View Full Version : "I pledge" video

09-Sep-2009, 04:40 AM
If this has been posted before, I apologize in advance.
I just became aware of this video and I can't believe how absurd this is.
Stupid and scary.

09-Sep-2009, 06:14 AM
I pledge not to take the pledge.

Only a fool would serve the Ass Clown.





09-Sep-2009, 08:29 AM
Stupid and scary.
What's my pledge? To continue to see through the bullshit and completely ignore brainwashing televisual filth such as that.

The ending was utterly chilling.

09-Sep-2009, 10:47 AM
hmm, you can't win with aspirational adverts...

09-Sep-2009, 11:01 AM
yeah, servant to a politician, that's how i wanna be remembered. http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/4651/jerkoff1.gif

09-Sep-2009, 12:08 PM
i pledge to make every attempt to hold down my breakfast after watching that.

thanks lee, that's creepier than most horror movies i've seen lately.

starting to even talk about serving politicians is a tip-toe down the road to tyranny.

09-Sep-2009, 12:13 PM
Thats too much work for me.

Besides, no good deed goes unpunished.

09-Sep-2009, 12:18 PM
yeah, servant to a politician, that's how i wanna be remembered.

correct me if i'm wrong but isn't that sumbitch supposed to be serving us?

09-Sep-2009, 02:44 PM
And y'all just noticing this silliness now? Why? And here I'd thought it had been successfully ignored eight months ago.

I saw the same video back in February and couldn't begin to name more than three or four people that appear in it. It would be the same circumstance if it were sports, NASCAR, country music stars or talk radio pundits scrambling to cash-in on "patriotism."

I blame y'all for making these people the least bit relevant because I sure as hell didn't do it. On the way to self-righteous indignation, be sure to collectively pat yourselves on the back for allowing trash movies, television, music, radio and sports to dominate American culture.

09-Sep-2009, 03:33 PM
Thats over 6 months old, I have no idea why it has any validity except for something for the right to talk about.

Here since were bringing up old stuff. Here, relax in your neo conservative pat, bathe in the warm waters of patriotism and free market dogma. mmm do you feel it?

09-Sep-2009, 03:38 PM
I Pledge...

to collectively pat myself on the back for allowing trash movies, television, music, radio and sports to dominate American culture.

09-Sep-2009, 04:00 PM
Thats over 6 months old,
It's nearly 9 months old.

I Pledge...

to collectively pat myself on the back for allowing trash movies, television, music, radio and sports to dominate American culture.

09-Sep-2009, 04:01 PM
I'm a liberal and I pledged 8 years of my life to the United States Military in 2006 under a president I hated.

I'm glad the concept of doing something rather easy and small like the video suggested is bowing down to liberal mandates!

How the right goes from ignoring the huge deficit, the torture, the wars for no reason, domestic spying and blindly loving the conservative Government; Then jumps on the all government is evil bandwagon. Rather flip floppy.

09-Sep-2009, 05:14 PM
I'm a liberal and I pledged 8 years of my life to the United States Military in 2006 under a president I hated.

As an enlisted man, how is the 9/11 GI Bill (http://www.gibill.va.gov/GI_Bill_Info/benefits.htm) working out for you?

09-Sep-2009, 06:54 PM
How the right goes from ignoring the huge deficit, the torture, the wars for no reason, domestic spying and blindly loving the conservative Government.

The Bush administration was Conservative?:lol:

NeoCon at best.

It's why so many Conservatives broke ties with the Republican party and became Independents.

You claim to be Liberal, but I believe you mean you are a "Progressive". Conservatives are the true Liberals (at least in the true sense of the word).

And, us right-wingers don't hate the government. We simply want small government held firmly under the thumb of the people. What is wrong with that?



09-Sep-2009, 07:02 PM
And, us right-wingers don't hate the government. We simply want small government held firmly under the thumb of the people.
Of course, that's what everyone claims they want, but in reality, they're more than happy to live complacently under the rule of corporate masters and call it "democracy" or "freedom."

09-Sep-2009, 07:51 PM
Of course, that's what everyone claims they want, but in reality, they're more than happy to live complacently under the rule of corporate masters and call it "democracy" or "freedom."

I pledge to eat more Pop Tarts (TM) and wash them down with warm, flat Pepsi (TM).




09-Sep-2009, 08:20 PM
the thing that any rational person, right wing or left, ought to find disturbing about the vid is the notion of serving the political whims of one person, as if he were some sort of feudal lord that you owe allegiance to.


09-Sep-2009, 08:24 PM
I pledge to eat more Pop Tarts (TM) and wash them down with warm, flat Pepsi (TM).
Don't forget to drive your gas-guzzling Hummer® to Wal-Mart when you pick-up your soft drinks and processed food products.

Save money, live better and let freedom® ring!

09-Sep-2009, 08:32 PM
Save money, live better and let freedom® ring!

you owe dick cheney $17.85 for that.

09-Sep-2009, 08:40 PM
you owe dick cheney $17.85 for that.

Oh gosh darnit, and now he's gonna donate my hard-earned money to his freedom center (http://news.aol.com/article/protest-over-cheney-center-as-university/660934).

"I've had it up to here with the likes of you guys!"

09-Sep-2009, 08:55 PM
Oh gosh darnit, and now he's gonna donate my hard-earned money to his freedom center (http://news.aol.com/article/protest-over-cheney-center-as-university/660934).

i wonder if they sell cheney's brand of bird shot in the gift shop.

09-Sep-2009, 10:09 PM




10-Sep-2009, 02:43 AM
It's nearly 9 months old.

What difference does it make if it's 9 months old or 9 days old? The point is how screwed up it is.

10-Sep-2009, 02:49 AM

10-Sep-2009, 07:23 AM



10-Sep-2009, 09:59 AM
I wonder if bush had done this......

we'd probably have a thread full of "fuck yeah"s and stars and stripes.

10-Sep-2009, 12:46 PM




"i pledge to only support green superheroes like the hulk."

10-Sep-2009, 01:17 PM
I pledge not to take the pledge.

Only a fool would serve the Ass Clown.





Loved it! And I feel the same way about the overall message of the video. I will not submit to any one human being. Wether it be Obama, Buddha or Jesus.

10-Sep-2009, 04:15 PM
I will not submit to any one human being. Wether it be Obama, Buddha or Jesus.

Would you submit to Jenna Jameson?



I watched the original video again and, other than Kutchner and Moore, I can not identify any of these people. Who is that "funk of the funk of the funk" weirdo with the tattoos?

10-Sep-2009, 04:29 PM
Anthoney Kiedis, lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

10-Sep-2009, 04:41 PM
I clicked the link,

Got as far as "demi moore & ashton kutcher's..." before I closed the Window.

Couldn't be bothered.

Another celebrity video telling me how to vote/think?

I'll pass.

(for the record, I support the President.)

(But I'm just So. Damn. Weary. of celebrity activists.)

10-Sep-2009, 06:02 PM
I just realized that arguing with the right is just a big waste of time.

We already control the White house
We already control both chambers of congress. I just became so use to it over the past 8 years that It became instinct, but now I realize its just a waste of time. There's nothing to argue about, we won and its simple as that. Now its the rights turn to claw desperately down from the bottom of the hill.

10-Sep-2009, 09:52 PM
We already control the White house
We already control both chambers of congress.

So why not just ignore the Right and ram any and all of Obama's ideas right down our throats? What seems to be the problem?



10-Sep-2009, 10:34 PM
Because its quite fun to gloat about how horrid the Republicans were crushed during the election. A half black one term senator with a funny sounding name beat a Vietnam Veteran who was also a POW and long term senator. Not only did he beat him. He beat him by over 10 million votes. 53>45%.

He carried states that haven't gone Democratic is a good while. Mine (Indiana) hasn't gone blue since 1964. He also snagged Virginia, North Carolina and a a district in Nebraska(He did pretty well in Texas for a democrat too)The democrats took 60 seats in the house and have a strong majority in the house.

So you can go drop some little hot sauce packets from taco bell or tea or whatever you guys are dumping into the water. Wave your hands in the air like a 14 year old girl at a Jonas brothers concert about how he's not a real American (And look equally silly).

You can take guns to town hall meetings and paint Hitler mustaches on the president and scream about how the Governments trying to kill your grandmother(The grandmother who gets medicare and social security checks)

The GOP is with out any real leadership, lead by talking heads on Fox news and thrice divorced drug addicted radio talk show hosts, who all hypocritically beseech family values.

Your elected officials make Congress look like the British parliament by shouting during the presidents speech.

Your elected officials who cheat on their wives then refuse to resign claiming that they're different then that other guy whose resignation they called for.

I don't have to ram anything down your throat, your slitting your own.

11-Sep-2009, 02:22 AM
Because its quite fun to gloat about how horrid the Republicans were crushed during the election. A half black one term senator with a funny sounding name beat a Vietnam Veteran who was also a POW and long term senator. Not only did he beat him. He beat him by over 10 million votes. 53>45%.

He carried states that haven't gone Democratic is a good while. Mine (Indiana) hasn't gone blue since 1964. He also snagged Virginia, North Carolina and a a district in Nebraska(He did pretty well in Texas for a democrat too)The democrats took 60 seats in the house and have a strong majority in the house.

So you can go drop some little hot sauce packets from taco bell or tea or whatever you guys are dumping into the water. Wave your hands in the air like a 14 year old girl at a Jonas brothers concert about how he's not a real American (And look equally silly).

