View Full Version : heres a question for horror fans

20-Aug-2009, 02:57 AM
So im watching the blair witch project again, which i still say is a great movie that got wrecked by spoofs like the matrix, ad its still creepy but i remember this was fucking chilling to me when i first watched it late on stormy night alone in the dark. Hell thats probably why i like it so much in recollection.
The first time i saw this it was shot like nothing i had seen before, and at the time the viral marketing, which was still relatively unknown back then, had yet to have be debunked. it was a vhs copy, since i was only around ten and couldnt get into the screenings at the time. But to get to the point this was the last film i saw where i was literally terrified, which i think is quite impressive for a film where you dont see anything really besides 3 people in the woods, and at the time this is possibly a found tape of student filmmakers. which made it all the more creepy.
Now as a filmmaker myself rewatching it adds another level of creepy to the events, particularly since id worked on projects with people like the josh and heather characters which made it easier to put you in the cameramans shoes.
-Anyway the point i'm getting to is even at the time stuff like a nightmare on elmstreet and friday the 13th were spoofed so much they were funny, not scary to anyone born so long after the first films in the franchise came out like myself, but nothing before or since has scared me as much as that first viewing of the blair witch project and 20 minutes in its creepy and i still love this flick.

So thats my scariest movie from the past, whats yours?:D

20-Aug-2009, 03:17 AM
I cannot think of one movie, but a number of them. The face mutilation scene in Poltergiest. The last 2 stories in the Creepshow. The sequel spoof Beware of the Blob had a scene in which it came out of the sink at a hairshop. Our sink and washing machine shared the same drain, so the kitchen sink would gurgle when the clothes were washed. My dad thought it was funny to tell me the blob was coming out of the sink. Keep in mind, I was 4 at the time. In fact, I think I was 4 when I watch all those movies. I didn't sleep much for 2 or 3 years.

20-Aug-2009, 03:23 AM
When I was a kid. . Dawn scared the holy living crap out of me. . . . . I got over it. :)

I'd actually have to agree with your choice as far as modern films go there Hells. TBWP scared me and stuck with me well afterwards. I was scared of trees at night for like a month.

20-Aug-2009, 03:28 AM
When I was a kid. . Dawn scared the holy living crap out of me. . . . . I got over it. :)

I'd actually have to agree with your choice as far as modern films go there Hells. TBWP scared me and stuck with me well afterwards. I was scared of trees at night for like a month.

i lived with the end of my garden at the time dissappearing into woodland where there was a tree called "the witch tree" which was shaped like a woman reaching to the sky and screaming, and after tbwp came out kids would nail those stick men round the place, so what used to be a bitchin' dirtbike track through the woods got very creepy for a while after that.

20-Aug-2009, 10:42 AM
So im watching the blair witch project again, which i still say is a great movie that got wrecked by spoofs like the matrix, ad its still creepy but i remember this was fucking chilling to me when i first watched it late on stormy night alone in the dark. Hell thats probably why i like it so much in recollection.
I first saw Blair Witch on a ropey old VHS shit cam and the quality was kinda how a bunch of old tapes found in the forest would look like visually. Different ball game at the cinema - everyone was actually laughing out loud.

So thats my scariest movie from the past, whats yours?:D
The Evil Dead hit me at just the right age.

20-Aug-2009, 12:24 PM
I was properly shook after Cannibal Holocaust, I remember.

20-Aug-2009, 12:59 PM
Yeah, Blair Witch was easily the scariest film I've seen in theaters. I could barely move or breathe.

20-Aug-2009, 01:23 PM
the exorcist. easily and by far, nothing even comes close. i saw the exorcist when i was maybe 10 or so and it put me off of green kool-aid for months.

20-Aug-2009, 01:48 PM
The Shining, The Thing, and Alien.

These are the only movies that I can remember actually scaring me. I guess it's the isolation factor...

20-Aug-2009, 02:00 PM
Alien is absolutely golden because other than the chest bursting scene, it is pretty much gore free. Also, you didn't get to see very much of the creature itself, which I think added to it. The scene where Dallas is in the shafts and Lambert tells him that the alien is headed his way... man, that scene terrified me.

20-Aug-2009, 02:00 PM
Jaws, Halloween, and the Exorcist.

20-Aug-2009, 09:16 PM
Age and the period in which you saw the film are clearly deciding factors in determining what is scary. As a kid, I can recall JAWS being pretty terrifying in the theater to a packed audience (mostly adults).

Prior to that, seeing Kevin McCarthy being pursued by seemingly "normal" people in the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers on late night television was scary. The climatic scene of Horror Hotel (aka City of the Dead) where a dying guy drags this huge crucifix across a graveyard in order to kill a coven of witches was also really scary, though I couldn't imagine today's jaded audiences finding anything remotely intense about this film now.

Prior to any spoofing, The Blair Witch Project had a huge following on the Internet before the film was released and most of its fans had even seen it. The original web site and the entire back story of the film were really well done, so I went to the premiere in NYC. The audience just laughed at the film and I felt embarrassed having brought friends to see it. It just couldn't live up to the hype and marketing.

20-Aug-2009, 09:25 PM
Tod Browning's Freaks.

That ain't CGI, kids.


20-Aug-2009, 10:11 PM
Tod Browning's Freaks.

That ain't CGI, kids.


I've heard of this film before. I always though it was a comedy though.:confused::|

Lets see here. In the beginning of horror fandom I was really a pansy. Everything scared me even the original Night and black and white films. Not so, much anymore(I will admit some stuff still gets me though).

Here are some scenes in some of films that stood out though-

Halloween- The scene where Laurie is telling the little kids to go get the cops, and The Shape is coming up the stairs behind them was the first scene of Halloween I ever saw and the so far, one of the few scenes in that franchise that has sticked out for me. I remember after seeing it searching for it not knowing what the film wa called. Luck for me one day it showed on AMC and I was just-:stunned: throught the entire thing.

Friday the 13th- The arrow going to Kevin Bacon is usually the popular one. I'm also a fan of it. It had me checking under my bed for weeks before I fell asleep. Seeing, some of the dead bodies like, that guy arrowed to a door and that women thrown at the window did it for me too.

Jaws- Pretty much the concept of the film and The SHARK!

Night of the Living DEAD '68- The zombies final assault at the farm house.

Day of the Dead- The appearance of the zombies was just grotuest for me, and Rhodes and his men being ripped to pieces.:eek:

Aliens- Not really horror for me anymore but, damn those Xenomorphs were scary for me back then.

Alien- Sadly, didn't see this one til I was 14, so it didn't get me too bad. The part with that dude in the vents though got me good for 2 reasons. The fact that I hate claustrphobic places and of course, the alien popping out of nowhere.

Nightmare on Elm Street- Fredrick jumping besides, Nancy's bed and his first apperance at the alley way.

Exorcist- Pretty much, all the parts where they showed the possed girl.:dead:

Poltergiest- The whole final act of the film when everything goes too sh*t. I remember this being another film I tried to seek even when I didn't know the name.

21-Aug-2009, 02:51 PM
Jaws was probably the first film to down right scare the holy hell out of me...I saw it in the theater and afterword for weeks was afraid to even stand on a manhole cover.

Next I saw the exorcist on TV as a young lad..and to this day it creeps me out...even more when I found out it was based on a true story!

Since then things have shocked me but not down right scared me.

21-Aug-2009, 03:56 PM
No movie has ever scared me. I am all that is man.

21-Aug-2009, 04:14 PM
No movie has ever scared me. I am all that is man.

maybe not but we all know you blubber like a 3 year old every time bambi's mom bites it.:D:p

21-Aug-2009, 04:19 PM
maybe not but we all know you blubber like a 3 year old every time bambi's mom bites it.:D:p
Bwaaaa! :lol:

Really top notch, old bean. :sneaky:

21-Aug-2009, 04:30 PM
Bwaaaa! :lol:

Really top notch, old bean. :sneaky:

i better be careful though, ol' coin's so tough i hear he eats lead ingots in the morning and shits hollow points at night.:D

22-Aug-2009, 06:50 AM
So im watching the blair witch project again, which i still say is a great movie that got wrecked by spoofs like the matrix,

What does The Matrix have to do with The Blair Witch Project, anyway?:confused:

As for scariest movie, Jaws wins. It's flat-out real life fear. You go in the ocean, you can be eaten. Plain reality.

22-Aug-2009, 05:39 PM
What does The Matrix have to do with The Blair Witch Project, anyway?:confused:

As for scariest movie, Jaws wins. It's flat-out real life fear. You go in the ocean, you can be eaten. Plain reality.

I think he might have been talking about Cloverfield...Just a guess

22-Aug-2009, 06:00 PM
no i wasnt, the matrix slo mo was spoofed to death, the same with the close up confession scene from blair witch.

22-Aug-2009, 06:12 PM
I think he might have been talking about Cloverfield...Just a guess

He meant it was spoofed like The Matrix, not by The Matrix.

24-Aug-2009, 11:34 AM
the exorcist. easily and by far, nothing even comes close. i saw the exorcist when i was maybe 10 or so and it put me off of green kool-aid for months.


I am 38 now and this movie still creeps me out (picks nose, flicks booger) :D