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21-Aug-2009, 04:58 AM

havent seen shit about this movie till now, looks pretty rad from that trailer.

21-Aug-2009, 06:36 AM
Francis Abberline? Any relation to Frederick Abberline, who worked on the Jack The Ripper case? If so, that's cool cameoage.

Film looks fan-fucking-tastic, btw. :cool:

21-Aug-2009, 07:04 AM
It does indeed look pretty good.

21-Aug-2009, 10:58 AM
I was on the fence until I saw Hugo. I'm there!

21-Aug-2009, 11:50 AM
Seems like I've been reading about this movie for years. Movie news sites would always post up something about Benicio Del Toro's Wolfman and then it would just be put on the back burner. It's nice to finally see something produced. Looks pretty interesting.

21-Aug-2009, 12:41 PM
video removed by user. :(

however, i was able to track down the trailer and it looks damn good.

edit: i've watched this twice more and have a boner over it. i love the way this film looks, it reminds me a lot of an old hammer movie. throwing in a scotland yard detective named abberline is a nice touch, too.

21-Aug-2009, 05:11 PM
Does anyone know the rating for this remake? I am hoping for a R-rating.

21-Aug-2009, 11:09 PM
Can someone post a working link for this? I "can't be arsed" to track one down myself, right now.

21-Aug-2009, 11:27 PM
dude, seriously out of the blue and so awesome. i love when they do that.

22-Aug-2009, 02:47 AM
I think this might be terrible actually. Joe Johnston was picked by Universal over Frank Darabont for this, which I still don't understand. He has made some really mundane(The Rocketeer & October Sky) to flat out bad films(Jurassic Park III & Jumanji).
Plus, I won't even start on the CGI.

22-Aug-2009, 04:28 AM
I think this might be terrible actually. Joe Johnston was picked by Universal over Frank Darabont for this, which I still don't understand.

Don't forget that Mark Romanek and several others were also in for the job at some point. Johnston has a great opportunity with this one and it would be a shame to put it down just because of his name.

And although Frank Darabont has made some great films....let's also remember that he had a hand in The Fly II and Nightmare on Elm Street 3.:)

So I don't think past projects should be an issue...

22-Aug-2009, 09:09 AM
embedding disabled by request? did it say that the whole time since my last post? ehhhh

22-Aug-2009, 12:46 PM
And although Frank Darabont has made some great films....let's also remember that he had a hand in The Fly II and Nightmare on Elm Street 3.:)

So I don't think past projects should be an issue...

Darabont was one of several writers on "The Fly II" and he co-wrote "Nightmare on elm St. 3". Those were VERY early in his career and he did not direct them. Darabont has done truly great films as a writer/director and he even did some uncredited work on "Saving Private Ryan". It's really not a good comparison. And besides, even though I didn't care for the third Elm Street film, it's considered by most to be the only decent sequel made in that series.

22-Oct-2009, 11:43 AM
New Wolfman Trailer HD (http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/thewolfman/)



22-Oct-2009, 01:07 PM
Hmmm...seems to be a fair bit of CGI in those transformation sequences.

After recently seeing the kick arse practical effects in An American Werewolf In London, this looks more fake than the now fairly obvious fakery in said movie. It's the charm that carries AAWIL though, plus at the time those effects were awesome, and they still rock but have definitely aged and can be done better - however, in that trailer, it just looks very CGI.

AAWIL looked flat-out agony, and that really works for it.

Still, with Rick Baker doing the effects on this one, hopefully there'll be a nice mix - we just don't need the CGI taking over, or polishing things too much, because you can easily make a real effect look fake by "polishing" it with CGI too much - you might as well have done it fully CGI in such a case, you know?

Anyway, here's hoping 'cos of Rick Baker.

22-Oct-2009, 11:44 PM
that he had a hand in The Fly II and Nightmare on Elm Street 3.:)

I liked the fly 2, the scene with the dog almost made me cry and the elevator head-crush was badass. Nightmare 3 was the best sequel, very very funny movie.

23-Oct-2009, 10:27 AM
I liked the fly 2, the scene with the dog almost made me cry and the elevator head-crush was badass. Nightmare 3 was the best sequel, very very funny movie.
Damn straight on both counts.