You can take guns to town hall meetings and paint Hitler mustaches on the president and scream about how the Governments trying to kill your grandmother(The grandmother who gets medicare and social security checks)

The GOP is with out any real leadership, lead by talking heads on Fox news and thrice divorced drug addicted radio talk show hosts, who all hypocritically beseech family values.

Your elected officials make Congress look like the British parliament by shouting during the presidents speech.

Your elected officials who cheat on their wives then refuse to resign claiming that they're different then that other guy whose resignation they called for.

I don't have to ram anything down your throat, your slitting your own.

Back to the question. Why, with the Democratic Party now basically in full control of the US government, aren't they going full speed ahead with their agenda? They have all the votes they need within their own party to make it so. Or do they?



11-Sep-2009, 05:21 AM
Back to the question. Why, with the Democratic Party now basically in full control of the US government, aren't they going full speed ahead with their agenda? They have all the votes they need within their own party to make it so. Or do they?



He can't answer that...and he won't.

11-Sep-2009, 06:06 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) - Handing the new administration a big win, House Democrats passed President Barack Obama's $787 billion plan to resuscitate the economy on Friday despite a wall of Republican opposition. The bill was approved 246-183.

Actually, the Democrats can, and they have.

And more than likely will continue to do so.

Wheter you agree with thier policies or hate them,
the fact is they are the party in power and the
Republicans are not.

And they ARE using thier majority to push thier agenda foward.

For the sake of everyone, I would hope that it works and not fails
cuz its all we got now.

11-Sep-2009, 07:47 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) - Handing the new administration a big win, House Democrats passed President Barack Obama's $787 billion plan to resuscitate the economy on Friday despite a wall of Republican opposition. The bill was approved 246-183.

For the sake of everyone, I would hope that it works and not fails
cuz its all we got now.





"Your elected officials make Congress look like the British parliament by shouting during the presidents speech."

Okay. :lol:

11-Sep-2009, 12:56 PM
One can find articles saying they are succeeding
or failing:


Trade, jobless claims figures show recession fades(AP)

WASHINGTON – The ending of the recession is reviving global trade, increasing U.S. imports by a record amount in July and boosting foreign demand for American goods for a third straight month.

While the job market remains a long way from recovering, first-time claims for unemployment benefits fell more than expected last week, offering some cause for optimism.....


The point is that both of you asked why the Democrats are
not using their majority to push thier agenda foward.
The answer is, they are.

You didnt ask if the bills they couldnt pass but did are

I think we need them to suceed.
I certianly did not wish the Bush/Cheney era
to be such a problem. I would have much preferred
if things turned out different as I don't think of Bush
as an evil man. Its insane to want your government
to fail as well as the country.

I truly do not understand this extreme partisanship.
and to be clear I mean:

partisanship (noun)-an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.

13-Sep-2009, 06:59 AM
The point is that both of you asked why the Democrats are not using their majority to push thier agenda foward.
The answer is, they are.

Yes, the "stimulus" plan was rushed through in direct violation of Barry's promise for Sunshine in government. He lied.

I should have been more specific. What I was getting at is why ObamaCare has not been rammed down the opposition's collective throats (us being on the ropes and all ;) ). I believe the primary reason for this is that the Moderate and Conservative Democrats are losing faith in BO, thus, even though Democrats have the numbers in the House and Senate, Barry can't get the votes he needs to "ram it". Plus hordes of gun-owning, Bible-thumping, pick-up trucking God and lucking, "white trash", "racist", "redneck", tax paying, voters have a lot to do with it also. :lol:

I think we need them to suceed.
I certianly did not wish the Bush/Cheney era
to be such a problem. I would have much preferred
if things turned out different as I don't think of Bush
as an evil man. Its insane to want your government
to fail as well as the country.

I did not think of Bush as "evil" per se, just kind of ass-clownish. My wife, who spent her childhood summers in Kennebunkport Maine at her grandmother's house, was a big time supporter of President W. She also supported McCain and darn near threatened me at gunpoint to vote for the old boy. Rest assured, I did not.

As for wanting the government to fail: only if what they are attempting to do goes against the grain of my Conservative values. The GOP lost me as a supporter well over a decade ago as they shifted hard toward the middle.

And I certainly do not want America to fail. America is not its government.

I truly do not understand this extreme partisanship.
and to be clear I mean:

partisanship (noun)-an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.

Don't mistake my disdain for Barry Soetoro as support for the GOP. Whereas W was an assclown, BO is THE ultimate Assclown.

And those turdballs in the first video? Other than Kutchner and Moore (and now the funk-o-funk guy from Red Hot Chili Peppers) I still don't know who they are (other than "famous" people).



Another video. This one would have been great even without the Borg or Ronald McDonald references. Don't watch this while tripping :lol:
