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View Full Version : American southwest 1880's

24-Aug-2009, 11:24 PM
I was thinking if anyone has put zombies in this location and time frame. I don't know of any stories but what about an army outpost town with the infected being a Native American tribe? Just the remote location of the desert with outside communication being slow would make it difficult to survive or get reinforcements. I was thinking how the US government would trade Small Pox infected blankets to native tribes in hopes to exterminate them. Could start with a similar scenario. Of course the actual fort would be the stronghold. Is there anything like this out already?

John Savoie
25-Aug-2009, 01:48 PM
As a fan of the old west, yes I've found some. But that shouldn't stop you from telling your story.

Most recently is a zombie film Dead Walkers, based in the old west.

Good luck