View Full Version : Idiots to Doom Us?

01-Sep-2009, 10:41 PM
I was just watching news footage of the hurricane passing Baja right now. The reporter was asking "stranded" tourists, "you knew this storm was coming, why didn't you leave?", and many of the responses were shit like, "we've never been through a hurricane, so we wanted to experience one".

What in hell...?

That made me think of applying this attitude to our hypothetical dead attack.

Do you think there's a chance that we'd get many of these same ignorant "thrillseekers" actually flocking to infested zones, just to "experience it"?

This would swell the ranks of the dead considerably in the early going.

01-Sep-2009, 10:49 PM
I was just watching news footage of the hurricane passing Baja right now. The reporter was asking "stranded" tourists, "you knew this storm was coming, why didn't you leave?", and many of the responses were shit like, "we've never been through a hurricane, so we wanted to experience one".

What in hell...?

That made me think of applying this attitude to our hypothetical dead attack.

Do you think there's a chance that we'd get many of these same ignorant "thrillseekers" actually flocking to infested zones, just to "experience it"?

This would swell the ranks of the dead considerably in the early going.

I totally agree.

At the same time, if the outbreak was confined to certain areas, I'd imagine that a lot of the zombie-"survivalist"-wannabes would probably put themselves in deliberate danger to avoid missing the chance to experience what they've been planning for all their lives. I've been on forums (not this one, and I'm not naming any names), where people take that shit waaaaay too seriously...

01-Sep-2009, 11:26 PM
I totally agree.

At the same time, if the outbreak was confined to certain areas, I'd imagine that a lot of the zombie-"survivalist"-wannabes would probably put themselves in deliberate danger to avoid missing the chance to experience what they've been planning for all their lives. I've been on forums (not this one, and I'm not naming any names), where people take that shit waaaaay too seriously...

the gun porn "commandoes"?, i remember another forum, not the name, but two members who had like, ten times my post count on here, who would go into every thread with a variation "oh yeah?, thats cus you pussy faggots are liberal commie sheep who i would gladly run over or fuck with my manly gun collection because you cant sit down, shut the fuck up and follow orders!"

the best example of this kind of internet tough guy is found when googling "mall ninja":lol:

02-Sep-2009, 12:33 AM
Do you think there's a chance that we'd get many of these same ignorant "thrillseekers" actually flocking to infested zones, just to "experience it"?

I would think that this would be a foregone conclusion. It was not uncommon at all in the past for spectators to bring picnic baskets with the intention of having a pleasant lunch within site of a nearby active battlefield. There fellow men, perhaps friends and relatives, were literally fighting for their lives a little ways away, and this was considered a 'social event' for spectators. So I would think it safe to say the same mindset would still exist today, and many would surely want to see the infested zones with their own eyes.

02-Sep-2009, 01:05 AM
the gun porn "commandoes"?, i remember another forum, not the name, but two members who had like, ten times my post count on here, who would go into every thread with a variation "oh yeah?, thats cus you pussy faggots are liberal commie sheep who i would gladly run over or fuck with my manly gun collection because you cant sit down, shut the fuck up and follow orders!"

the best example of this kind of internet tough guy is found when googling "mall ninja":lol:


02-Sep-2009, 01:36 AM
the gun porn "commandoes"?, i remember another forum, not the name, but two members who had like, ten times my post count on here, who would go into every thread with a variation "oh yeah?, thats cus you pussy faggots are liberal commie sheep who i would gladly run over or fuck with my manly gun collection because you cant sit down, shut the fuck up and follow orders!"

I think I know the site of which you speak, Hells. Or maybe so many of them just come across the same way.

02-Sep-2009, 01:58 AM
I would be torn between the two, myself (spectator or survivor). It sure would be neat to see... until they rip out my steaming organs and twist them into shapes they were never meant to be... and I am eaten alive... slowly... *shivers*

02-Sep-2009, 02:07 AM
Don't forget about looters, and the thieving first responders who usually flock to disaster areas. Lookie looes will probably be scared off by the first sight of blood, but crooks driven by greed will push into zombie infested areas regardless of risk.

02-Sep-2009, 02:20 AM

see, thats good old khardis to a T, id say theres still one cock on here who falls into this category, no name said of course, i'll leave it up to guessing.

06-Sep-2009, 03:19 PM
Seeing as how there we several relatively prosperous middle-class individuals arrested for looting during the L.A Riots, whose excuse was "Wanting the thrill and/or experience of this Once-In-A-Liftime event" I'd say that yes, people ARE stupid enough to rush TOWARDS areas known to be infested with cannibal corpses, with nothing but their trenchcoats and "battle-ready" katanas between them and being eaten alive. Ie: Completely helpless sides of beef on the hoof/Nike.

Edit: Though I must admit to a certain morbid fascination with the prospect of pitting myself against a trio of average-sized, 99% intact, adult male zombies with a crowbar and machete in a controlled area wide enough to maneuver in. Of course I'd also want a readily (and swiftly) accessible sidearm to "cheat" with if things turned sour. One that I personally have determined is in 100% working order, with equally tested/reliable ammo loaded.

Hey, least I'm honest enough to admit to my weird survivor-ish fantasy, and that in reality there's no frigging way I would ever go against a virus-activated cannibal corpse without a gun handy. Think it's brave (read: stupid) enough that I'd forego bite-proof clothing. (Though I'd probably warm up by taking on a few pairs in it)

No, can't say I have ANY interest in being ANYWHERE (as in, within hundreds of miles, and without an all-but-impassable geographic barrier) between me and an actually zombie-infested urban or suburban area. (Might be willing to roll around with a large group of rednecks/survivalists picking off scattered zombies in the countryside from the safety of an elevated position on a truck, with a rifle, ala NotLD.)

06-Sep-2009, 07:09 PM
huh....I dunno. I don't have these zombie survivor fantasies. Any plan I've ever dreamed up involves how much distance I can place between the undead and myself. I don't want them anywhere around me!

07-Sep-2009, 05:25 AM
Zombie plan... Bunker. Probably the best bet, at least until the provisions run out, or your sanity.... whichever comes first. Personally though, I would just check it out. I mean, if you're gonna die, it's better to know what's killing you, right?

07-Sep-2009, 10:35 AM
People would try all kinds of crazy stunts with the zombies. On the extra material for day 04 there was a good clip showing that.

07-Sep-2009, 01:00 PM
I have complete confidence in the ability for the sick and depraved to attempt sexy time with the undead.

I can seriously see many people doing it.

08-Sep-2009, 01:47 AM
Good scene of that in Keene's City of the Dead book.

08-Sep-2009, 02:24 AM
I have complete confidence in the ability for the sick and depraved to attempt sexy time with the undead.

I can seriously see many people doing it.

Far Side of the Cadillac Desert with Dead Folks

08-Sep-2009, 01:01 PM
Do you think there's a chance that we'd get many of these same ignorant "thrillseekers" actually flocking to infested zones, just to "experience it"?

This would swell the ranks of the dead considerably in the early going.

Yes, and it's the kind of thing that, if Romero were to put it in a film, most people would be dismissing as unbelievable.

09-Sep-2009, 12:30 AM
Hope this happens in World War Z! (yeah right, if THAT ever gets made.....)

09-Sep-2009, 02:43 AM
Yes, and it's the kind of thing that, if Romero were to put it in a film, most people would be dismissing as unbelievable.
Idiots abound. But in a world full of interesting stories of how man faced a zombie outbreak why would anyone focus on the idiot stories? *cough cough* Diary...

09-Sep-2009, 08:45 AM
Well, that's another matter :)

Anyway, you could say that Romero has been mostly focused on the idiots, not just in "Diary". The Ben vs. Cooper feud in "Night", Flyboy's tantrum and the suicidal bikers in "Dawn", Rhodes' plan in "Day" (going out of the bunker to kill'em all? Really?), the inhabitants of Fiddler's Green "ignoring the problem" and the fight over money in "Land"...

I suppose the problem would be how interesting is that idiot behavior. I like a lot the projects scene in "Dawn", and I think "Survival", since it seems to expand on that, might be good, if Romero is able to shape the story in a compelling way.

But if he's not... well, I guess we'll find ourselves bitching about moron characters and continuity errors...

11-Sep-2009, 04:31 AM
I would think that this would be a foregone conclusion. It was not uncommon at all in the past for spectators to bring picnic baskets with the intention of having a pleasant lunch within site of a nearby active battlefield. There fellow men, perhaps friends and relatives, were literally fighting for their lives a little ways away, and this was considered a 'social event' for spectators.

No shit?

Thats messed up.

Anyways, on the OP I'd like to say I'd want to move away from them but if there was one around me at a reasonable distance, I'd probably get curious. Its like 2 girls1cup or 1guy1jar, you hear exactly how bad they are and how much it traumatized others but you still gotta check it out for yourself for some morbid reason.

