View Full Version : dirty sanchez star stabbed in head through neck

09-Sep-2009, 04:27 AM

Now, crude as they are, hell there vulgar buggers, ive always thought the sanchez guys came off as much nicer blokes in comparison to the guys from jackass who, by and large, look like douches with a budget, but it takes cuts to stand up to nutters in this day and age, but jesus, getting stabbed for trying to get a guy to stop swearing!
still, least he lived through it to go on trying to kill himself using glue and nail guns like usual :lol:

09-Sep-2009, 05:25 AM
I said 'don't you speak to women and children like that' and pushed him out.

Yeah, we must protect the weak and vulnerable women from the power of swearwords... They can't handle it like us men!


09-Sep-2009, 08:05 AM
Now, crude as they are, hell there vulgar buggers, ive always thought the sanchez guys came off as much nicer blokes in comparison to the guys from jackass who, by and large, look like douches with a budget, but it takes cuts to stand up to nutters in this day and age, but jesus, getting stabbed for trying to get a guy to stop swearing!
Dainton and Pritchard are only two I thought were okay. Joycie cannot take a joke, simple as, and Pancho is a little drunken dwarf who thinks he can take on the world. The whole show is just rancid.

But Pritchard is a nice guy so it's a bit of a mad one that he's had to go through this.

09-Sep-2009, 01:01 PM
Bloody nora, that was a close one.

Ned - well it's really just about manners and appropriate circumstances. In fact, it's nice to hear someone - especially a dude known for u-nailing his cock to a wooden plank - standing up for politeness.

Capn - yeah, Pancho's funny to laugh at, but I bet he's a right pain in the arse. As for Joycie, he always annoyed me with that bloody laugh, and his constant 'dishes it out, but never takes it' attitude.

Dainton & Pritchard, despite being lairy lads who do ghastly things to each other (while being naked most of the time), they do seem to have an innate background of appropriate politeness you know - a bit of respect ... ... beneath all the stapling their bean bags to mantlepieces and so on. :lol:

Haven't really watched any of their stuff since their 'movie' (of sorts) that they did (which was, I have to say, over-edited and over-stylised) - good fun 'gag' flick though.

09-Sep-2009, 06:04 PM
The sanchez lads are class, i'd love to go for a beer with them! Typical of our society that he got stabbed for asking someone to stop swearing in front of kids. Its not about "protecting" women from swearwords, its just about old fashioned politeness, respect & a bit of chivalry

darth los
09-Sep-2009, 06:25 PM
Yeah, we must protect the weak and vulnerable women from the power of swearwords... They can't handle it like us men!


Which is exactly why he got stabbed dude.

The sanchez lads are class, i'd love to go for a beer with them! Typical of our society that he got stabbed for asking someone to stop swearing in front of kids. Its not about "protecting" women from swearwords, its just about old fashioned politeness, respect & a bit of chivalry

The respect thing I agree with. That's definitely not the venue for that stuff. However, when you involve yourself in something that's not your business that's gonna happen.

And I don't know how you guys are fairing across the pond but over here chivalry is dead. Why? Because women killed it.


09-Sep-2009, 08:30 PM
It wasnt his place to try to stop that guy.

His intentions may have been good, but thats why there
are security or police

If this guy was being disruptive then the police should have been
called or the threat of calling them made.

If you decide to brawl then u get what happens in a
street brawl. Not very complicated.

09-Sep-2009, 08:40 PM
Ned - well it's really just about manners and appropriate circumstances. In fact, it's nice to hear someone - especially a dude known for u-nailing his cock to a wooden plank - standing up for politeness.

Sorry, but I view the "Women are vulnerable and cannot take care of themselves"-argument to be just a dipshit, assholish reason to be polite. Somebody who uses that kind of "logic" is no better than those who just are extremely rude.

09-Sep-2009, 08:57 PM
The respect thing I agree with. That's definitely not the venue for that stuff. However, when you involve yourself in something that's not your business that's gonna happen.

Im the kind of bloke who does get involved though, if im on a night out & see a fight kicking off, especially when its an arsehole picking on somebody who's done nothing wrong, I cant help but get involved! I know a lot of people have been killed that way, but Im not one of those who will stand & do nothing just to protect my own sorry arse, it angers me when people just stand around watching somebody get kicked in

09-Sep-2009, 09:02 PM
Never heard of this show...but the guy definitely went about the situation the wrong way...

09-Sep-2009, 10:02 PM
Never heard of this show...but the guy definitely went about the situation the wrong way...

Its like a far more extreme version of jackass, hilarious stuff!

10-Sep-2009, 08:35 AM
Yeah, we must protect the weak and vulnerable women from the power of swearwords... They can't handle it like us men!


Huh? I'd certainly take offense to someone using strong language infront of my kids...

Infact generally I hate it when you're out and someone near you is using the "F" word in every other sentence. F this, F that, F the other... Very very annoying!

10-Sep-2009, 09:28 AM
Im the kind of bloke who does get involved though, if im on a night out & see a fight kicking off, especially when its an arsehole picking on somebody who's done nothing wrong, I cant help but get involved! I know a lot of people have been killed that way, but Im not one of those who will stand & do nothing just to protect my own sorry arse, it angers me when people just stand around watching somebody get kicked in

A sad trend that continues to permeate our society, and which evidently has long since run throughout the entire American society. :(

Sorry, but I view the "Women are vulnerable and cannot take care of themselves"-argument to be just a dipshit, assholish reason to be polite. Somebody who uses that kind of "logic" is no better than those who just are extremely rude.

Vulnerability and weakness is completely different to someone just being flat out rude and impolite. Parents shouldn't be effing & blinding around their kids, likewise adults in public shouldn't be mouthing off within earshot of kids. Nor should they go mental at a shop owner.

I guess they do things differently in Communist Russian. :p:p:p:sneaky::p:p:p

10-Sep-2009, 09:57 AM
Huh? I'd certainly take offense to someone using strong language infront of my kids...

Vulnerability and weakness is completely different to someone just being flat out rude and impolite. Parents shouldn't be effing & blinding around their kids, likewise adults in public shouldn't be mouthing off within earshot of kids. Nor should they go mental at a shop owner.

Check my posts again. Did I ever say anything about kids? No. I was talking about how it's accepted for the modern, polite man to refer to women as weak and vulnerable in public. Because this is what you're doing, when you say "Watch your language, there are ladies present" or anything to that effect. The ladies can take care of themselves just fine, and they don't have a challenged intellect.

10-Sep-2009, 12:30 PM
Check my posts again. Did I ever say anything about kids? No. I was talking about how it's accepted for the modern, polite man to refer to women as weak and vulnerable in public. Because this is what you're doing, when you say "Watch your language, there are ladies present" or anything to that effect. The ladies can take care of themselves just fine, and they don't have a challenged intellect.
So I guess you're the kinda guy who'd rather let a door slam a lady in the face, rather than open it for her, then? :p

10-Sep-2009, 01:15 PM
So I guess you're the kinda guy who'd rather let a door slam a lady in the face, rather than open it for her, then? :p

Nope, I'm not that kind of guy. I respect all people equally.

10-Sep-2009, 02:26 PM
when you say "Watch your language, there are ladies present" or anything to that effect. The ladies can take care of themselves just fine, and they don't have a challenged intellect.

Fair comment...