View Full Version : I just applied to Rockstar games as environment artist!

21-Aug-2009, 03:06 AM
well, i busted the move, and submitted my information and portfolio today to rockstar games. the position is environment artist, which is handy cuz i specialize in environments. the position is located in vancouver canada, which appeals to me because the ski mountain whistler is close, and i hear its a fun town. so please everyone wish me luck! this is my dream job!

21-Aug-2009, 03:11 AM
Dude. . definitely good luck!!! Here's hoping you get the job. That would be awesome!!

21-Aug-2009, 03:22 AM
thnx buddy! hell yeah! it pays bank!

21-Aug-2009, 03:56 AM
fucking A, trance...hope it works out. while you've got your foot in the door, let the powers that be know that there is a rabid fanbase demanding a GAR-inspired GTA meets fallout 3 style zombie game...;)

21-Aug-2009, 04:11 AM
Good luck, Zac. Keep us updated.

21-Aug-2009, 04:26 AM
fucking A, trance...hope it works out. while you've got your foot in the door, let the powers that be know that there is a rabid fanbase demanding a GAR-inspired GTA meets fallout 3 style zombie game...;)

oh u know i will.

thanks guys! i hope i get it so bad! then i'll actually have $.

21-Aug-2009, 07:17 AM
Hope you get it. Vancouver is an amazing and fun city. :cool:

21-Aug-2009, 07:39 AM
Sounds great! I'm hoping for ya.

Chic Freak
21-Aug-2009, 03:47 PM
good luck good luck good luck! & cross everything for me too, I'm waiting for the verdict on a big job to come back too ;)

21-Aug-2009, 10:38 PM
good luck good luck good luck! & cross everything for me too, I'm waiting for the verdict on a big job to come back too ;)

well good luck to you as well!!! :D i hope we both get them!

21-Aug-2009, 10:58 PM
Good luck, man! That'd be a fun job... ever see Grandma's Boy?

21-Aug-2009, 11:28 PM
Good luck, man! That'd be a fun job... ever see Grandma's Boy?

yeah haha, i love kevin neilan or however its spelled. ;)

22-Aug-2009, 12:17 AM
Best of luck. I have considered the gaming industry, myself. I am going to look into it before I finish school. There should be something for a college grad with a business degree.

22-Aug-2009, 09:48 AM
Seriously mate - best of luck! I know a guy (well I know his mother) who works for Rockstar North in Edinburgh. Says they're an amazing company to work for with regards benefits, perks and general job satisfaction. Although you will have to work your ass off for sociable hours, particularly in the run-up to a big release, I'm sure it will be worth it.

About six or seven months ago, when I still worked at Zavvi, a guy came into the store and purchased 25 copies Of Unreal Tournament 3. I asked him if he was planning a big LAN party, he said he worked for a startup software company that had just licensed the Unreal 3 engine, but the third party licensee tools pack hadn't yet arrived, so he was buying copies of U3 so his team could get some practice with the scripting and the Editor, etc. Impressed, I made some comment about how flexible and powerful the Unreal Engine was, and he asked me if I knew anything about modding. I told him I used to design levels for Unreal 1 in my bedroom (a bit of an exaggeration, but I used to play around with the Editor a lot) and he actually invited me to come up to the studio and hang out and have a chat with his team because they were in dire need of people with modding experience. He even gave me a business card.

Sadly, I didn't go - mainly because I didn't have any modding experience per se, just a basic knowledge of the UnrealEd software. Looking back, I wish I had gone. I could have spent a couple of days boning up on UnrealScript and then blagged my way into a job. At the time, I as happy with my lowly job at Zavvi, but they went bust a few months later. I feel so disappointed in myself when I think back on what an opportunity that could have been if only I'd taken the initiative. Chances like that don't come up very often...

22-Aug-2009, 10:21 AM
Seriously mate - best of luck! I know a guy (well I know his mother) who works for Rockstar North in Edinburgh. Says they're an amazing company to work for with regards benefits, perks and general job satisfaction. Although you will have to work your ass off for sociable hours, particularly in the run-up to a big release, I'm sure it will be worth it.

About six or seven months ago, when I still worked at Zavvi, a guy came into the store and purchased 25 copies Of Unreal Tournament 3. I asked him if he was planning a big LAN party, he said he worked for a startup software company that had just licensed the Unreal 3 engine, but the third party licensee tools pack hadn't yet arrived, so he was buying copies of U3 so his team could get some practice with the scripting and the Editor, etc. Impressed, I made some comment about how flexible and powerful the Unreal Engine was, and he asked me if I knew anything about modding. I told him I used to design levels for Unreal 1 in my bedroom (a bit of an exaggeration, but I used to play around with the Editor a lot) and he actually invited me to come up to the studio and hang out and have a chat with his team because they were in dire need of people with modding experience. He even gave me a business card.

Sadly, I didn't go - mainly because I didn't have any modding experience per se, just a basic knowledge of the UnrealEd software. Looking back, I wish I had gone. I could have spent a couple of days boning up on UnrealScript and then blagged my way into a job. At the time, I as happy with my lowly job at Zavvi, but they went bust a few months later. I feel so disappointed in myself when I think back on what an opportunity that could have been if only I'd taken the initiative. Chances like that don't come up very often...

actually this makes me feel a little better cuz i didnt know if there was a possibility of a hidden taboo for modders applying for jobs. i wondered if it may be looked down upon, but however your post sort of reassures me. they said in an automated instant email after my application that it may take 2 weeks for a POSSIBLE response if they would like to take my application further. i have no doubt their salaries and benefits are competitive and busting my hump on level design somehow gets me off. i'm sorry you didnt feel qualified to your previously mentioned task. i;m sure it would have been wild. thank you however for you thoughtful wishes. :)

25-Aug-2009, 01:22 PM
I wish you tons of luck man. :D

25-Aug-2009, 02:30 PM
Aye! Good luck, Trance! I hear the hours worked on the production side of the gaming the industry are grueling, though--so be prepared!

25-Aug-2009, 09:51 PM
i hope u get the job,man. i've always been told i should go into that field cuz as a young adult, i'd always point out detail flaws in games.

25-Aug-2009, 11:33 PM
Good luck man!
