View Full Version : People like this shouldn't be allowed to walk the earth

16-Aug-2009, 06:47 PM
On Thrusday night, Tracy and I had a few friends over for a Barbque and a soak in the hot tub in our back yard. Among our friends was our now ex-friend John. Around 930 my niece Amy went to bed, and we continued to hang out in our back yard, relaxing and enjoying the company of our friends while the little ones slept. Around ten o'clock, John said he needed to use the washroom so he went in the house to use the bathroom. Less than five minutes later I went in to get some more ice cubes for everyones drinks. I get into the back door and I heard this scream of terror and of course I dashed up the stairs as fast as I could, because I recognized the scream as Amy's. When I got into her bedroom I saw a sight that blew my mind as well as my top. There John was, naked and in bed with Amy and he was just about to do the unthinkable that is every parents nightmare. I pulled him away from Amy, threw him against the wall and told Amy to run out back to where the others were. All I saw was red, I beat John's face into a bloody pulp and I can't remember doing it, but my friends said later that I tore off one of the bedpost from Amy's bed and beat John with it. His jaw was broken, his nose, a few ribs and an arm and I might have killed the man if my friends hadn't come up and pulled me off of him. The police were called and John was arrested for attempted rape of a minor and I was arrested for aggravated assualt, but it was well worth the nigh in jail knowing that I near beat him to death. Amy was taken to the hospital as a percausion, although she said he didn't touch her, the police wanted to be sure. Thank God he never got the chance to rape her. The doctors said she was fine, just scared and tramuatized. Tracy also took our three little ones to the hospital and had them examined, just in case John attacked them before he got to Amy. Glady the babies are safe and in perfect health. As for me, my lawyer told me he is sure I will get no jail time, because of the circumstances behind the assualt charge, I may just get prohbation. It's poor Amy that is a wreck, she won't sleep unless one of us, Tracy or I, sit in the room with her and we know we will have to send her to consoulling once she is a little calmer. The sad thing is, we never suspected our friend John, who we have know for years, could be such a monster. It sickens me that people like this share this earth with us. If it was up to me, they'd all be dead with no mercy.

16-Aug-2009, 09:41 PM
that is terrible, man...especially coming from someone you thought you knew...and your reaction was perfectly acceptable, too bad you got stopped before you could handicap him for the rest of his perverted life.

sad to hear about the how it's affected your niece...and it really sucks that you may end up having to deal with the legal system over something such as this...if i were you, i'd fight against it in a jury trial, because i seriously doubt there's many out there who wouldn't have done the same thing you did...

and your totally right, people like him ought to be executed...fuck wasting taxpayer dollars locking him up. what a sicko.

16-Aug-2009, 09:49 PM
Jesus christ!what a perverted fucking arsehole,good job on giving him a good beating!have you had any communication with him since to ask what the hell was going through his mind?the only shame is that you didnt blow his balls off!
Years ago in my late teens I had a now obviously ex friend who was a predator like that, we all used to stay over at his with a group of girls who were all friends watching dvd's & drinking etc, little did we know he was trying to force himself on them while us others slept :mad: predators like that seem to have no thought as to the consequences of their actions or whether they will get caught, & they just go for it,its frightening :eek:

17-Aug-2009, 11:48 AM
oh wow

I am sorry a party turned into that.
And of course I hope the little girl is doing well.

As far as you going to jail, that won't happen.
Even in a regular assault case jail is rarely issued
unless its a second offense or other issues apply.
And probation isnt acceptable either cuz will not serve
jail time, but you will have a criminal record for assault.
Your lawyer needs to go for a filing and some type of community
service for you so in a year, your record will be clean.
Thats what my lawyer did for me on my last assault charge.

As for him, he will now be a registered sex offeneder, which
is worse than jail. I know some one who got 40 years for
child molestation, with 5 to serve and 35 suspended. So even tho
he got a big sentence (40 yrs) he is out in 5.
The having the sex offender tag on him is what will keep him from
getting a good job, or living in a nice neighborhood and more.

When I found out about this guy I know having done those crimes
I was angry and disgusted. I talked with my friends wife who works
in a hospital and she put it plainly. she said "this is a life changing
event when these things happen, in time the family will hopefully get
better, but as for him, the life he used to know is over'.

take care of her, don't worry about jail, and even if u think he gets
off on a light sentence he is carrying around a 'sexual offender' tag on
him everywhere he goes til the day he dies.

17-Aug-2009, 02:02 PM
I am so sorry such a shitty thing happened to your family. I can't imagine having little ones who might be endangered in such a way or--for that matter--that someone I might call a friend would ever do something so heinous; there could be no worse betrayal.

Kortick has some great advice and I hope you listen closely to your legal council.

Best wishes to you and your family.

17-Aug-2009, 02:08 PM
Horrible news, man. I send my best wishes to you, your family, and any friends that were involved. I know this sort of thing can be difficult.

You did the right thing, though. I don't know you but i'm proud of you for giving the beating. Sometimes I think the law is too soft on this subject and a good beat down is really what these kinds of people deserve.

