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21-May-2006, 03:48 PM

"We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even if it didn't have games."

No arrogance from the Sony camp here :rolleyes:

sorry guys, but brand loyalty dies at about $400

21-May-2006, 05:04 PM
but brand loyalty dies at about $400

Although mileage may vary depending on the size of the wallet in question, I totally agree!

21-May-2006, 08:29 PM
Damn that is arrogant ... with talk like that I'd just welcome the downfall of Sony eve more, they're just f*cking up left right and center. Their TVs etc are all made with other people's parts, their writer drives for PCs are no longer reliable (overtaken by the likes of Pioneer), their PS3 has been a complete joke thus far, their digital video cameras are blatantly not worth the time or effort ... oh, and UMD is a huuuuuuuge joke.

Pistolero Films
22-May-2006, 12:27 AM
Yup...the sony brand is diving...

Man, when a company comes out with crap like that, they loose focus. But you know there will be 1000s of idiots who are branded who'll buy it or get their parents to buy it.

But I agree that sony is going waaay of course. I dont own a console, my last one was an original NES system. Everything looks better on my PC.

22-May-2006, 03:38 AM

No arrogance from the Sony camp here :rolleyes:

sorry guys, but brand loyalty dies at about $400

Wow, that, combined with my previous problems with every Sony product I have owned in the past, makes me want to avoid the PS3 even more.

I hope it goes the way of the NeoGeo like my gut tells me it will.

22-May-2006, 01:00 PM
Six things to consider about PS3
1) Full backwards compatability with PS1 and PS2 games
2) HD support, 1080 resolution
3) Blu Ray player
4) Exclusives like Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13
5) It's more powerful then the 360, we won't see the true capabilities until next year.
6) Comes with a hard drive.
Does all that sound too bad for the price of £425? yep when you consider PSP has been out for a year and it hasn't even halved in price.

22-May-2006, 01:46 PM
£425 is absolutely ridiculous for a friggin' console, you can get a decent PC for that much these days, and that'll do a damn sight more than play games and Gay-Ray DVDs, which might not even be worth it, they could very well crash and burn, who knows.

I'm on the Xbox side, although I don't own one, I would buy one if I had the money, their line up of games is more my kind of thing than what you'll get on the PS3. GT5, MGS4 and FF13 - all games I don't play or like or have any interest in, besides, you're either an MGS man or a Splinter Cell man, I am a Splinter Cell man myself. Woo, bring on "Double Agent"!!! But bring on Hitman: Blood Money first, and quick damnit! I'm dying of the tension!!! :D

01-Jun-2006, 01:37 AM
oh man there diggin' there own grave, with gta final fantasy AND metal gear onmultiple platfroms who the hell needs a ps3?!?

compared to the sheer "cinema sound" atmosphere of fanboy taunting on xbox live and the sheer "make a dick-ed' outta yourself" factor of the wii theres noway in hell anyones gonna have the nisentive to buy one of em.

even if george forman's so proud of it "he puts is nayme on it!"

general tbag
01-Jun-2006, 05:31 AM
myself i always buy 2 systems to balance the good and bad flaws . but for the price announced it a definate, nintendo /microsoft buy.

with all the fight about the next dvd format, the reality is blu ray is ok at best., if no one supports it , it very useless. from a gaming side that much data is not needed. at least not yet or in this cycle. of system. much like what the ps2 did for dvds i think sony is going for the same effect for the ps3. and bundling them for wider acceptance.

as far as exclusives, they said the same thing about mgs2 and ff11 and those all ended up on xbox. same with gta

btw as history has shown and kinda cursed, but no maker has even been able to 3peat a consoles success. from the price point alone it appear sony gonna lose alot of steam this time around

01-Jun-2006, 05:50 AM
I've been a playstation fan since ps1...but I cant afford, nor will I pay that much for a console.

01-Jun-2006, 06:48 AM
I've been a playstation fan since ps1...but I cant afford, nor will I pay that much for a console.

I hear that so many times at work (A Blockbuste with a Game Rush.... which is like Gamestop). I don't think the PS3 will be very successful if they don't drop the price.