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18-Aug-2009, 04:14 PM
The other day I came home from work, my wife was in the garden and my babies were having their nap. I went downstairs to the family room and there
was my niece 12 years old, glued to the tv, watching Dawn of the dead. Her parents have
let her watch horror movies since she was ten and she loves them. She's been living with us for a year now and never bothered to watch Dawn, until now. I asked her in a joking tone, what she was up to and she damn near took my head off. She told me to sush up, because she was watching an awesome movie. She was at the part where the zombie Stephen lumbers down the hall to the secret hideout, and because I interrupted her, she had to watch that part again. She loved the movie.
Then yesterday while we were at the mall, she went into a video store and with her own money, bought a copy of Dawn of the dead the ulitmate edition.
I told her she didn't need to do that, that she could watch my copy or the copy my wife owns. But nope, she told me she wants her own copy and for her birthday in November she wants a Dawn of the dead movie poster. She watched the remake last night and in her own words she said 'This sucks puke' :lol::lol::lol:

So now I have a mini fan on my hands, looks like the love of Dawn will continue in my family through another generation.

My question is, do any of you guys have kids, nephews, nieces or cousins,
another generation that will love Dawn.

18-Aug-2009, 04:23 PM
My oldest son just turned 12, and he watched it for the first time (after hearing about it for years). i was watching his face for many of the big scenes, and he loved it. He now regularly questions me about "what if they did this?", or "would this be a good place to go?". It worked great - Day will be screened soon. :)

18-Aug-2009, 04:30 PM
Nope, I'm the only one in my family so, far whos loved it. My sister watched once but, didn't care about it after the first viewing.

Actually, it has to do with the fact she's to scared to see it again.:lol:

18-Aug-2009, 05:24 PM
About ten or twelve years ago, my best friend screened the original trilogy to his 13 year old niece, and two nephews--5 and 9.

They had the exact opposite reaction--they were bored to tears, and at one point the 5 year old asked him if he was punishing them for making them watch the movies.

The girl brought up the exact same point that Barbara did in the NOTLD remake: "They're so slow...you could just walk right past them--you wouldn't even have to run!"

They found the zombies from ROTLD more scary, because they could run and catch you....and because they couldn't be stopped short of burning them to ashes, which only created more zombies.

18-Aug-2009, 07:30 PM
yea, i'm 51, my son is 30 and my grandson is 13. we get together whenever we can and screen romeros films, dawn and day being our favorites. just hope i live long enough to include a great grandchild someday! just call us family of the dead!:D

18-Aug-2009, 11:26 PM
12, 9 and 5? 5 years old?? Isn't that far too young? Wow.

19-Aug-2009, 02:25 AM
12, 9 and 5? 5 years old?? Isn't that far too young? Wow.
Nope. I was ten when I first saw Dawn Of The Dead in 1983. It is my most favourite movie of all time.

My cousin was born in 1978. He was about six when I first showed him the film. It is also his favourite. Whenever there's a new GAR flick out, he is right by my side, beer in hand, grin on face. :D

yea, i'm 51, my son is 30 and my grandson is 13. we get together whenever we can and screen romeros films, dawn and day being our favorites. just hope i live long enough to include a great grandchild someday! just call us family of the dead!:D
That's very cool. I hope you get your grandchild of the dead.

23-Aug-2009, 08:09 PM
5 years old?? Isn't that far too young? Wow.

People on these forums go either way. However, most members here feel that 5 years old IS far too young; I got a huge ration of shit when I told everyone I showed Dawn 78 to my younger brother when he was 4 years old. Actually, it's his 6th birthday and I think I'm going to show it to him again!

I see no harm in it... I was watching far worse films when I was 3 years old and I've turned out fine. The only problems I ever had due to watching horror movies at such a young age was up until I was like 11 years old, I would make my Mom check all the closets for serial killers whenever we'd come home from somewhere at night.

23-Aug-2009, 08:19 PM
People on these forums go either way. However, most members here feel that 5 years old IS far too young; I got a huge ration of shit when I told everyone I showed Dawn 78 to my younger brother when he was 4 years old. Actually, it's his 6th birthday and I think I'm going to show it to him again!

I see no harm in it... I was watching far worse films when I was 3 years old and I've turned out fine. The only problems I ever had due to watching horror movies at such a young age was up until I was like 11 years old, I would make my Mom check all the closets for serial killers whenever we'd come home from somewhere at night.

