View Full Version : Mexican hypocrisy at it's finest

21-May-2006, 06:49 PM
mexico (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060521/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/mexico_limiting_immigrants)

you just gotta love it :rockbrow:

21-May-2006, 06:56 PM
I just try not to think about what Mexico says about anything. I know every country is suppose to be self-serving, but Mexico takes it to the extreme. They rely on the US for an economy and they have the nerve to criticize us on immigration issues. Something about that just doesn't seem right considering they have their military on their southern border to keep other people out.

21-May-2006, 06:57 PM
They're all the same, want it one way and do another, or just do whatever to suit themselves.

We were having a discussion last night at dinner about America and other countries (partly connected to Eurovision and how it's all just other countries jerking each other off for points, nothing to do with the music usually). Anyway, there's all these countries saying America sucks and it's an evil place ... but they'll gladly take all the aid and help when a disaster strikes. Oh yes they'll have that like it's owed to them. It's wrong and insulting quite frankly, to take all the aid but still proclaim the givers to be evil...it's retarded.

21-May-2006, 07:13 PM
It's wrong and insulting quite frankly, to take all the aid but still proclaim the givers to be evil...it's retarded.

Kind of like how France gave around $100,000 to help with the tsunami in 2004 while the US gave millions and France said we could've done more.

21-May-2006, 08:14 PM
Oh geez, don't get me started on the f*ckin' French, lol. 100k is absolute peanuts, even to a third world nation such as France :p - seriously, have you seen the place? It's disgusting, the houses are all in a shambles, the place smells, it's grotty, Paris is a hole, I really don't understand why it's seen as such a nice and romantic place. Belgium is much better in comparison, while they've never heard of a chain store, they have clean, new houses and aren't snooty when they find out you're from Britain.

Goddamn I hate the French! At least they scored less than we did in Eurovision ... as sh*t and stupid as that event is. Still, you've gotta love the fact that Lordi from Finland won, haha.

21-May-2006, 08:36 PM
You know I'm mexican...
and I served in the war...
and have to listen to this bullcrap directed at me, my people, and still would probably die so you can still talk crap about us...

and you suck for talking about people like that...

Shutup the hell up, I had to leave one messageboard with self-rightous mexican bashers...

In fact I ask that a Mod close this topic up.

21-May-2006, 08:49 PM
But we're not directing it at you, it's being directed at the Mexican government. Also, there's assholes in every nation, be it Mexico, America, Britain or wherever. And yes, there are French people that are actually cool and are actually nice. I'm British and a huge swathe of the people in this country are assholes, I'm also Scottish specifically, and many Scots are complete pains in the arse and quite frankly shouldn't have so much power in Westminster and English politics, but on the other half the Scots can be incredibly nice people - I'm sure it's the same in Mexico, like EVERYWHERE on the planet.

You can't read that article and not see the hypocrisy in it, it's not being racist or any of that bull****, it's pointing out blatant hypocrisy, irrespective of nation. If you replaced "Mexico" with "Germany" (or whatever), then it'd still be hypocrisy and hypocrisy is a bitch.

If I offended you with my jokey, OTT bitch at France (which I reserve the right to personally not particularly like that much), then I appologise as it was not intended to be serious. I'm sure there a millions of people all over the world guilty of not being a big fan of one or more nations, it's human nature. While I personally think France is a hole, it doesn't change the fact that some places in France are nice and some of the people are incredibly nice, but I've witnessed first hand that this isn't always the case in France. In one instance me and my mates were run out of a shop being accused of shop lifting with no evidence except that we were from Britain - real friendly eh? Yet despite that, like everywhere, there are nice people and there are also not nice people.

21-May-2006, 08:56 PM
Oh geez, don't get me started on the f*ckin' French, lol. 100k is absolute peanuts, even to a third world nation such as France :p - seriously, have you seen the place? It's disgusting, the houses are all in a shambles, the place smells, it's grotty, Paris is a hole, I really don't understand why it's seen as such a nice and romantic place. Belgium is much better in comparison, while they've never heard of a chain store, they have clean, new houses and aren't snooty when they find out you're from Britain.

Goddamn I hate the French! At least they scored less than we did in Eurovision ... as sh*t and stupid as that event is. Still, you've gotta love the fact that Lordi from Finland won, haha.

You knows it!should have let the arrogant mo' fo's stay under german occupation for all the gratitude we got for liberating them! :lol:

22-May-2006, 12:06 AM
You know I'm mexican...
and I served in the war...
and have to listen to this bullcrap directed at me, my people, and still would probably die so you can still talk crap about us...

and you suck for talking about people like that...

Shutup the hell up, I had to leave one messageboard with self-rightous mexican bashers...

In fact I ask that a Mod close this topic up.

calm the f*ck down buddy.

we didn't say all mexicans are xenophobic - the article is talking about the mexican GOVERNMENT. are you a member of the mexican government? no?

as americans, we have to listen to the rest of the f*cking world constantly bitching about our government (and they should be, don't get me wrong), but i don't take it personally, do i? no, because i'm not the f*cking government!

22-May-2006, 04:13 AM
I love Mexicans.. All of the Mexicans I know are good, hard working people. I have problem with anybody like that whom wishes to come live in America as long as they do it the legal way.

FleshMask, thank you for all you have done for all of us by serving in the millitary.

22-May-2006, 04:24 AM
You know I'm mexican...
and I served in the war...
and have to listen to this bullcrap directed at me, my people, and still would probably die so you can still talk crap about us...

and you suck for talking about people like that...

Shutup the hell up, I had to leave one messageboard with self-rightous mexican bashers...

In fact I ask that a Mod close this topic up.

If you served in the military and are fighting with us, WE are your people.

Question: Are you a citizen or working on your citizenship?

22-May-2006, 08:55 PM
Citizen sorry...

During the protests I seen in Richardson, I seen the follow from counter-protests from "good'ol boys"

-One man painted "Go Home Wetbacks on his business"
-I see them burn Mexican flags, just to **** us off
-Several of them passin around "white power" T-shirts.
-They constantly chant "Speak english" when they hear a hispanic accent.

Hell, if the minute-men didn't want the racist label slapped on them... maybe the should kick the racists out of their counter-protests groups.

The last message board I was on, CNCNZ.com had people talking about shooting my people crossing the border for sport....
I asked for an apology and I got joked on and heckled, and I couldn't stay there anymore....

I apologise if I got angry, but if you seen what I seen... and been there what I been through... You would be ****ed as well.

23-May-2006, 01:00 AM
Every group has their idiots.

I for example can not stand La Raza.

My point is that you are not Mexican you are an American. Let's stop separating ourselves witht this hypenated B.S.

I got no problem with legal immigrants where ever they are from. Illeagle aliens are just that; illeagle.

23-May-2006, 02:08 AM
Citizen sorry...

During the protests I seen in Richardson, I seen the follow from counter-protests from "good'ol boys"

-One man painted "Go Home Wetbacks on his business"
-I see them burn Mexican flags, just to **** us off
-Several of them passin around "white power" T-shirts.
-They constantly chant "Speak english" when they hear a hispanic accent.

Hell, if the minute-men didn't want the racist label slapped on them... maybe the should kick the racists out of their counter-protests groups.

The last message board I was on, CNCNZ.com had people talking about shooting my people crossing the border for sport....
I asked for an apology and I got joked on and heckled, and I couldn't stay there anymore....

I apologise if I got angry, but if you seen what I seen... and been there what I been through... You would be ****ed as well.

you're american buddy, not mexican.
you have mexican history and may have been mexican at one time (not sure if you were born or were naturalized)...
but you aren't mexican, you are an american citizen...