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View Full Version : Company Trademarks "SexBox"

darth los
08-Sep-2009, 04:57 PM

MZ is not going to like this. He came out with that name like 3-4 years ago man.

I know alot of good lawyers if you need one dude. :p


08-Sep-2009, 05:23 PM
tisk tisk......too late MZ. Oh, the money you could have made.:p

I had no idea there were adult only games.:confused: I knew there were adult rated games, but there are x rated porn games? Seriously?....

Saw their add for Beatles Rockband on that same page. Looking forward to that.:hyper:

08-Sep-2009, 05:55 PM
I'm not sure whether I was the first on HPOTD to use "SexBox" or not ... my memory is fuzzy on the issue, but if I was, then damn! :D If not, then damn for whoever did.

Bassman - you didn't know about porno games? Dude, there's loads out there, I've seen a few ... mostly crappy, but occasionally there's a good one out there.

There's also fucked up ones out there, like the whole fuss (rightly) caused by "RapeLay", which is a Japanese game that is now no longer on sale I believe, and indeed I think the controversy is leading to a change in the Japanese sex-game industry (good).

Plus there's plenty of flash-animation type sex games online too ... heck, NewGrounds has a bunch of them!

*hears a "peow!" type speedy gonzalez noise from Bassman's general direction*

Dirty bugger. :D

08-Sep-2009, 06:25 PM
I'm sorry, but if people need x-rated video games to get off....well....they REALLY need to get out more often.

Man....I'm still amazed at the thought of it. Some people are just pathetic....

08-Sep-2009, 06:59 PM
I'm sorry, but if people need x-rated video games to get off....well....they REALLY need to get out more often.

Man....I'm still amazed at the thought of it. Some people are just pathetic....

So you're okay with porn videos, but not porn videogames? :confused:

08-Sep-2009, 07:01 PM

So you're okay with porn videos, but not porn videogames? :confused:

Well. Frankly, yes. It's the same with those anime or computer generated porn. Why? It's not real.

Okay....maybe I was wrong to call them pathetic. Everyone has their own thing, but I just don't get it.

08-Sep-2009, 07:45 PM
Well. Frankly, yes. It's the same with those anime or computer generated porn. Why? It's not real.

Okay....maybe I was wrong to call them pathetic. Everyone has their own thing, but I just don't get it.

Bahhh. . how are porn videos any more "real" than hentai or games? Women made of mostly plastic doing things that most men would be very hard pressed to get a real life woman to do. It's all about fantasies. And whatever floats your particular boat.

darth los
08-Sep-2009, 08:08 PM
Bahhh. . how are porn videos any more "real" than hentai or games? Women made of mostly plastic doing things that most men would be very hard pressed to get a real life woman to do. It's all about fantasies. And whatever floats your particular boat.

Well said sir.

I'm sure there are many people that think we're wierd for liking GAr's films the way we do and just don't "get it" either.

So unless it's something really sordid, like child porn or something, whatever consenting adults do is their business.


08-Sep-2009, 08:59 PM
Well said sir.

I'm sure there are many people that think we're wierd for liking GAr's films the way we do and just don't "get it" either.

So unless it's something really sordid, like child porn or something, whatever consenting adults do is their business.

Also well said, Sir.

There are many things that consenting adults get up to that I don't "get" either - but you know what, to each their own, far be it from me to judge, and other such phrases. :p

Although really it should be "SexBox369" to give it its full name. ;)

08-Sep-2009, 10:47 PM
I admit it....I was wrong to be so negative about it.

Though I still think that anyone who gets off on cartoons or games has some loose screws in the nogin.:elol:

09-Sep-2009, 12:19 AM
I'm not sure whether I was the first on HPOTD to use "SexBox" or not ... my memory is fuzzy on the issue, but if I was, then damn! :D If not, then damn for whoever did.

I believe that was me. What is this about, btw?

09-Sep-2009, 12:27 AM
im 100% sure this was featured on kotaku in 2007, and its been on every gameing site lately, INCLUDING KOTAKU!, whats the source for this showing up again?

09-Sep-2009, 12:29 AM
Hentai is way better than any live porn because there's no chance of disease, and what you're seeing isn't real. You know? That way it doesn't effect your outlook on real women and turn you into some idiot chauvanist. Plus it's in style! I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy like you say, bass.
Quiet, shhhh! That's what they WANT you to think! - Murdoc

09-Sep-2009, 02:40 AM
Hentai is way better than any live porn because there's no chance of disease, and what you're seeing isn't real. You know? That way it doesn't effect your outlook on real women and turn you into some idiot chauvanist. Plus it's in style! I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy like you say, bass.
Quiet, shhhh! That's what they WANT you to think! - Murdoc

Nah I'm with ya Blind (split personality aside, ;)) but for different reasons. I'm just kind of a freak. Hentai has stuff that they can't do in "real" porn unless they have a hollywood movie budget. . . .which is unlikely. As far as the games, I think it's the interactivity of it that appeals. Here is the TMI part. . . I actually prefer "real" porn, but I usually only get into the POV stuff. I don't wanna have to look at the guy's face or ass thank you very much!! :p

09-Sep-2009, 03:20 AM
Er this is going quite dirty.

Video game porn has been around since Atari, custers revenge anyone?

Hentai is pretty retarded imo

09-Sep-2009, 03:32 AM
The first I remember was a little text adventure called Farmer's Daughter. . .hilarious stuff there. Actually there were a LOT of adult games for the C64 come to think of it.

09-Sep-2009, 08:10 AM
MZ is not going to like this. He came out with that name like 3-4 years ago man.

tisk tisk......too late MZ. Oh, the money you could have made.:p

I'm not sure whether I was the first on HPOTD to use "SexBox" or not ... my memory is fuzzy on the issue, but if I was, then damn! :D If not, then damn for whoever did.

Will was the one to coin the phrase "seXBOX 369". I feel I helpded popularize his phrase by quoting him saying it in my sig for quite some time.

09-Sep-2009, 12:51 PM
Yeah, I didn't think it was me - although I did love it a lot, so kept using it. Cheers Slick. :)

Also - Clang - I know what you mean. Shots of a dude's face really put you off your stroke. :lol::lol::lol:

09-Sep-2009, 12:58 PM
Yeah, I didn't think it was me - although I did love it a lot, so kept using it. Cheers Slick. :)

Also - Clang - I know what you mean. Shots of a dude's face really put you off your stroke. :lol::lol::lol:

you are all a bunch of sick perverted bastards. i salute each and every one of you.

and clang, you are even sicker than i gave you credit for and i think i might be jealous that there is a bigger perv on here than me.

09-Sep-2009, 05:45 PM
you are all a bunch of sick perverted bastards. i salute each and every one of you.

and clang, you are even sicker than i gave you credit for and i think i might be jealous that there is a bigger perv on here than me.
I saw this video online once where this dude blasted himself in his own face by accident ... he found it hilarious, as did the two girls ... interesting. :lol:


An IGN Video where they talk about "the SexBox".


darth los
09-Sep-2009, 05:54 PM
Yeah, I didn't think it was me - although I did love it a lot, so kept using it. Cheers Slick. :)

Also - Clang - I know what you mean. Shots of a dude's face really put you off your stroke. :lol::lol::lol:

O.k. dude. Are you TRYING to get me fired!?!

I just had a laugh out loud moment at work.

Noice! :thumbsup:


09-Sep-2009, 05:58 PM
O.k. dude. Are you TRYING to get me fired!?!

I just had a laugh out loud moment at work.

Noice! :thumbsup:


You've discovered my evil plan, darth ... damn you!

Foiled again!


Also, why can't we just have A/O rating games on normal consoles. Can't I just have porn videogames on my Xbox360? I mean think about it, you can play any old porn DVD in any old DVD player - Sony, Toshbiba, Samsung, anything.

I also want an A/O Rated GTA game. :D

darth los
09-Sep-2009, 06:14 PM

You've discovered my evil plan, darth ... damn you!

Foiled again!


Also, why can't we just have A/O rating games on normal consoles. Can't I just have porn videogames on my Xbox360? I mean think about it, you can play any old porn DVD in any old DVD player - Sony, Toshbiba, Samsung, anything.

I also want an A/O Rated GTA game. :D

This is exactly why dude!! :lol::lol:



09-Sep-2009, 09:32 PM
I would seriously like to see this guy take me to court. *L* Not only is it a diffrent word. Sexbox vs Sexbox369 But it is documented on this site a few years back with myself using the word. And I have wittnesses worldwide. Also, I am not the first one to ever use that term. I ripped it off from Seth MacFarlane's Family Guy Christmas special and the word was also used back in 1990 or 91 from a female singer.

09-Sep-2009, 10:22 PM
and clang, you are even sicker than i gave you credit for and i think i might be jealous that there is a bigger perv on here than me.

Yeah, I am a big old perv, just quiet about it. :D

10-Sep-2009, 01:19 AM
From the title, I assumed this thing was gonna be an amalgamation of a fleshlight, and a soft plastic box, with holographic projectors on it, so you could watch pornos on the box as you thrust away into sex toy heaven.

10-Sep-2009, 01:25 AM
From the title, I assumed this thing was gonna be an amalgamation of a fleshlight, and a soft plastic box, with holographic projectors on it, so you could watch pornos on the box as you thrust away into sex toy heaven.

I'd buy that for a dollar.

darth los
10-Sep-2009, 03:18 PM
I would seriously like to see this guy take me to court. *L* Not only is it a diffrent word. Sexbox vs Sexbox369 But it is documented on this site a few years back with myself using the word. And I have wittnesses worldwide. Also, I am not the first one to ever use that term. I ripped it off from Seth MacFarlane's Family Guy Christmas special and the word was also used back in 1990 or 91 from a female singer.

Many times as it pertains to the law it's not who originally coins a phrase but it's the people who market it or copyright it who end up being the "rightful owners".

It happens to inventors all the time.
