View Full Version : Just seen final destination..

05-Sep-2009, 10:41 PM
Went to see it in 3D with my gf tonight.. ashamed as i am to say it this was my first final destination movie, my forte being classic horror i tend to avoid alot of newer horror movies unless im out with someone who really wants to see it.

Anyway, i was impressed, i say its a ok film.. alot of the deaths are very overly-complicated and would almost never happen in real life, you know? i dunno if the other films in the series are like that. But thats probally my only gripe, it was a decent enough movie, entertaining.. i liked the 3D effects too.

05-Sep-2009, 10:51 PM
watched number 3 the other day when i saw it was on, only really to see if the girl playing ramona in edgar wrights scott pilgrim flick could act but it was fun, stupid but fun.

06-Sep-2009, 10:27 AM
I've only seen 1 and 2 ... when 3 came out I was so over that, and now seeing YET ANOTHER one, this time in "lob shit at your face 3D", I still can't be bothered in the slightest.

06-Sep-2009, 10:44 AM
But why the in the name of fuck did they decide to give the fourth film the same title as the first? Oh they added "the", but how many people will actually use the "the" when referring to it? It's like if they called the next Dead movie "The Dawn of the Dead". I guess I see what they're trying to do, it's a pun to suggest that it's the "ultimate" Final Destination movie, but it's just confusing. Why not just call it Final Destination 4? The Saw franchise gets away with porno-style high numbered titles, why not Final Destination.

07-Sep-2009, 05:36 AM
Good point, kraken (as usual). I've only seen the first in the series (weak, frat party trash that it is) and that was enough for me. 3D, eh? The 80's are really coming back, huh? Anyway, yeah, don't see these movies. They are weak comedy, heavy-handed horror, bad acting.... I could go on, but I've said enough. Your time is better spent watching the remake of Dawn again. And yes, I do mean AGAIN. Pointless rubbish..... You know what this world really needs? More movies with Ash. I tell you what, one day I'm going to build a time machine and convince Sam to make a sequel to Army.

07-Sep-2009, 01:13 PM
Ahh, but how can a Final Destination be anything other then the ultimate destination? Sorry, there is no ultimate of the ultimate destination- shit just don't work that way film makers.

See, they should've started off with "Destination" then moved too "Destination- THE NEXT" Then, "Destination- ALMOST THERE". And finally, "THE ULTIMATE DESTINATION OF FINALITY"

07-Sep-2009, 01:26 PM

:thumbsup: for that title

07-Sep-2009, 01:44 PM
I remember enjoying the first film because it was at one time an episode of The X Files. I was big into that show at the time, so I was excited for it. I saw the second but can't really remember anything aside from the pretty cool highway pile up. The third I saw on the tube, but all I remember is Mary Elizabeth Winstead's hot ass. :p

Absolutely no interest in this fourth one. If it's ever on the tube or I can see it for free I'll definitely check it out, but I'm not going out of my way.

07-Sep-2009, 03:23 PM
M.E.W's in FD3? ... ... maybe I should check this flick out... :sneaky:

Which episode of The X-Files are you referring to? I can't think of it off the top of my head ... also, yes, The X-Files is super awesome (did the whole 9 seasons last year in 9 weeks - best 9 weeks ever! :D)

07-Sep-2009, 03:40 PM
M.E.W's in FD3? ... ... maybe I should check this flick out... :sneaky:

Which episode of The X-Files are you referring to? I can't think of it off the top of my head ... also, yes, The X-Files is super awesome (did the whole 9 seasons last year in 9 weeks - best 9 weeks ever! :D)

Was it the ep with the immortal photographer who went around trying to photograph death? Or Clyde Bruckman's Last Repose, where the guy could tell how people would die?

The two episodes were actually linked - when Scully asks Bruckman how she will die, he says "you don't". Then, in the photographer one, the guy "steals" her death. So technically she might turn out immortal too.

I am such a geek. :D

07-Sep-2009, 03:51 PM
Oh they added "the", but how many people will actually use the "the" when referring to it?

I think they mean to say that this installment will be the last in the series. After seeing the movie Saturday night, I can confidently say that they made the right decision.

07-Sep-2009, 05:30 PM
Was it the ep with the immortal photographer who went around trying to photograph death? Or Clyde Bruckman's Last Repose, where the guy could tell how people would die?

The two episodes were actually linked - when Scully asks Bruckman how she will die, he says "you don't". Then, in the photographer one, the guy "steals" her death. So technically she might turn out immortal too.

I am such a geek. :D
Aye, I was thinking of the photographer one too - indeed, the whole issue surrounding the whole Scully "is she/isn't she" immortal thing was kick ass.

01-Jul-2010, 12:56 PM
You would think with the title, The Final Destination, the fourth film would have been the last. *sigh* Wrong....

This has got to be the worst title in the history of film. 5inal Destination. :|


I'm not kidding (http://www.joblo.com/final-destination-5-is-now-5nal-destination-seriously).

01-Jul-2010, 01:36 PM
But why the in the name of fuck did they decide to give the fourth film the same title as the first? Oh they added "the", but how many people will actually use the "the" when referring to it?

Here's another [stupid] example: The Fast & The Furious (part 1) - Fast & Furious (part who cares).

01-Jul-2010, 01:50 PM
I saw the second but can't really remember anything aside from the pretty cool highway pile up.

Is it just me, or was that highway accident probably the most INTENSE accident/pileup even put on film? I didn't even like the movie overall, but that whole beginning on the highway had me sitting on the edge of my damn seat! :stunned:

You would think with the title, The Final Destination, the fourth film would have been the last. *sigh* Wrong....

This has got to be the worst title in the history of film. 5inal Destination. :|

I thought last one was "THE Final Destination"?! I guess it brought in enough $ to push someone to do yet another. :rolleyes:

...and you're right - the worst....title....EVER.

01-Jul-2010, 02:07 PM
What the fuck is Fivenal? That's what I want to know...

01-Jul-2010, 02:14 PM
What the fuck is Fivenal? That's what I want to know...

Ebonics for horror fans....?

01-Jul-2010, 05:44 PM
I was gonna say - "Fivenal Destination"? :rolleyes:

I've seen the first two, and that's it. Wasn't interested in the third, and had no interest in the fourth ... so the fifth can go diddle it's own butt.

darth los
01-Jul-2010, 05:51 PM
I was gonna say - "Fivenal Destination"? :rolleyes:

I've seen the first two, and that's it. Wasn't interested in the third, and had no interest in the fourth ... so the fifth can go diddle it's own butt.

The all have basically the same story anyhoo. A group of kids cheat death and piss off the reaper so he comes after them one by one in the order that they should have died.

Rinse. Repeat.


01-Jul-2010, 06:00 PM
Yeah, 5 of 'em now.

Not particularly Final, wouldn't you folks agree?

(Although the Multi-car pile-up in FD2 was the best auto accident sequence caught on film EVAH.):


01-Jul-2010, 06:01 PM
But this one's got a cool title!

If you squint your eyes it looks like anal destination.:shifty:

I love how those cars explode on impact. Gotta love hollywood...

darth los
01-Jul-2010, 06:07 PM
You would think they were all pintos. :lol:
