View Full Version : Who doesn't wipe the toliet seat before they sit down?

Mr. Clean
24-Aug-2009, 11:24 PM
I wipe it down piss or no piss......not to mention always carrying travel size hand sanitizer to pour on it to effectively clean it......

Glue on Public Toilet Seat Called a 'Sick Joke' (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,541941,00.html?test=latestnews)

Wiping the seat would have literally saved his ass.......

24-Aug-2009, 11:41 PM

I wipe the seat, but I think seat-santiser is a step to far. My ass is where poop comes out anyway so it doesn't matter if I get a couple extra germs on there, it's not like I will be touching it then putting my hands in my mouth, or using it to prepare food... :D

24-Aug-2009, 11:52 PM
I don't wipe the seat because I'm not afraid of harmless germs. If there's piss on it, I'll wipe of course, but otherwise, why bother? You're only kidding yourself if you think it does any difference.

major jay
25-Aug-2009, 12:05 AM
This begs another question.

What would you do if you walked into a public restroom and heard someone yelling for help from a stall? Leave, or open the door to the horror that lies within?

Mr. Clean
25-Aug-2009, 12:07 AM
I don't use sanitizer at home but I do at work...

The only way I have ever not wiped the seat has been on a few rare occasions were I was seconds from shitting myself...

LOL...only thing worse than walking out on someone yelling for help is taking a dump in front of the door to their stall and walking out....

maybe saying that your going for help and leaving them to their fate makes a close second...

25-Aug-2009, 12:30 AM
Damn, Mr. Clean...you're living up to this whole tidyish avatar & screen name of yours :D

The few times I anoint a foreign toilet bowl with my pristine bareassedness, I certainly wipe. I don't use an ass gasket toilet slip though.--

*Picks nose.*

They freak me out.

25-Aug-2009, 12:41 AM
The few times I anoint a foreign toilet bowl with my pristine bareassedness, I certainly wipe. I don't use an ass gasket toilet slip though.--

*Picks nose.*

They freak me out.

funniest post in a long time (at least to me). the last part, "they freak me out", totally sells that and makes it hilarious. again, at least to me it does.

Mr. Clean
25-Aug-2009, 12:43 AM
Damn, Mr. Clean...you're living up to this whole tidyish avatar & screen name of yours :D

I've never really thought about it but perhaps subconsciously the famous cartoonish marketing tool is really my idle because I'm accually bald too :clown:

25-Aug-2009, 01:27 AM
Who uses toilet seats? I just crouch over the germ-infested surface, my trunk hovering over it, just out of the reach of those little nasties.

25-Aug-2009, 02:29 AM
Unless I ABSOULUTELY have to, I don't use public toilets. I hold that shit till I get home.

25-Aug-2009, 05:50 AM
Being in a band that frequents the road, I have no choice but to use public restrooms. Man, I have seen/used some downright SCARY bathrooms. I've sat in horrid stalls with glory holes, praying the entire time that no dick slips through the hole (I stuffed it with toilet paper so anybody on the other side would take a hint). I've seen toilets with shit that literally piles HIGHER than the seat itself.

But, then, I've also experienced some very nice and tranquil bathrooms, too; those are few and far between.

25-Aug-2009, 10:18 AM
I never shit in a public toilet, no fucking way are my sweet cheeks hitting some piss-covered, ass-smeared bog seat.

A couple of times at uni, in the television studio department, I used the bog there to back out a big one when we were in the midst of editing a documentary ... but goddamn, it was REALLY LOW down to the ground that toilet, but yeah - it was a clean toilet, and I laid down some bog roll for added peace of mind.

Of course, this was during the same two years that I lived off campus with three other dudes in a house where the toilet was only cleaned like 4 times in those 2 years, and there was someone's ass on that seat at least twice a day. Still though, there's a difference between the dude's that you know, and the dozens or even hundreds of dudes you don't ... steady on, leave the innuendo at home there folks. :lol:

Otherwise, no fucking way do I poop in public bogs. I've seen plenty of poop in public bogs, on public bogs, and poking out above the rim of public bogs in one long, unbroken Anaconda sized stretch, and indeed plenty of poop filling public bogs.

I always make sure I get flushed out at home before I have to go anywhere for any stretch of time. :D

25-Aug-2009, 11:15 AM
Funny thread!

I really feel sorry for the old guy in Queensland who was pranked. What an awful thing to do to someone.

One of my pet hates is goddamn piss on the toilet seat. In that case I will wipe. If it's dry, what's the point in wiping the germs around - all they get is a free ride.

If there is complimentary toilet seat spray, or a seat liner and I'm in the mood I will use it, but I wouldnt carry my own.

Now that was a strange discussion.... LOL

25-Aug-2009, 01:17 PM
I wipe if someone pissed on the seat, or I just find another stall (work) at home I am smart enough to lift and lower the seat as needed.

However, using sanitizer is a waste of time and money, simply because urine is already sterile.

25-Aug-2009, 01:30 PM
simply because urine is already sterile.

"you can drink it".:p

I only wipe the seat if I can visually see something on it. Other than that I don't care....

Chic Freak
25-Aug-2009, 01:45 PM
I only wipe the seat if I can visually see something on it. Other than that I don't care....

Same here. If it's really bad and I can't even stand to touch it at all I'll do the crouching "stand and deliver" hovering over it (e.g. at festivals- always, unless I have one of these ingenious little devices (http://www.shepee.co.uk/) with me).

But for the most part, I don't really care if there are a few extra germs on my butt, I shower and change my clothes every day so it's not like they'll be there long. Plus I get the impression women's public toilets are generally less horrifying than men's.

25-Aug-2009, 06:11 PM
"stand and deliver"


I just got the funniest image of Adam Ant right now...

urine is already sterile

When it comes out, and yeah it can be drunk - but it becomes 'dirty' once it contacts with a surface and is left there ... I guess it begins to fester.

So I've read anyway.

25-Aug-2009, 06:16 PM
When it comes out, and yeah it can be drunk - but it becomes 'dirty' once it contacts with a surface and is left there ... I guess it begins to fester.

So I've read anyway.

I'm pretty sure YOU ARE CORRECT, SIR! (RIP - Ed McMahon)

darth los
25-Aug-2009, 06:37 PM
I wipe it down piss or no piss......not to mention always carrying travel size hand sanitizer to pour on it to effectively clean it......

Glue on Public Toilet Seat Called a 'Sick Joke' (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,541941,00.html?test=latestnews)

Wiping the seat would have literally saved his ass.......

All i know if I saw a thick white substance on a public toilet seat there's no amount of wiping that would make me use it. (if you know what i mean :sneaky: )


25-Aug-2009, 07:57 PM
Who uses toilet seats? I just crouch over the germ-infested surface, my trunk hovering over it, just out of the reach of those little nasties.

I was going to say that many people, myself included, squat over public toilets, it just makes good sense.


25-Aug-2009, 08:53 PM
I was going to say that many people, myself included, squat over public toilets, it just makes good sense.


What happens if the person is unusually small?:p

25-Aug-2009, 09:49 PM
hell no, i ALWAYS wipe the seat. theres some nasty joes at work so i at least use hot water and soap before i sit down on those seats.

26-Aug-2009, 01:39 AM
I hold that shit in. If it have to use a public toilet to poop, I wipe the seat and lay generous amounts of toilet paper on the seat as a boundary between my pristine self and all those vicious, dirty germs left behind by the dregs of society. :barf:

26-Aug-2009, 02:07 AM

I can't beleive this thread.

What an unsual topic of discussion.

And, my lovely gif was removed by tiny pics.

First people pee on toilet seats now they remove my gif.

26-Aug-2009, 10:23 AM
I'm pretty sure YOU ARE CORRECT, SIR! (RIP - Ed McMahon)
Well, I am awesome, so...:D

Chic Freak
26-Aug-2009, 10:24 AM
I just got the funniest image of Adam Ant right now...

The Dandy Highwayman says...


"There is but one way to use a public toilet"

Did anyone else find that the grossest thing about Kortick's gif was the way the guys left boob was jiggling like it was full of water? No?

26-Aug-2009, 10:57 AM
Did anyone else find that the grossest thing about Kortick's gif was the way the guys left boob was jiggling like it was full of water? No?

lol - that's a guy involved in the Troma world of filmmaking ... Felscher, or whatever his name is - and yeah, that guy is biiiig. It was all the 'geiser butt' shots that perturbed me the most in that sequence. :p

I wonder which Troma flick that's from ... Tales from the Crapper, or whatever it was called? ... Kortick?

26-Aug-2009, 04:18 PM
When I first start dating a girl and visit her apartment for the first time, I like to piss all over the toilet seat, and then put it up and leave it up.

That way, she gets it from both ends. :D

26-Aug-2009, 05:16 PM
I wonder which Troma flick that's from ... Tales from the Crapper, or whatever it was called? ... Kortick?


Guaranteed to offend ever'body.

26-Aug-2009, 06:00 PM

Guaranteed to offend ever'body.
Ooh arr?

Sounds interesting. :)

27-Aug-2009, 07:32 AM
Couple of sh*t stories for you...

God i can't believe we're discussing this...

i've been a heavy clubber, music fan, singer, etc etc in my time so have had to use a lot of these unholy excuses for toilets...

The worst ones I've seen:

At the Lost Weekend festival in London about 9 years ago the toilets were literally stacked high with poo...and on top of the stack of poo....a freshly laid turd...someone had thought to put the "cherry" on top of this stack of shite to add a nice little symmetrical topping to the summit....

In Graspop festival in Belgium we saw a portaloo where someone had literally tried to write their name on the wall in shit.

Friends on mine saw a bunch of people who had put their tents right below the overlow of the portaloos - resulting in an eventual flooding of loos and subsequent soaking of everyone's tents and clothes with tons of human feaces...later on they saw a girl so out of her head on substances that she was rolling around in it, rubbing it in her hair and trying to come onto random guys.....


27-Aug-2009, 10:05 AM
Friends on mine saw a bunch of people who had put their tents right below the overlow of the portaloos - resulting in an eventual flooding of loos and subsequent soaking of everyone's tents and clothes with tons of human feaces...later on they saw a girl so out of her head on substances that she was rolling around in it, rubbing it in her hair and trying to come onto random guys.....

Oh-my-effing-god ... ... :eek: ... ... was she hot? :p:lol:

27-Aug-2009, 01:12 PM
Oh-my-effing-god ... ... :eek: ... ... was she hot? :p:lol:

apparently gorgeous looking girl with dreadlocks....DREADLOCKS!!!! Damn things are impossible to keep clean anyway, might as well douse them in shite!

27-Aug-2009, 01:16 PM
Hahaha, if you happen to get shit into your dreadlocks you might as well just shave em off', cause that smell is never gonna go away.

darth los
27-Aug-2009, 06:16 PM
Hahaha, if you happen to get shit into your dreadlocks you might as well just shave em off', cause that smell is never gonna go away.

Apart from religious reasons i always thought it an unusual choice for someone to grow dreadlocks. There's the low maintenance angle but damn does it look cumbersome. I have a low maintenace do myself but i went in the opposite direction and shave my head. Women love it by the way.

TESTIFY !! :hyper:


Chic Freak
28-Aug-2009, 01:23 PM
When I first start dating a girl and visit her apartment for the first time, I like to piss all over the toilet seat, and then put it up and leave it up.

That way, she gets it from both ends. :D


Apart from religious reasons i always thought it an unusual choice for someone to grow dreadlocks. There's the low maintenance angle but damn does it look cumbersome.

I used to make and wear dread extensions, admittedly a cop-out as you can put them in 2 hours and take them out/ change the colours whenever you like, but it was still an easy option compared to loose, long hair. You don't have to wash, brush or style them, just tie them back in a big ponytail and they instantly look cool. The only maintenance I did was giving them a quick squirt of Febreeze whenever they got smelly from clubbing and so on (back when everyone smoked in clubs) :cool: