View Full Version : steven seagal: lawman...

25-Aug-2009, 12:06 AM
a friend linked me this on facebook and i just had to share it. before the cries of fakery begin, steven seagal really has been deputized by jefferson parish, LA and he really does go out and work a beat with another cop. this "show" ought to prove hilarious.


25-Aug-2009, 12:16 AM
HA HA HA... "its not a job. its an adventure! :lol:

25-Aug-2009, 12:23 AM
Finally Steven Seagal can get back to beating up someone other than his significant others. :|

25-Aug-2009, 05:56 PM
YES! I love cop shows!!!

25-Aug-2009, 10:12 PM
oh god, my grandma is gay as hell for steven seagal she hasnt even seen this yet and i know its her favourite show.

seriously, 62 and mu'fucker loves kung fu movies, has done for like 40 years.

25-Aug-2009, 10:16 PM
Fun fact: The King of Sweden's favourite actor is Steven Seagal....

And so is my mom's, by the way. I don't know, it's just crazy. And this show? Hah, I got to see it.

25-Aug-2009, 10:48 PM
a friend linked me this on facebook and i just had to share it. before the cries of fakery begin, steven seagal really has been deputized by jefferson parish, LA and he really does go out and work a beat with another cop. this "show" ought to prove hilarious.


So that's why he's put on so much weight over the last few years... DONUTS!!! :lol:

26-Aug-2009, 12:18 AM
Hell yeah! Cops with Steven Seagal?

Just needs Jean claud van dam and you could have a hell of a flick.

26-Aug-2009, 12:49 PM
And this show? Hah, I got to see it.

i wonder if he'll grab up some punk and yell, "tell me why richie did bobby lupo!"

26-Aug-2009, 01:19 PM
I laughed through the whole video.

It's so pathetic it seems like a joke...

26-Aug-2009, 10:19 PM
i wonder if he'll grab up some punk and yell, "tell me why richie did bobby lupo!"


This is wrong on so many levels. I'm just gonna have to rant abit about it.

First off, Steven Seagal is an Aikido expert. That doesn't make him a cop. Infact, I have a really hard time imagening there will be all that much Aikidoing for Steven Seagal to do when chasing drunk drivers or whatever. Because, let's face it, this is just COPS with Steven Seagal. And how many times, while watching cops, did you actually stop to think "Aha, this is a situation where having a martial arts expert on your side would be really beneficial?". Sure, shit like that looks cool... In the movies! But in real life? Cops are given adequate training to bring down criminals just fine. The armlocks they use are really effective, and I just can't picture any situation where doing some fancy aikido move instead of a simple arm lock would be beneficial.

Second off, Steven Seagal... Again. He's an actor. And again, there simply isn't that much breaking-windows-with-your-feet (Perfectly caught by the cameraman, by the way) going on in a Cops life. People just don't land in the "Car got overturned, and now it's burning, so I have to get the hell out of here fast and I'm gonna use my KARATE FEET!"-type of situations that often. Only in movies. And if they think we don't realize that both Steven Seagal AND the camera team is gonna stage alot of shit, then they just don't give us enough credit.

And thirdly... Well... Being a fucking action star doesn't make you a cop, damnit! That's just absurd!