View Full Version : zombie hypothetical question

17-Aug-2009, 07:48 PM
What if a zombie bit King Kong? Since it was said in Dawn that "higher order primates" were also reanimating and feasting, that would include Kong, right? If it were still on Skull Island, that giant wall the natives (somehow) constructed would be a real relief! If Kong were in New York, then everyone is f*cked.

Don't ask me how or why I thought of this, because I don't even know. What do you think?

17-Aug-2009, 08:37 PM
I don't see the problem here. The military was having trouble bringing Kong down. A zombie bite would do the job for them. At some point between weakness, death, and reanimation you'd have to destroy the brain, but that shouldn't be too hard.

And if the Kong came back as a zombie Kong he'd be slower, less dextrous, and have no interest in humans cause he'd seek the warm flesh of other Kongs.

A win all around I'd say. :)

17-Aug-2009, 10:57 PM
I dunno, I see him eating people by the mouthfull.

17-Aug-2009, 11:01 PM
Not like it would be hard to avoid Zombie Kong. Something that big isn't going to just snag you out of nowhere as you round a corner. You can hear him staggering around from 10 miles away, and just not go in that direction.

18-Aug-2009, 02:43 AM
The only answer to a zombie King Kong is of course GODZILLA! The great lizard would of course be immune to the zombie virus, and he would surely destroy the zombie Kong...and probably New York City as well. A win-win situation if there ever was one.

18-Aug-2009, 02:29 PM
The only answer to a zombie King Kong is of course GODZILLA!

zombie kong is so clearly a job for gianormica, dr. cockroach, B.O.B, and the missing link. hail gallaxhar!

18-Aug-2009, 02:40 PM
I dunno, I see him eating people by the mouthfull.
Which isn't really that big a problem. It's not like he's just nibbling on them and making an undead horde. It's all or nothing with Kong bites.

18-Aug-2009, 02:49 PM
With todays technology, I doubt that it would be that hard to hit him in the head with a guided missile or something. Sure, costly, but the overall damage wouldn't be that much worse than from good ol' regular Kong! Infact, I'd rather take Zombie Kong over Zombie Mosquitos.

18-Aug-2009, 02:50 PM
When in Dawn do they mention higher order primates? I must have missed that. there are a few bits and pieces of dialogue (like on the TV and radio when they're getting ready for the mall raids) that I can never seem to make out, so maybe it's in there.

Also while we're on the topic - what does the guy in the background on TV say just before the presenter says "there's still some people with a sense of humour"? Sounds like "*mumblemumble* hour's at six".

18-Aug-2009, 03:25 PM
On the positive, a zombie Kong would stop leaving huge poops around town.

18-Aug-2009, 03:58 PM
When in Dawn do they mention higher order primates? I must have missed that. there are a few bits and pieces of dialogue (like on the TV and radio when they're getting ready for the mall raids) that I can never seem to make out, so maybe it's in there.

Did, I miss that too? They never said that. I think the OP was confusing that with the zeds having the intelligence of higher order primates.

Unless, he means the remake.:dead:

Also while we're on the topic - what does the guy in the background on TV say just before the presenter says "there's still some people with a sense of humour"? Sounds like "*mumblemumble* hour's at six".

I always heard Fish and Dollars honestly.:confused:

18-Aug-2009, 05:02 PM
Bowling for Dollars at six.

18-Aug-2009, 05:53 PM
Bowling for Dollars at six.

Ahhh! Thank you!!! That's been bothering me for years! :cool:

18-Aug-2009, 11:22 PM
Did, I miss that too? They never said that. I think the OP was confusing that with the zeds having the intelligence of higher order primates.

Unless, he means the remake.:dead:

I always heard Fish and Dollars honestly.:confused:

Nope. Watch it again and carefully pay attention to the background news reports. It is indeed mentioned.

18-Aug-2009, 11:58 PM
Nope. Watch it again and carefully pay attention to the background news reports. It is indeed mentioned.

Okie Dokie. The radio or tv ones?

19-Aug-2009, 12:14 AM
a zombie kong would be funny. but as above mentioned, easy to avoid. and not that difficult to kill. especially with Godzilla around lol interesting idea though makes me think of the Gorillaz video for Clint Eastwood lol