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View Full Version : What do you play?

14-Aug-2009, 08:52 PM
In Honor of the Les Paul thread, and the Music Biopics thread I figured...

Why not have a general discussion thread about what you play, how long you have been play, why you play, what style, ect.

Personally I have only been playing guitar since around March of this year, which means I ya know suck.

But anyway, lets post some pics

My first guitar, got it when I was 17, but due to the fact that it was right handed, I never really tried to play it. So it sat for about 3 years in it's case all sad and neglected like. Got it from my ex for about 75 bucks(and semi hard case)
Buriswood? Probably some wal mart guitar or something.

The reason I honestly started playing real guitar was because...as lame as it sounds of guitar hero. My friends would always play it and I would suck trying to play it left handed. So, they told me about lefty flip and then it was on. I realized how lame that was at one point and flipped my right handed upside down.

Anyway, a friend of mine told me a about a lefty guitar at a local pawn shop. Ibenez Gio for 70 bucks. It's the guitar I use for the most part. when I'm not rocking out one of my acoustics. It was pretty beat up when I got it, doctored her up and made her mine.

Ahh, but what do I hook that bad boy up to?
This Mutant contraption here!
Johnson 25 watt guitar amp on the left, with the low's all the way off and the high's all the way up, smith(?) 25 watt Bass Amp on the right with the high's all the way down and the lows all the way up. Digitech death metal pedal for when I want some distortion, and my Voxx whammy pedal for busting out some funky goodness.

It sounds surprisingly good for the little amps they are.

Lastly I have my Dean High performer E(Left handed)
I really do love this guitar, it's very loud for an acoustic and its just a generally good guitar.

I also have a De armond restrung left handed that I keep at my good friends house for when I go over there.

Okay enough of me rambling...Post and stuff!

14-Aug-2009, 09:31 PM
*looks at screen name*

Bet ya can't guess what I play!:p

I also dabble with guitar, drums, harmonica, and piano...but bass is my numero uno.

My prize bass is a Warwick Corvette 5 string(beauuutiful). I also have an Ibanez Soundgear 4 string, a Musicman 5 string, and an Ibanez acoustic 4 string. Just recently got rid of a Fender Jazz and I'm still kinda regreting it....

14-Aug-2009, 10:31 PM
I'm thinking about picking up a Bass myself. I have only messed around on a couple of my friends (upside and backwards like), and it was pretty fun.

Can you recommend a decent starting bass? (left handed if possible, but I can always hendrix it)

15-Aug-2009, 12:04 AM
Can you recommend a decent starting bass? (left handed if possible, but I can always hendrix it)

I think most of Ibanez's lower end basses are pretty damn good. You can pick one up for a few hundred bucks and with a bit of tweaking...they can sing. If you want to go lower than that, I've always found the cheap fenders to be pretty good for starters.

Not sure about the lefty thing, btw....

15-Aug-2009, 08:56 AM
My first electric guitar was a custard yellow "stargazer", never heard of the make?, dont worry, even google hasnt :lol:

A while back i got a really nice bass, its probably cheap and shitty by most standard's but its made out of oak and has hardly any markings, after a mustard one its a nice change of pace.

17-Aug-2009, 03:15 PM
I've got...

-Ibanez Deluxe V (my main guitar at the moment)
-Ibanez Rockitt Roller (very rare guitar; discountinued in 1979 - handed down from my Father, the original owner)
-Ibanez Stagestar (one of my first guitars ever owned)
-BC Rich Warlock
-BC Rich Warlock Bass
-ESP LTD 350
-Washburn Dimebag
-Carlo Robelli acoustic
-Some Japanese SG knockoff


17-Aug-2009, 03:29 PM
I do not know how to play a guitar, but I mastered the saxaphone. I can play all the diffrent types: soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone. Alto and bari were my mains when I played. So, I am also a bass guy, too. I enjoy playing concert, classical, and jazz.

17-Aug-2009, 04:25 PM
*looks at screen name*

Bet ya can't guess what I play!:p


All these years, and I thought you were a fishing enthusiast :o

(Seriously :o )

17-Aug-2009, 04:26 PM

All these years, and I thought you were a fishing enthusiast :o

(Seriously :o )


I get that alot.

I do enjoy fishing....but not THAT much.:p

17-Aug-2009, 05:33 PM

All these years, and I thought you were a fishing enthusiast :o

(Seriously :o )


I never even thought of it that way. That's pretty good stuff!