View Full Version : Overpowered?

04-Sep-2009, 03:12 AM
I wish i had a power ring. Speaking of which i know theres a batman arkham asylum thread, but man how awesome is that game?

04-Sep-2009, 03:30 AM
I wish i had a power ring.

got mine right here motherfucker! :lol:


-and a blue lantern shirt to boot bitch!

yeah. im a GL fan.:D

04-Sep-2009, 03:31 AM
haha, nice. you dont actually wear that to pubs do you? that takes balls. :P

04-Sep-2009, 03:41 AM
im like alan moore when it comes to trinkets, when im really ambitious my hands have more savalry than a chavs neck and ocne i wore that in a random countryside pub and as im getting a drink at the bar some guy goes "dude...can you like, make green shit out of your willpower?":lol:
Drunk nerds can officially show up anywhere, though it was the closest pub to download at the time so i guess that aint impossible.

04-Sep-2009, 12:58 PM
WTF? I haven't read any comics in years, but the goddamn Batman doesn't need super powers! That's what makes him my favorite comic character....no super powers.

This has nothing to do with the thread really, but Kortick once sent me this picture and I still find it hilarious...


And yes....Arkham Asylum is badass. I've only just started it and a few hours in, but it's friggin great. First Ghostbusters, now Batman. Could we actually start getting GOOD games based on franchises???

04-Sep-2009, 02:18 PM
Well, Bruce Wayne might not need superpowers. But maybe this one does. What's his name again?

04-Sep-2009, 02:25 PM
Well, Bruce Wayne might not need superpowers. But maybe this one does. What's his name again?

That's right. I forgot that they have other people playing Batman now. I really don't see how it could work without Bruce, but that's just me.

04-Sep-2009, 02:44 PM
Well, Bruce Wayne might not need superpowers. But maybe this one does. What's his name again?

dick grayson, used to be nightwing.

darth los
04-Sep-2009, 05:07 PM
People need to ease up. As we all know things must either evolve or die.
(same with zombies, but that's an arguement for another thread)

If they were to give him any powers i like the fact that's it's a green lantern ring. Batman is a genius and the world's greatest dectective. It's fitting that he would have a power based on his wits and willpower.

Plus the green lanterns are still very vulnerable just as batman has always been.


04-Sep-2009, 07:47 PM
Batman was always a bit to emo for my tastes, anyway. :p

04-Sep-2009, 09:11 PM
haha emo? i'd think dracula's was way more emo than batman any day.

thats an awesome pic, my parents are deeeeeaaaadddd!

yeah he doesnt need super powers but a power ring fits him good.
he's always giving hal jordan shit for making stupid things like bows n arrows, or other simple objects.

as far as other people being batman thats nothing new. :p although yes things do need to change.
did you guys see the teaser on the last page at the end of final crisis i think it was? it shows bruce wayne. hes still alive stranded on another planet, waaay in the future. :p

04-Sep-2009, 09:38 PM
haha emo? i'd think dracula's was way more emo than batman any day.

thats an awesome pic, my parents are deeeeeaaaadddd!

yeah he doesnt need super powers but a power ring fits him good.
he's always giving hal jordan shit for making stupid things like bows n arrows, or other simple objects.

as far as other people being batman thats nothing new. :p although yes things do need to change.
did you guys see the teaser on the last page at the end of final crisis i think it was? it shows bruce wayne. hes still alive stranded on another planet, waaay in the future. :p

actually they announced during comic-con that hes been sent back in time, the guy he lays his belt on is the man who was given fire by metron at the dawn of humanity, now an old man.
I like that, after r.i.p showed he was just losing it being batman with no robin 24-7 with 5 second micro naps every 48 hours to sustain his sanity that its good for him to have a break as it were, and dick taking on the mantle has felt like the son replacing the father than a comic seller storyline.

its like in the first issue of dicks run as batman that alfred, when asked how hes dealing with bruces death by superman says "how am i sir?, my son has died" that you get a sense that dicks just doing it because gotham needs a boogeyman to keep it safe whilst bruce is gone and hes not comfortable with the role of batman but as seen in the fantastic new batman and robin series he uses his own past and style of detective techniques to solve crimes in a different way.

04-Sep-2009, 09:51 PM
yeah i actually just read that. ;) my bro has the hard cover right here in my house :) but yeah i bet its a good story, i need to read the whole thing.

06-Sep-2009, 05:16 AM
Yeah, that's pretty overpowered, but not as much as in Superman/Batman where Supes and Batman switched powers. Batman nearly went insane with all the power he had and his self obligation to stop all crime.

its like in the first issue of dicks run as batman that alfred, when asked how hes dealing with bruces death by superman says "how am i sir?, my son has died" that you get a sense that dicks just doing it because gotham needs a boogeyman to keep it safe whilst bruce is gone and hes not comfortable with the role of batman but as seen in the fantastic new batman and robin series he uses his own past and style of detective techniques to solve crimes in a different way.

Something about Alfred saying that actually choked me up... and that rarely happens, especially over a comic lol.

As far as what they are doing with the Batman, I kind of like it so far, it's not a bad change. The only thing that worries me is that DC likes to have these events every year that will supposedly change comics forever and then the following year they revert back to what was going on before the huge event.

06-Sep-2009, 03:59 PM
Y The only thing that worries me is that DC likes to have these events every year that will supposedly change comics forever and then the following year they revert back to what was going on before the huge event.

yeah,being a fan of dc im loving blackest night, but after the mess of the last ten years multi-crisis-on-52-worlds....thing im wondering if geoff jhons is going to change the universe permanently or theres gonna be a massive cop-out at the end.