View Full Version : Are we paying too much for cell service?

darth los
27-Aug-2009, 05:26 PM

Some good and informative information. The thing is that Us U.S. citizens are informed on virtually nothing. I didn't know most of the stuff in this article. No wonder big business in this country loves capitalism and the free market so much. It's sickening, imo. We screw each other over for money every chance we get in this country. No wonder no one ever has any money for anything. We overpay for everything.

There's an article I read recently (I'll try to locate it and post it) that shows how much other 1st world countries are paying for their healthcare vs. what we pay. They pay so much less and yet are so much more efficient it's not even funny, it's a travesty actually. I'm convinced that if the general public knew that there would be riots in the streets. It's just that people don't know these things and therefore can't tell a good deal from a raw one. It's funny what the media chooses to cover and what they don't.
