View Full Version : I seem to always get sick at the wrong time.

26-Aug-2009, 09:19 AM
I couldn't begin to recount how many times I've gotten sick the day I was leaving for a road trip or a tour. Also, throughout public school, I'd get sick just before school started back up.

And now, my girlfriend and I are moving into a new place this weekend. I'm completely broke, so I really needed the money from work this week. What happened? I got sick.

I'm never nervous about any of this stuff, so it's not like I'm making myself sick. Maybe somewhere, subconsciously, I really am worried/nervous and that's why I always seem to get sick when there's some sort of change/event about to happen?

I actually believe that life is out to get me and will make me suffer in any way possible.

26-Aug-2009, 03:34 PM
How often do you get sick? It could be your diet and lifestyle.

26-Aug-2009, 07:10 PM
How often do you get sick? It could be your diet and lifestyle.

Multiple times a year... but it's like clockwork. It never happens when I don't have anything important planned.

I've cut back on my drinking (was a 7-days-a-week drinker) so hopefully that will help some.

26-Aug-2009, 08:24 PM
Sounds like it may have something to do with your stress level.

And good lord man...cut back on the booze!

26-Aug-2009, 09:42 PM
...or move to Milwaukee, where that level of drinking is considered normal.

26-Aug-2009, 10:49 PM
Stress could be another factor. Do you workout? You could have a weak immune system from stress, partying, and lack of nutrition & rest.

When I am training and doing the whole 9 yds. I rarely get sick and when I do it is knocked out very fast.

26-Aug-2009, 11:36 PM
I believe I have a weak immune system... that just waits to strike at inopportune times.

27-Aug-2009, 01:45 AM
im guessing stress dude, i was immune to all the stuff we needed shots for in high school, most kids my age have there upper arm covered in these little bubbly scars from shots, im one of few that dont, but regardless, every time an exam or finals show up i get a really bad cold or flu, sounds like the same thing.

30-Aug-2009, 03:04 PM
It could be any number of things, Pizzo.

I don't worry much, nor am I stressful, but this year I have been sick about six times and it's getting on my tits. Everything from puking, sweats, shivers, coughs, sneezing, headaches, none of it attributed to my lifestyle. We live in an age of sickness (ooh-wah-ah-ah-AH!) and it doesn't surprise me that people are sick everywhere.

30-Aug-2009, 03:32 PM
It could be any number of things, Pizzo.

I don't worry much, nor am I stressful, but this year I have been sick about six times and it's getting on my tits. Everything from puking, sweats, shivers, coughs, sneezing, headaches, none of it attributed to my lifestyle. We live in an age of sickness (ooh-wah-ah-ah-AH!) and it doesn't surprise me that people are sick everywhere.


that is all.