View Full Version : This is what you get when you play too many videogames...

15-Aug-2009, 01:53 AM
Thought I'd put this in media as there are no videogames in the clip.

15-Aug-2009, 07:49 AM
it amazes me how addicted some people are to trivial things like the internet, cell phones, video games, and television. while i enjoy these things as much as the next guy, i'd gladly trade it all in without hesitation if an ultimatum was put before me about friends/family vs. technology/toys.

when i first got my xbox a couple of years back, i remember being hooked on halo for a while and it caused a slight disturbance in my relationship with my girl and pretty much everything else in the world (school, work, etc)....i realized that i was starting to miss classes, get write-ups at work for showing up late (and tired as fuck from staying up playing halo till 3am), and spending a lot less quality time with my ladyfriend....and i personally know a guy who dropped out of school cuz of world of warcraft....:|

while technology allows us to stay connected with people easier. at the same time, we start to get too reliant upon it and fall out of touch with the real world and our actual people skills begin to diminish and our relationships with those close to us consequently suffer...

i sometimes wish that a technological-apocalypse would hit and fuck the entire world's systems up beyond repair (and maybe even kill all the super-techno nerds who could fix it all....or maybe they'd just kill themselves out of hopelessness) and do away with all the excesses that we've gotten so attached to and reliant upon.

there's some people out there who probably wouldn't even be able to face the day if they couldn't text message, update their facebook profiles, waste hours of their lives playing video games, and lay around in front of the tv all day long...hopefully this video will serve as a wake-up call to some of those worthless and rotten fucking kids out there who do nothing all day but spend their days staring at a screen and blowing their money on sneakers for their xbox avatar...:rolleyes: like if that one kid who ran away from home and ended up dying (from exposure, if i recall) knew just how out-of-fucking-hand his addiction to call of duty 4 would get and what his fate would be, don't you think he'd rather go outside and shoot some hoops or maybe even (gasp) chase some pussy? but then again, maybe he'd just be like, "wtf? i pwn at cod4, shut the fuck up noob! ur just jealous that i'm a 10th level prestige and have a k/d ratio of 4.34! GTFO! LOL OMG BFF FTW!!!!"

i'm about to move and head back to school, and over the last several weeks i've been visiting with my family and friends much more than i previously was, as i realize that soon it won't be as simple as driving across town to see them, and who knows what tomorrow brings...like seriously, if you were to find out today that your mother/father would be dead within a week, wouldn't you want to spend every single moment that you could with them? ah, but what if it was a double xp weekend in your favorite online game?

...our society is slowly losing contact with the earth and each other and rapidly becoming the internet and television....and it's fucking pathetic.

15-Aug-2009, 08:17 PM
so this guy loses his family because he is too busy making fooking youtube vids, then he goes and makes another "farewell" vid about losing his family when it was making vids that was causing the problem in the first place.

sorry, but if my family just walked on me over making videos the last thing i'd want to do would be to sit down and make another fucking video. that dude has 798 videos uploaded to his youtube account. seven hundred and ninety-fucking-eight.

another thing this video brings out is the burning need some people have to air their problems in public. imagine telling the world that you lost your family because you were addicted to making youtube vids. LAME. LAME. LLLLAAAAAMMMEEEE!!!!!!!

15-Aug-2009, 08:56 PM
i sometimes wish that a technological-apocalypse would hit and fuck the entire world's systems up beyond repair (and maybe even kill all the super-techno nerds who could fix it all....or maybe they'd just kill themselves out of hopelessness) and do away with all the excesses that we've gotten so attached to and reliant upon.

I know this guy who might be able to help with that...


16-Aug-2009, 01:14 AM
so this guy loses his family because he is too busy making fooking youtube vids

Some guys would consider it a blessing.


16-Aug-2009, 04:18 PM
If i was capable of feeling human emotion
maybe id feel bad for him. maybe.

I agree with everything Mike said.
U lose ur family cuz ur making too many you tube vids?
what do u do? make another.
that like getting a stomach ache from eating a hot dog
and then deciding the best idea is to eat 2 more.

And he uses the word 'lost'.
I lost my wife and kids, like i lost my car keys.
Look behind the fridge maybe u will find them.

And this is all the wives fault. She has no respect for
marriage. How dare she leave him like that. Selfish, thats why.
Someone needs to drag Tammy Wynette albums to her house
and make her listen to "Stand by Your Man" until she
goes back home and cooks him dinner and buys him
a new video game. Go home to your trailer woman.

She was probably cheating on him anyways, and used
his you tube passion as an excuse to stray from the path
of fidelity, and before he put 2 and 2 together and came up with
adultery, she left, avoiding a lengthy and painful divorce for her.

All in all, its just one more reason why I beleive that
the human race should go the way of the dinosuars
as soon as possible.

17-Aug-2009, 09:39 AM
hmm, hindsight is 20/20....!!!