View Full Version : This was bloody riveting

04-Sep-2009, 03:33 AM
So im reading about nikolai tesla on wikipedia, just because, which leads me to steampunk, then cyberpunk, then transmetropolitan )one of the best comic series ever) and then to transhumanism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism seriously, read this page in its entirety then discuss, this was one of the most riveting reads in terms of stuff id normally not go out of my way to find and given the varied folken on here im interested in peoples views on the subject matter.

04-Sep-2009, 04:48 AM
As with space colonization, I don't see ordinary people participating in the h4 movement. Maybe somebody like Bill Gates could afford to have their brain cyborged, or their memories downloaded, into a computer or android body but nobody else. Becoming the AI of a space probe or deep exploration sub might appeal to scientists, but few others. I could just imagine a handful of post human cyborgs wandering around a despoiled earth trying to lord it over a bunch of falling apart robots, and the few degenerated humans that exist in the far future.

04-Sep-2009, 10:19 AM
I'm currently reading Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything" and it explains, quite humoursly, why space travel beyond Mars will never, ever be possible. Sorry, guys. We're stuck here on Earth, and maybe the moon. No amount of transhumanism can change that either.

(By the way, the reason we can't space travel that far is because things out there are very much further apart than what we, the common man, may realize. The distance to the sun fro m the earth is 1 AU (Astronomical Unit). The distance to the Oort cloud, which is the last thing in our solar system, is roughly 50,000 AUs. Yay...)

04-Sep-2009, 06:15 PM
So im reading about nikolai tesla on wikipedia, just because, which leads me to steampunk, then cyberpunk, then transmetropolitan )one of the best comic series ever) and then to transhumanism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism seriously, read this page in its entirety then discuss, this was one of the most riveting reads in terms of stuff id normally not go out of my way to find and given the varied folken on here im interested in peoples views on the subject matter.

Yup. I read the wiki article on Tesla over the last year (and eventually the one on transhumanism), as I love Wikisurfing and Tesla has interested me in forever. My fav part about Tesla's article entry was the bit about his relationship with that pigeon in his twilight years.

I'm currently reading Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything" and it explains, quite humoursly, why space travel beyond Mars will never, ever be possible. Sorry, guys. We're stuck here on Earth, and maybe the moon.

Well, you'll never get there, sir. Not with that defeatist attitude, at any rate:p

04-Sep-2009, 07:45 PM
Well, you'll never get there, sir. Not with that defeatist attitude, at any rate:p

Well, what'd you rather do, spend billions of dollars on a lost cause or improve things back home? :p