Yeah, I think it depends upon the kid, and the adult that watches it with the kid. Some kids can take it, particularly if they understand about special effects and are good at separating the real from the make-believe. Others will go mental and start wetting the bed or whatever. :D

24-Aug-2009, 02:31 PM
While 5 is too young, its not because of the gore, the blood or the horror, it is because of the attenion span needed to watch Romero's flicks. DAWN is really for those who like to dream and come up with scenarios, it brings it out in people, but you have to have an attenion span longer than 5 seconds to view these films.

Give them another 5 years and unleash it on them again. I be it will change a lot.

This will actually make a great topic for the next WNWR show...
I will give you guys a nod for it.

24-Aug-2009, 03:28 PM
was my niece 12 years old, glued to the tv, watching Dawn of the dead.

I told her she didn't need to do that, that she could watch my copy or the copy my wife owns.
That's a cool story. I don't know too many people who love the Romero movies like I do. And certainly not any youngers ones.

My kids are 10, 8, and 6 right now. I've got the movies all queued up for them. Probably start at about 12. They still scare easy.

I think the most amazing part is the "my copy or the copy my wife owns." I mean, joint bank accounts are fine and all but you each gotta have your own copy of Dawn.

24-Aug-2009, 04:16 PM
The only problems I ever had due to watching horror movies at such a young age was up until I was like 11 years old, I would make my Mom check all the closets for serial killers whenever we'd come home from somewhere at night.

A sound precaution at any age :D

24-Aug-2009, 06:55 PM
5 years old too young? Heck, my childhood wouldn't have been half the childhood it was if I hadn't spent it with horror movies.

24-Aug-2009, 07:31 PM
She watched the remake last night and in her own words she said 'This sucks puke'

Your niece is officially awesome.

Good on her too - Dawn is a kick ass bucket of awesome sauce.

25-Aug-2009, 05:32 AM
In all fairness....my friend told me that after the Dead Trilogy failed to impress his niece and nephews, that he treated them to a viewing of The Exorcist, next.

That didn't scare them, either.

In fact, the 5 year old turned to him and said, "So, what's the big deal? It's a girl tied up to a bed. Shannon (their older sister) is scarier than this bitch."


25-Aug-2009, 05:55 AM
In fact, the 5 year old turned to him and said, "So, what's the big deal? It's a girl tied up to a bed. Shannon (their older sister) is scarier than this bitch."

I certainly hope you're paraphrasing... :eek:

25-Aug-2009, 07:19 AM
You don't know that family....:hyper:

25-Aug-2009, 07:54 AM
My neice (she is almost 13) told me she wants to watch more horror movies, but doesn't want to watch zombie movies just yet. I am still trying to convince her to watch them, but she just will not watch them. I tried to convince her by telling her Tom Savini did the effects and was in Dawn, but she still won't watch (she met him with me when we were at the Motor City Comicon and told me that she thought he was a cool guy). Hopefully I can get her to watch some of the trilogy soon.

On the other hand, my nephews want to watch them, but one is too young (he is 4) and the other who will be 8 in October (and loves Left 4 Dead) has had my brother tell him he isn't allowed to watch any yet. The thing that bothers me is that when I was 6 or so my brother made me watch every horror movie we could get our hands on, even if I was scared. I think he just doesn't want my nephew crawling into bed at 3am saying "There is a zombie outside!"

Someday they will be Dawn fans... I promise that.

25-Aug-2009, 10:44 AM
I think it's terrific that your Niece loves DOTD78!!!! My Niece is a bit too young to watch zombie movies, but we do love playing Stubbs The Zombie Co Op together!

I think it takes a special kind of person to love DOTD78, regardless of age. It's like fine wine now, not everyones cup of tea.

She is obviously seeing the "it" factor that we love it for. Of course she would want her own copy. :)

26-Aug-2009, 12:41 PM
In all fairness....my friend told me that after the Dead Trilogy failed to impress his niece and nephews, that he treated them to a viewing of The Exorcist, next.

That didn't scare them, either.

In fact, the 5 year old turned to him and said, "So, what's the big deal? It's a girl tied up to a bed. Shannon (their older sister) is scarier than this bitch."


It’s no wonder today’s kids are messed up if they are actually desensitized to movies like DOTD or The Exorcist.

01-Sep-2009, 04:05 AM
I hope to one day show it to a son or daugter or niece or nephew or all. So far I have loaned it out or had several other people watch it. My father, brother and I all enjoy it. All of my friends have liked it and it turned a friend of mine onto zombie movies, his wife still is made at me for that one.

Some do find it slow, so I can see how some would not care for it. At the same time I am finding more and more that I tend to prefer those sorts of movies. I like the summer action flick just fine, and even modern horror is ok with me most of the time. I think you lose something though. Alot of new movie watchers now get plots that are very linear, you could put anyone in role x and they are the hero and just put in the others. They add nothing to the part by way of believability. At least in general. I think with alot of the Romero movies you get alot of character development. (Sometimes to much if you consider Season of the Witch that even I found dull).

