View Full Version : Big Brother B.O.

28-Aug-2009, 06:37 PM

28-Aug-2009, 07:14 PM
I think you mean Big Brother United States Government. This would not end at the end of Obama's tenure. This should be looked at...and just remember that this basically happened during W's reign in the USA Patriot Act. Remember the potential lawsuits against AT&T and Verizon (among others). They gave info, without warrants, to the US Govt.

28-Aug-2009, 08:03 PM
If the Government of any free country suddenly and abruptly cut off the internet from the people then that would be the dumbest thing they could ever do. There would be widespread, and I mean really widespread, riots within the hour and they wouldn't go away.

28-Aug-2009, 09:54 PM
If the Government of any free country suddenly and abruptly cut off the internet from the people then that would be the dumbest thing they could ever do. There would be widespread, and I mean really widespread, riots within the hour and they wouldn't go away.


Or more likely the sheep will say to themselves, "Dem terraists doing da evil. Gubbament sayz no intatubes. We be good and not use intatubes."

Or if they're corporate house slave sheep, "I agree with the shutdown. It makes me feel safe and it's kind of fun. Now I have to buy things from the store in person, just like the older generations had to before the internet. Hee hee."

29-Aug-2009, 12:59 AM
I think you mean Big Brother United States Government. This would not end at the end of Obama's tenure. This should be looked at...and just remember that this basically happened during W's reign in the USA Patriot Act. Remember the potential lawsuits against AT&T and Verizon (among others). They gave info, without warrants, to the US Govt.

It's good to see someone else who realizes that this government engages in Constitution-raping on a daily basis, whoever's the its helm.

29-Aug-2009, 02:19 PM
Maybe they should spend less item thinking up half legal/constitutional ways of gaining control of the internet, and more time thinking of ways to actually improve the quality of life in America.

Seriously, how fucked is that?

29-Aug-2009, 06:28 PM
If the Government of any free country suddenly and abruptly cut off the internet from the people then that would be the dumbest thing they could ever do. There would be widespread, and I mean really widespread, riots within the hour and they wouldn't go away.

I think you're probably correct. The internet has become something that some people use as regularly as food or air; it is a staple of modern society. That would be similar to shutting off all television and/or radio airwave, before the days of the internet.

29-Aug-2009, 07:06 PM
I think you're probably correct. The internet has become something that some people use as regularly as food or air; it is a staple of modern society. That would be similar to shutting off all television and/or radio airwave, before the days of the internet.

seriously, when i moved house i was without the net for a month, i dont watch tv, its utter shit over here, minus the discovery channel of course, and every uk news show, all 3 of them, all have there own fear-mongering agendas, and i dont buy papers because i dont like paying for print on paper when i can have an online version that isnt wasting a tree yknow?, so without the net i had no news.
Plus on the net you take in news organically, you dont search for it, log in to a home page like aol, go to your yahoo mail or whathave you and you get news just by moving your eyes down the page, in the world without the net you dont have that, something happens and its like those two japanese guys in the jungle a few years back who thought WWII was still going:lol: