more
than likely quieted her down.
And if it didnt she could have been held and cuffed.

He did not NEED to taser her.
Was it in the grey area that he COULD do it? Yes.
But just because u CAN do something dont mean
you should. Its called self control.

This definitley was an error on the cops part,
not cuz hes some sicko, or because she was innocent.
He should have used other methods to handle a traffic stop.
U dont always need to use a sledgehammer on every occasion.

But I do agree that those kids most likely will never
trust a cop ever again, and as usual its the kids
who always suffer when the adults act like douche bags.

17-Aug-2009, 12:44 PM
Not really mate....It's not "all good" to be shot for speaking...lethal or not.

I was actually joking about that part...

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this. I understand where you're coming from, but imo cops have a very dangerous job and whether it be a crackhead or a middle aged soccer mom in a minivan....he has to protect himself. If she doesn't listen and obey he may fear that she'll pull out a weapon or harm him.

If she would have just stayed calm and in the car she would have a very minor ticket and be on her way. Instead she wanted to show out in front of her kids, which btw, is just as bad for the youngsters as the taser, imo.

17-Aug-2009, 01:51 PM
If I had a dime for every time I wanted to taze a Mom in a minivan and I'd be able to afford a cup of coffee this morning. That said, this is the first I've heard of this particular tazing incident.

I do agree with Bassman that so many of the cops have a tough job, but--to be fair--so many of the cops seem to join up either because, or in spite of the fact that, they're the wrong sort for the job.

*Sips iced coffee*

17-Aug-2009, 02:51 PM
I was actually joking about that part...

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this. I understand where you're coming from, but imo cops have a very dangerous job and whether it be a crackhead or a middle aged soccer mom in a minivan....he has to protect himself. If she doesn't listen and obey he may fear that she'll pull out a weapon or harm him.

If she would have just stayed calm and in the car she would have a very minor ticket and be on her way. Instead she wanted to show out in front of her kids, which btw, is just as bad for the youngsters as the taser, imo.

hehe cool....

My issue is with your definition of "protect"....we obviously see that as different things. Personally I don't think you can protect yourself from something that might happen in this particular case...if that was true, why didn't he just stop her and blow her f**king head off there and then? :)

17-Aug-2009, 06:17 PM
if that was true, why didn't he just stop her and blow her f**king head off there and then? :)
What's the matter with you? Don't you know that the police are only ever at fault if the perp can throw a pigskin like Michael Vick? It stands to reason that anyone who isn't a football star simply must have been doing something wrong (i.e. yelling, talking, breathing, existing) in order to elicit the careful, measured response of the easily-frightened police officer(s) in question.

Let me know if you need any further clarification. I'm glad to help.

darth los
17-Aug-2009, 06:36 PM
As always the pendulum swings both ways. Yes, one should show the propper respect to authorities, Conversely, cops have a line THEY should not cross. I shouldn't have to kiss his ass. Being rude is not against the law (Man you would think that the civil liberties advocates would be all over this one).

They are not gods and they way the law is written is waaaaaay too vaugue and gives too much power to just another human being who is fallable like the rest of us.

In other words no one should be tased for talking smack or because the cop's wife refused to give hima blow job last night.


18-Aug-2009, 06:50 AM
what's the matter with you? Don't you know that the police are only ever at fault if the perp can throw a pigskin like michael vick? It stands to reason that anyone who isn't a football star simply must have been doing something wrong (i.e. Yelling, talking, breathing, existing) in order to elicit the careful, measured response of the easily-frightened police officer(s) in question.

Let me know if you need any further clarification. I'm glad to help.


18-Aug-2009, 12:19 PM
I'll have to agree with you, Ned. There was no need for a tazer to be used in this situation, though I see this as an ego problem with the cop, not as the government overstepping its boundaries.



Of course, I wasn't suggesting that this was an error on a federal level. :p But maybe, just maybe, this has something to do with Area 51...

18-Aug-2009, 12:34 PM
Again, common sense. Don't break the traffic laws, you won't have to worry about it.

Why exactly is that too simple for people to comprehend? I guess it's easier to disregard the rules, then just complain if we get fucked up in the process.

It's not EITHER one person's fault or the other. Just because I think the cop is a thuggish asshole for tazering her doesn't mean I don't think she is a stupid bitch herself. Of course she was, and she was wrong to be speeding and a moron for running off at the mouth against someone who can put her in jail. However, the cop's response was far more shocking and inappropriate considering the fact that he is supposed to be in a position of authority and should act in a dignified, respectable and trustworthy manner.

People shouldn't respect the law only because it's enforced by brutish men with big sticks - that's South American dictatorship-type stuff - but because they have general faith and belief in its honesty and justness. If people only obey because of intimidation, then as soon as the law's back is turned then they will have nothing to fear and will be free to commit crimes, whereas if they believe that their laws are fair and enforced fairly then they are more likely to behave in a befitting manner at all times. That guy did a lot more harm to the image of justice than the mouthy bitch could ever have done.

18-Aug-2009, 12:51 PM
Why is everybody so damn convinced she was speeding? I see no proof, and I don't trust that cop worth of shit. Especially after slamming another accusation against her that was false. Innocent until proven guilty. Not guilty until tazered.

18-Aug-2009, 12:53 PM
Why is everybody so damn convinced she was speeding? I see no proof, and I don't trust that cop worth of shit. Especially after slamming another accusation against her that was false. Innocent until proven guilty. Not guilty until tazered.

Yeah. When I said she was stupid for speeding, I meant assuming she was speeding obviously (because I was basing my reply on SRP 76's posts).

18-Aug-2009, 01:25 PM
Why not? People that can't figure out how to obey a basic law, which is posted on big-ass signs at the roadside, are obviously either a) stupid as fuck, and undeserving of life, or b) intentionally pissing in the face of the word of law, and therefore also asking for whatever they get.

So which is it?

In reality, people just like to piss in the face of authority, then crybaby about it when they find they're not powerful enough to get away with it. The same old "I'm entitled to do whatever I want, and to hell with the rules" mentality. Well, if you're going to have that, you take what you get, and don't bitch and moan about it.

Get real man, you act like she committed Murder, the allegations are 5mph the posted speed and talking on a cell phone which could be disproved, and in an update to the case, no evidence on the cops dashcam system showed her speeding, or cellphone usage so they did drop all the charges.

Also, next time you drive see how fast you drive over the limit. I bet you don't stay at 45 or 55 when posted, no one does, if they did you would have a back log of traffic jam from coast to coast.

5mph over is not even worth the time and effort of writing up simply because the courts don't want to waste their time on it, they are looking for 10 & over which has points assessed to it. Plus if you have seen the cop, Google search for his photo you can see he is a cocksmoker of the highest extreme. Just a wannabe tough guy playing cop.

darth los
18-Aug-2009, 04:46 PM
Get real man, you act like she committed Murder, the allegations are 5mph the posted speed and talking on a cell phone which could be disproved, and in an update to the case, no evidence on the cops dashcam system showed her speeding, or cellphone usage so they did drop all the charges.

Also, next time you drive see how fast you drive over the limit. I bet you don't stay at 45 or 55 when posted, no one does, if they did you would have a back log of traffic jam from coast to coast.

5mph over is not even worth the time and effort of writing up simply because the courts don't want to waste their time on it, they are looking for 10 & over which has points assessed to it. Plus if you have seen the cop, Google search for his photo you can see he is a cocksmoker of the highest extreme. Just a wannabe tough guy playing cop.

I was gonna say ballsniffer but that works just as well. That's one of the problems with the quota system cops have. Instead of policing what's going on they "look" for crime.


18-Aug-2009, 05:27 PM
Instead of policing what's going on they "look" for crime.

With a job like that....I suspect being on your toes and always expecting danger is a smart way of thinking. Should soldiers not be looking for the enemy?

18-Aug-2009, 05:33 PM
With a job like that....I suspect being on your toes and always expecting danger is a smart way of thinking. Should soldiers not be looking for the enemy?

turning the public into "the enemy" is a very dangerous and immature mindset for a cop!

18-Aug-2009, 05:50 PM
turning the public into "the enemy" is a very dangerous and immature mindset for a cop!

Agreed. However, a lot of these rookies walk in with a cocky attitiude and no one straightens them out until they get themselves into a situation like this, and by then it is too late because the damage is already done.

darth los
18-Aug-2009, 06:16 PM
With a job like that....I suspect being on your toes and always expecting danger is a smart way of thinking. Should soldiers not be looking for the enemy?

Yes, but police aren't soldiers. They're not proactively fighting a war. Their role is to keep the peace. Yes, they should be alert at all times but actively going out looking for stuff to bust soemone one on is bullshit. Because truthfully a cop can arrest you anywhere, anytime for almost anything he wants and call it disorderly conduct.

They look for crime here in NYC as well only they call it stop and frisk, a.k.a. racial profiling. What else do you call a program where it's %90 percent blacks and Latinos getting stopped and of those only %12 get arrested or issued summonses. If that's not a fishing expedition then I don't know what is. Furthermore, it illustrates perfectly the dangers and slippery slope that exists when police "look for crime".


18-Aug-2009, 07:43 PM
turning the public into "the enemy" is a very dangerous and immature mindset for a cop!

I didn't say anything about turning the public into the enemy. I said LOOKING for the enemy. And any good cop should be cautious of EVERYONE.

I don't expect most people to understand this. Maybe if you or one of your loved ones saw what it was like putting their lives on the line every day you would have a different opinion.

18-Aug-2009, 07:53 PM
Also, next time you drive see how fast you drive over the limit. I bet you don't stay at 45 or 55 when posted, no one does, if they did you would have a back log of traffic jam from coast to coast.

Sorry, but you would have just lost some money on your incorrect assumption that I break the speed laws. And the whole "everyone does it" argument makes me laugh.

I also laugh at how everyone's trying to claim "oh, she wasn't speeding, she COULDN'T have been, the cop MUST be lying! He just pulled her over for no reason at all!" The blind cop-hate getting the best of you.

And since I'm so "wrong" here, let's ask you people something:

How in fuck do you explain the fact that I have NEVER been tasered, shot, beaten with a baton, thrown in a dungeon, mauled by the dog, run over by the squad car, or in any other way assaulted by a police officer - EVER - if my system doesn't work?

If I'm so wrong in simply adhering to the law, why exactly am I not in these videos getting abused? If my way is the wrong way, I should be getting victimized just as often as everyone else, right?

18-Aug-2009, 08:23 PM
Sorry, but you would have just lost some money on your incorrect assumption that I break the speed laws. And the whole "everyone does it" argument makes me laugh.

I also laugh at how everyone's trying to claim "oh, she wasn't speeding, she COULDN'T have been, the cop MUST be lying! He just pulled her over for no reason at all!" The blind cop-hate getting the best of you.

And since I'm so "wrong" here, let's ask you people something:

How in fuck do you explain the fact that I have NEVER been tasered, shot, beaten with a baton, thrown in a dungeon, mauled by the dog, run over by the squad car, or in any other way assaulted by a police officer - EVER - if my system doesn't work?

If I'm so wrong in simply adhering to the law, why exactly am I not in these videos getting abused? If my way is the wrong way, I should be getting victimized just as often as everyone else, right?

But man, don't you see, it's not about being scared of the cops - it's about having faith in the justice system. If police go around doing shit like that then it gives out the impression that all cops are assholes and that the justice system is "the enemy", and people lose respect for the law. And that attitude is one of the many contributing factors to anti-social, gang-type behaviour. Basically violent cops are only feeding social disorder, not helping it. They are reducing themselves to the level of street thugs, and how do you expect street thugs to behave if even their supposed "moral betters" are indulging in whimsical acts of violence. Police should behave rationally, respectfully and respectably, they should act like genuinely "good people" and set a good example.

18-Aug-2009, 09:18 PM
How in fuck do you explain the fact that I have NEVER been tasered, shot, beaten with a baton, thrown in a dungeon, mauled by the dog, run over by the squad car, or in any other way assaulted by a police officer - EVER - if my system doesn't work?

I know lots of people who have speeded and still none of the stuff you've done never happened to them. So I guess your system sucks. :lol:

Anyway, we're not automaticly jumping on the "Hate the cops!"-wagon. But we're automaticly jumping on the "Hate the cop who tazers people who are innocent until proven guilty! Especially of fucking speeding!"-wagon.

See? There's quite a big difference there.

19-Aug-2009, 08:39 AM
I didn't say anything about turning the public into the enemy. I said LOOKING for the enemy. And any good cop should be cautious of EVERYONE.

I don't expect most people to understand this. Maybe if you or one of your loved ones saw what it was like putting their lives on the line every day you would have a different opinion.

This is chicken and the egg here discussion here fella...

You could argue that an aggressive police force will preceed an aggressive public. Police are meant as a support structure, not as Orwell put it "rough men waiting in the night to harm all those who would harm us."

This issue goes deeper than just assessing the basic attitudes of your street level cop, this has all to do with the impression of social stigma and community pressure against practises like littering, drink driving, low education due to truancy, bad parents letting their kids roam the streets, etc etc...(and more governmental focuses such as poor education, poor facilities for the young etc etc etc etc etc)

its those little things in society which cause greater problems such as street crime, robbery, vandalism, shit like that...

The police aren't there to dish out rough justice on those they deem unworthy. THey are meant to CALM situations down, not rile them up, make arrests if necessary etc. They work best when they go in with a firm BUT FAIR hand, you see my point? Innocent until proven....

you shouldn't see a cop effing and jeffing at a member of the public because they were speeding...they should talk strongly and harshly but with authority which isn't governed by the use of taser guns.

Its all about perceptions.

If people percieve the cops as these foot soldiers of the night, why would anyone respect them? Most of all, trust them?One instantly becomes defensive with fear and a sense of injustice - that is down to this perception that they act like seek and destroy drones patrolling the city in Blade Runner.

I'm not saying all cops, that would be unfair myself...we see a fair share of brutality in both the US and here in the UK - but with more stories like these for the press to suck in, and with more deaths or injuries due to unmeasured and brutish responses (see UK protest thing this year - 1 death, 1 miscarriage) we all feel just that little bit further from protected, to victimised.

The bottom line is, all cops need to be careful they aren't making the problems on the streets worse by disconnecting themselves even further from the public. It's a fine line and an easily breakable thread but THAT is what their job is.

darth los
19-Aug-2009, 06:34 PM
"rough men waiting in the night to harm all those who would harm us."

Now if that doesn't sound like Batman type vigilante justice then I don't know what does.


01-Sep-2009, 01:02 PM
if that trooper couldn't handle a woman during a routine traffic stop he should have his badge and gun taken away permanently.

Hear hear!
That cop is a coward and a weakling if the cops dont fire him themselves then it shows them for the corrupt good old boy network they are.

01-Sep-2009, 01:36 PM
I dont know why some people assume that
nobody here has ever had dealings with police
in thier families.

Me myself I have relatives who are state marshalls,
and regular police.
And I know for a fact that some cops are good
and some are bad. They dont get a free pass for any reason.

but here is a video that I find both funny and true in parts.
It does describe accurately the behavior of SOME (not all) cops.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/P0gyNxM0aDk&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/P0gyNxM0aDk&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

01-Sep-2009, 07:00 PM
Partly what I find amazing is that everyone is yelling about her speeding. For christ sake, she wasn't pulled over for speeding, she was pulled over for "allegedly" talking on her cell phone, to which she claimed to the cop that she could prove she wasn't. Once that happened, then he came up with the "oh, well, then you were speeding".

Plain and simple, this woman, no matter what she SAID, did not deserve to be tazed. It is NOT against the law to talk shit to a cop, repeat, NOT AGAINST THE LAW!!!! Thats why Dr. Gates charges were dropped, because he wasnt breaking the law.

The fact that some people on here are defending the cop for tazing an innocent (until proven guilty) woman, who posed absolutely NO THREAT whatsoever to him, baffles me.

I hope one day you geniuses get a chance to enjoy the heavy hand of a cop on a bad day, when you've done nothing wrong, it may make you change your tune!

01-Sep-2009, 07:37 PM
"Under what circumstances would a uvula hang down over a vagina?"