Especially with the original trilogy. People seem to generally like Ben and Tommy and not like Cooper much, and think Barbara is a waste of space. In Dawn they tend to like everyone, it is like a group of buddies out on a joy ride, and that makes the hit harder when something happens to them during the movie. Some are turned off by day, imo it is because none of the characters are that likable aside from Bub. But the movie is good and dark.

Gushing aside I love to show the movie to people, love to watch it again and seeing new expressions during them is always fun. It is much better if they enjoy it in the end though. When my brother and I first saw it when we were young we would have endless talks of where to hide, what weapons to use and so on. Those are just really fun to have.

Bone Daddy
02-Sep-2009, 05:27 AM
My Kid are 7and 10, IMHO, too young for a Dawn of The Dead viewing. My oldest doesn't have the desire for scary films, but my 7 year old does, so when she gets a bit older, somewhere in her teen years, then perhaps she can appreciate it.

Ghost Of War
04-Sep-2009, 07:44 AM
I honestly can't wait to show my kids Dawn Of The Dead, my son is 9 and my daughter is 5. I'm going to wait until my son is a couple of years older, I don't think he has the patience at the moment to sit through it. Unless I make him watch ala "A Clockwork Orange", with the contraption to keep his eyes open.

04-Sep-2009, 01:00 PM
My daughter is one and has already watched all of Romero's films.:p

I haven't turned any kids onto the series, but my wife loves Day now. She friggin hates Dawn, and I can't really blame her for that one....

04-Sep-2009, 04:49 PM
My daughter is one and has already watched all of Romero's films.:p

I haven't turned any kids onto the series, but my wife loves Day now. She friggin hates Dawn, and I can't really blame her for that one....
What what what?!

She hates Dawn of the Dead?! :eek::eek::eek:

04-Sep-2009, 04:53 PM
She hates Dawn of the Dead?! :eek::eek::eek:

Yeah. But let's not kid ourselves.....it's not the greatest film ever made...

04-Sep-2009, 05:09 PM
Yeah. But let's not kid ourselves.....it's not the greatest film ever made...
Firstly - yes it is. :D

Secondly - any flaws aren't worth hate ... but you know what is worth hating? Yawn04. :p

darth los
04-Sep-2009, 05:36 PM
Yeah. But let's not kid ourselves.....it's not the greatest film ever made...

Firstly - yes it is. :D

Secondly - any flaws aren't worth hate ... but you know what is worth hating? Yawn04. :p

Dawn is probably my favorite film of all time. With that being said I see where Bassman is coming from.


Ghost Of War
04-Sep-2009, 07:13 PM
Yeah. But let's not kid ourselves.....it's not the greatest film ever made...

No, but it's one of them. I see what you mean though, which is why I want to wait a couple of years before my lad watches it. To be honest, he'd probably prefer Dawn '04 with all the cool explosions and stuff.

04-Sep-2009, 07:28 PM
No, but it's one of them. I see what you mean though, which is why I want to wait a couple of years before my lad watches it. To be honest, he'd probably prefer Dawn '04 with all the cool explosions and stuff.
Such notions need to be purged from his soul. :elol:


04-Sep-2009, 08:18 PM
I love Dawn. I really love it. But i'm not going to lie and say it's a perfect or even well made film. Because it's definitely not. Even Romero says this....

Ghost Of War
05-Sep-2009, 09:20 AM
Such notions need to be purged from his soul. :elol:


Hey, trust me, Ive been reading some of the Dawn '04 vs original arguments on here. I like '04 for what it is, an action film with zombies in, but the original will never be surpassed, even if GAR himself remade it. But that's for another thread. Knowing my son, I just think he'd enjoy '04 more than the original, at the age he is now. In a few years time he'll be able to appreciate the original more. I'll just have to make sure he doesn't watch '04 first.

05-Sep-2009, 08:52 PM
My 13 year old son prefers the original over the new abortion. My 12 yearold son who has autism loves the original one better too. He always knows the deal and is incapable of lying beieve it or not. His word is gold. :D

06-Sep-2009, 12:04 AM
I'm 19 I'm wondering if i count as the next generation? I saw dawn when i was 9 on tv and the rest is history. I've shared it with all my friends and even had a shirt sporting the airport zombie way before hot topic had them on their shelves.
Don't see the remake as a remake but a new movie all together. It would hurt to much to see it as a remake...but there is another forum for that.

06-Sep-2009, 02:50 PM