Again...my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.:)

17-Aug-2009, 02:40 PM
Holy shit, that's horrifying. To think someone you "knew" could turn out like that...

I'm sorry to hear about everything and I hope the best for Amy.

17-Aug-2009, 02:51 PM
what the fuck!, that is terrifying, what the hell happened between then and when the police showed up?, thats such a crazy situation. jesus.

17-Aug-2009, 04:24 PM
I'm shocked and appalled and also I want to congratulate you on not murdering the SOB....I think I might have gone down to get a knife before the police came....

17-Aug-2009, 07:39 PM
Rusty, best wishes to you during this very difficult time.

Although you've handled the situation better than could be expected of anyone, your family really needs counseling to be able to deal with it fully. It's a horrible, traumatic experience made worse by having a (former) friend involved as the offender. A crisis counselor will help to put it into perspective.

Guaranteed it is not this guy's first offense; he has gotten away with it before and was probably relying on nobody doing anything about it. It is part of the sexual predator's M.O. but this time, he picked the wrong family to mess with.

18-Aug-2009, 04:27 PM
Proffessor Choas you're right man, monsters like this are a waste of good air.
Tricky, according to his lawyer, he has apologized, says he was wasted and wasn't
thinking straight, course he also said that my niece made passes at him all night.
WTF, she wasn't even around him that night, she watched tv by herself until bedtime.
So I don't want to talk to him, he'll just feed us a bunch of lies anyways

Kortick, that is very good advice man and reading what you wrote brings a peace of
mind to me because I know he'll be in hell from now on, in jail and when he gets out.
His life is ruined and he deserves it, after damn near destroying the innocence of a child.

Bassman, the police also had a good beat down on this man, when they got him to the station, although they claim he attacked them and tried to avade arrest, I know they just say that so they could have their way with him.

Thanks for your support Mike

Aceofeights, you're right that is the worst betrayal, I never knew this so called friend was like that. Where is the trust and friendship now days.

Hellsing, before the police arrived, couple of my friends pulled me off of the monster, threw him in the closet and locked the door. One friend stood guard until the police showed up, and while I was dragged outside to calm down, my wife put on her cowboy boots, had our friend unlock the closet door and POW, laid a hard kick right in the monsters nuts. I say good for her

Symphonicx, it was hard not to, but mr friends kept me at bay, knowing a murder rap wouldn't be good for my family although murder was tempting, but he will suffer more
in jail than I can ever make him suffer.

DubiousComforts, counceling is the best advice and we an appointment this week for our niece and for us, because it is always good to talk to a professional and amy needs to talk to someone who can get her to open up and help her heal

Thank you guys for all your support and kind words during this difficult time.

18-Aug-2009, 05:35 PM
Just hope it works out the best way it can for you mate - with you staying a free man and that evil dickwad being destroyed in prison by Big Bubba for a long, long time.

Won't be long til his farts sound like yawns, if you know what I mean :)

18-Aug-2009, 06:09 PM
That's fucking crazy!! I mean - perversion aside - how did he ever think he was going to get away with it? Did he think he was just going to molest the poor girl while her family and friends were just a few feet away, and she was just going to keep her mouth shut? What a slimeball idiot.

I can't imagine how you must feel about all this, Rusty. I know that if I was you I'd feel betrayed and violated myself - with him being a close friend and all, not only does that make him a pervert but a back-stabber too.

I really don't understand child molesters - if someone told me I could never be with a willing woman again, I know that even then I would never resort to rape in order to get what I wanted. So why do these fuckers feel the compulsion to act out their sick urges despite knowing they're gonna ruin lives?

What a bastard. I hope he goes away for a very long time.

19-Aug-2009, 11:37 PM
dude im sorry :( happened to my mom as a kid. im pretty sure the guy came up missing when they found out. also this guy i work with's brother in law did the same thing to his OWN KID........he just got 11 years

20-Aug-2009, 12:24 AM
Rusty, So sorry to hear what happened to you and yur family, and worst of all at the hands of someone you thought was a friend. I am sure there are no other encouraging words I can say the others haven't already but just so you know my heart goes out to you and yours.

in regards to the beating, he deserved it. Plain and simple. I don't know if I could have contained myself in that situation either, and I hope everything works out in the legal end. I am sure a trail by jury would net you a NOT GUILTY verdict. I hoep all is well and you, your family and neice come out of this with a little more hope in humanity than you have at the moment.

We all know there are rotten apples, but not all is lost.

best Wishes


20-Aug-2009, 12:39 AM
Jesus Christ!! What can I say here that hasn't been said before by evryone else here? Awful awful situation man. If someone had tried that with my daughter, they would not be living today. Expecially if it was someone I knew and trusted. That makes it even worse. Thank god you got there in time man. My thoughts are with you and your family. Good luck man.

20-Aug-2009, 02:04 AM
Rusty, wowww I am soo sorry to hear what has happened to your family. It's hard to know what to say, it's so horrific what happened to your family. I don't like violence but, I honestly can't say I would do anything differently. I am glad you didn't kill him for you and your families sake. Now the creep will to have live with what he has done not only privately but publicly. I only hope they put him away for a long long time.
Know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.