View Full Version : the old truck adventure...

14-Aug-2009, 06:24 PM
in addition to the car i drive everyday, i also have an old truck that i've had for eons. it's an 89 chevy, has about a bajillion miles on it and is rusting but i keep it around because it can come in handy.

anyhoo, i loaned said beat up truck to a friend of mine so he could retrieve some king size, hot shit pool table he had bought. well, i get this call from him that he has the truck stuck on the side of an embankement and can't get it into first gear. after talking to him for a few minutes i decided to head over there and see what was up.

i get to this place and find the truck at the end of a long driveway and almost over the side of the bank of a creek. it was probably about a 6 foot drop into about 4 inches of running water. the truck's right rear tire was just barely holding onto the edge. i thought about just saying "fuck it" and calling a tow truck but i decided to risk it for two reasons:

1- the truck really isn't worth much and even if it went over the side with all the damage, wear and tear it's fought off over the years, it probably would come through falling into a creek.

2 - the pool table my idiot friend had loaded on the back was worth several times what the truck was worth and if it went in the water it would serve his unable to drive a manual correctly ass right.:evil:

so i hopped in, fired up the engine and jammed it into first. for one testicle tightening second i felt the truck slide down and to the right but the tires grabbed and i got the truck away from the side.

i simply walked by my friend, shook my head and said, "dumbass" and got back in my car.

i can't get it to go in first gear in-fucking-deed.

14-Aug-2009, 06:32 PM
Ha ha its crazy how you all drive mainly automatics over there!I dont think i could get used to it! Well done on getting the truck out though!

14-Aug-2009, 06:39 PM
Too funny!

Was it a true single slate pool table? I haven't seen one of those in 15 years.

Ha ha its crazy how you all drive mainly automatics over there!I dont think i could get used to it! Well done on getting the truck out though!

AT is mighty popular here. I sold my last MT vehicle in 2000, but my wife owns a MT Honda Element which is kinda fun to drive as the shifter comes out from the dashboard.

14-Aug-2009, 07:30 PM
I learned how to drive a manual on a 48 Studebaker pickup. That was a weird experience...

It amazes me how some people can't drive a stick. I prefer it. Automatics are boring.:p

Congrats on making it out with the truck, mike.:D

14-Aug-2009, 08:42 PM
I go back and forth on AT and MT cars, but it comes down to travelinging the Capitol Baltway on a near daily basis, and when you sit in traffic for up to 90 minutes ata time you get damn tired of riding the clutch in stop and go traffic, so I opted to buy an Autoatic this time around.

My next car will most likely be stick again, I just need the break every now and again.

My first car was a stick, an 88 5.0 LX sedan. However, I also know how to work 3 on the tree, and most people look at you stupified when you say that.

15-Aug-2009, 01:06 AM
i usually prefer automatics as well. cincinnati is built on a shitload of gigantic hills, so it is just easier driving around here with an automatic.

i bought the truck back when i was far, far younger and did an assload of traveling.