Think about it, you're at home or work and somebody says "hey dude, theres a hot chick out here" you might take a look right? if somebody said "hey dude, theres a freakin zombie out here!" Theres no way you're not looking.

11-Sep-2009, 12:15 PM
I feel comfy Western societies (U.S., Europe, etc.) would be more susceptible to this kind of curiosity-killed-the-cat behavior because their citizens live day to day without any sense of serious danger. In rougher parts of the world people would probably have a little more sense to hide or fight back.

11-Sep-2009, 02:14 PM
Idiots already doom us in alot of ways. It is not limited to any particular group either, they are sort of all over from being in positions of importants to just being some guy. It is always encouraging feeling.

I think something like a zombie apocalypse scenerio would be handled in the same manner that we handle natural disasters in now. Pretty terribly really. I tend to think that Romero was right on some level about the break down of order pretty fast in a situation like that.

11-Sep-2009, 02:38 PM
I don't think we have anything to worry about. There are clearly a lot of smart and wise folks on the internet and we can rely on them.

Look, if we assume that every person on the internet who calls a majority of the human population fools, are--in fact--not fools, then we should be just fi--***Logic Error*** ***Logic Error***

***Debug -- logic error detected!***

11-Sep-2009, 06:12 PM
I just thought of something funny about the title, "Idiots to doom us?"....
If idiots don't doom us, who will? The smart people? That's likely...
Anyway, I'm an idiot, but I would try hard not to doom others in a catastrophe, such as zombie outbreak. I would hope other idiots feel the same way...

11-Sep-2009, 06:25 PM
Anyway, I'm an idiot, but I would try hard not to doom others in a catastrophe, such as zombie outbreak. I would hope other idiots feel the same way...

As I see it, there's 2 types of idiots...

The first kind says "Well, gee, I'm an idiot and might screw this up. I better find somebody who knows what they're doing."

(for the record, blind2d, that's me & you.)

The other kind says "I can handle this, no problem. hey guys, check THIS out."

Those are the ones who get themselves and others killed.

darth los
11-Sep-2009, 06:50 PM
Yes, and it's the kind of thing that, if Romero were to put it in a film, most people would be dismissing as unbelievable.

He's already done it in the notld remake when at the end the rednecks are wrestling and "experiencing" the ghouls.


14-Sep-2009, 06:16 PM
I think I know the site of which you speak, Hells. Or maybe so many of them just come across the same way.
I too have seen that site, or one quite like it. There are no shortage of fascists in this world, are there?

14-Sep-2009, 06:57 PM
It might be more apt to question whether selfish people would doom us. Similar to what is happening all over the world now with poverty, disease, and human atrocity. The ones mostly responsible for dooming us are very intelligent, but selfish, devious, willing to be cruel, etc.

14-Sep-2009, 08:08 PM
The other kind says "I can handle this, no problem. hey guys, check THIS out."

Those are the ones who get themselves and others killed.

Here in the south they say "Hey Y'all WATCH THIS" same outcome though. I tend to get as far away as possible when I hear those words.


14-Sep-2009, 08:21 PM
"Hey Y'all WATCH THIS"

Yeah, I can imagine those would be the last words of many, many people in a zombie outbreak! :D

14-Sep-2009, 08:51 PM
No shit?

Thats messed up.

the first battle of manassas in 1861 at the beginning of the war between the states was turned into a picnic by large throngs of civilians coming from washington to watch the battle.

when the union army was routed, the entire road back to washington was filled with panicked civilians and soldiers trying to get away from the confederate army. in short, it was a complete fucktastrophe.

The retreat was relatively orderly up to the Bull Run crossings, but it was poorly managed by the Union officers. A Union wagon was overturned by artillery fire on a bridge spanning Cub Run Creek and incited panic in McDowell's force. As the soldiers streamed uncontrollably toward Centreville, discarding their arms and equipment, McDowell ordered Col. Dixon S. Miles's division to act as a rear guard, but it was impossible to rally the army short of Washington. In the disorder that followed, hundreds of Union troops were taken prisoner. The wealthy elite of nearby Washington, including congressmen and their families, expecting an easy Union victory, had come to picnic and watch the battle. When the Union army was driven back in a running disorder, the roads back to Washington were blocked by panicked civilians attempting to flee in their carriages.[24]

this is from wikipedia but is quoted directly from "battle cry of freedom: the civil war era" by james mcpherson.