View Full Version : Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer gameplay

01-Sep-2009, 10:02 PM
They're playing a mode called "Flag Runner", where it looks like one team tries to run their flag through a gauntlet of bad guys. I guess this is the reason why so many games pushed their dates back to next year, and I don't blame em. Watch all the way to the end!


01-Sep-2009, 10:11 PM
After watching that, I think I am gonna have to dust off my modern warfare disc, and get myself butchered in online matches..I cannot wait :)

02-Sep-2009, 03:35 AM
Host migration, fucking awesome. God damn, that game looks fun. I can't wait!

02-Sep-2009, 10:39 AM
That video looks like so much fun.

Although I don't have XBL, nor do I play games online with other people - I'm all about the single player, but regardless, this video gets me moist for CODMW2 so bad. Bring it the fuck on! :D

02-Sep-2009, 04:42 PM
the day MW2 comes out, i have a presentation to give for one of my classes and i usually work till midnight on tuesdays as well, so while i'll be getting this bitch on day-one, i'm not going to be able to sit down and get into it till waaay late that night...but once i do, i may end up taking the next day off from classes and work.

yeah, and i'm going to play through on veteran difficulty from the start:skull:

as for the online mode, i've still not got around to hooking up the net at my new pad, but with the new GTA4 dlc and this coming out soon, i need to get around to doing that before long...

02-Sep-2009, 06:33 PM
That video looks like so much fun.

Although I don't have XBL, nor do I play games online with other people - I'm all about the single player, but regardless, this video gets me moist for CODMW2 so bad. Bring it the fuck on! :D

Perhaps you'll get lucky and this game will allow you to play multiplayer mode offline, with BOTS, like in Gears Of War 2.

I just moved into a new place and, like ProfessorChaos, haven't got around to hooking my XBOX up to the internet, so last night I just played a ton of rounds with bots and it was actually a lot of fun. The only downside is once you're dead, the bots tend to stop playing like real people and start acting like idiots... so you just sit there until the round times out, half the time.

02-Sep-2009, 06:37 PM
yeah, and i'm going to play through on veteran difficulty from the start

Yeah, I'm not gonna...:p:D

Easy/Casual Mode all the way baby!!!!! :cool:

Perhaps you'll get lucky and this game will allow you to play multiplayer mode offline, with BOTS, like in Gears Of War 2.

That's a good point actually, although I'm ashamed to say I only ever briefly flirted with that GOW2 bots thingy they had on there, but hell yes, I would love if you could do that on CODMW2!

It would really help add a little bit more life for the non-XBL single player only player type people like me out there in the world.

Bone Daddy
04-Sep-2009, 07:31 AM
I'm down for the mayhem. Will have new PC desktop by then. Yum.